Install macOS as a meme

>install macOS as a meme
>think i'll just use it occasionally to make screenshots that trigger Sup Forums
>can't stop using it
>barely boot into GNU/Linux anymore

what happened?!

its what gnome dreams of being

>what happened?!

you frogposted then expected anyone to believe you

hating on macOS is a meme. shit's pretty ok.

> then expected anyone to believe you

what do you mean by that user?

Not sure if trolling, but I'm in a similar boat OP. I picked up a broken 2011 MacBook Pro for $50 on Craigslist. Planned on just fixing it and selling, but it's become my everyday carry laptop. For homework it's a lot easier to work on than my 14" Lenovo due to the glorious glass touchpad. Even installed Cisco AnyConnect and Windows Remote Desktop so I can do some light work on it. I certainly wouldn't replace my Windows desktop, but I'm pretty pleased overall.

>I certainly wouldn't replace my Windows desktop

are you a gamer or do you need Windows for work related shit?! Visual Studio, .NET shit?

You caught the "gay" disease

I like Gnome more.

Nothing, MacOS is the best OS out there, it has the software compability of Windows and the flexibility of a Unix system while looking better than both Windows and any Linux DE

MacOS is okay
Apple hardware is utter shit though

The default setup is shit.

whats a good setup then

I left it for Windows 10 Enterprise. Much better out of the box.

Currently on hackintosh. It's comfy as fuck. I barely touch my windows boot anymore since I can use VM to play eroge.

>while looking better than both Windows and any Linux DE
That's debatable; I personally don't like how MacOS looks. I am seriously loving KDE Plasma, but it's still in early stages and has a lot of bugs. I will definitely install it as my main DE once it becomes more usable.
But in general, looks are subjective.

fuck off

>triggered autismo

How lazy of you. :(

Once you install the brew package manager, iterm2, a hipster shell, a tiling windows resizer, start installing stuff using brew cask instead of downloading dmg files from shady websites, macOS is a good daily driver.
Also you can play touhou via wine

It's called "coming out of the closet", OP.

>t. mactoddler

It has deadbeef so its not too shit i guess.

>install macos
>cant detect hdd
>cache is fucked
>still waiting on root device
>boot flags wont work
>eventually get it to load to a grey screen with beach ball of death freezes 10 minutes later
>delete and go back to dual boot set up.

xfce looks and works better

Thanks for that app, lad.

My only problem with macOS is the navigation. It sucks. The window navigation buttons are tiny and on the left side, which is probably one of the most counterintuitive graphic design decisions I've ever seen. Not only is it counter-intuitive, but the buttons don't really seem to do what they imply. Closing an app doesn't quit it, which makes the minimize button redundant, and the "maximize" button doesn't really maximize. I'm also not a big fan of the top bar + bottom dock combo. It's just unnecessary and takes up too much screen real estate. Really ugly and makes using the computer kind of a chore.

Yes, I know what keyboard shortcuts are. Still, the UI is a bitch to use.

baby duck syndrome everyone. the buttons dont interact with programme they interact with the gui and do exactly what they imply

all of these issues can be solved lol

what the fuck. Its like saying you hate windows cause the default wallpaper sucks because you have no idea how to change it.

All these replies.... Are you fuckers stupid? You can't install macOS on not-mac pc.

>You can't install macOS on not-mac pc.

I want to leave this board. Nu-Sup Forums is so fucking dumb.

while its obvious hes just trolling you at least try. how can you complain about "nu G" whilst posting pepe. hes the one who reminds me of pre 2012 post 2007, you remind me of post 2015

>t. too poor to own a mac so i used one for 5 minutes

>feelsbadmanfrog is post 2015

wew lad

Have you also had a recent desire to suck cock?

>the buttons dont interact with programme they interact with the gui
I fully understand this. I just don't like it.

>all of these issues can be solved lol
correct me if I'm wrong because I don't know shit about macOS but it is my understanding that you can't move the navigation buttons to the right side or change their size.
and the navigation bar is almost like a right-click that never goes away.


no but i for sure love using the bash terminal, brew, integrated programming capabilities, all these sweet shortcuts and the functionality of this Unix OS that just werks and won't break for me and is also compatible with pretty much all the software you could ever need.

yeah dude ofc thats not true. You can customize all of that if you really wanted to. Moving the taskbar is no problem. Closing programs can be done from anywhere with a simple ctrl+Q instead of clicking the x. You can install i3 like window managers. Its just a sweet OS.

>guy states personal opinion as politely as possible
>McToddlers get bent, incapable of recognizing and accepting dissenting opinions
every time

Look, I agree with you and fully understand where you're coming from. macOS is a nice, stable OS but cosmetically speaking, navigation is kind of a pain. I still like macOS despite its design flaws.

>You can customize all of that if you really wanted to. Moving the taskbar is no problem.
I did not know that.
>Closing programs can be done from anywhere with a simple ctrl+Q instead of clicking the x.
I really don't like being limited to a keyboard shortcut.
>You can install i3 like window managers.
I don't like the idea of having to install third-party software to do something as simple as managing windows.
>Its just a sweet OS.
I agree with you. It's visually beautiful and the ecosystem is top-notch. It's just that I don't necessarily care for the setup.

>I really don't like being limited to a keyboard shortcut.

many programs on windows don't close either and get put into the background. Its normal my dude. There are also some on macOS that simply close when you press the X button. Deluge for example (it behaves the same in Windows).

You can always just press the CLOSE button in the menu. You have to do that in windows aswell.

>i dont like the idea of installing third-party software

what the fuck ?! So you only use stock OS software or what?

what do you use to make opened apps have a line instead of the dot?

>what the fuck ?! So you only use stock OS software or what?
You cut me off. I said I don't like the idea of using third party software to do something as simple as managing windows. Of course I use third-party software all the time, just not for window management.

Slightly unrelated question:
I currently have Sierra installed on my computer but it's being a bit Ram hungry.
Shall I downgrade to El capitan or just make a fresh install of Sierra?
I don't have an iPhone nor I use Siri, so most of its features are useless to me

I was considering moving over to OS X but Q10 is getting Project Neon. With the revelations of wikileaks, no point for muh privacy reasons

Do what you want with your life who cares

So you are bicurious?

You're to smart too boot into GNU/Linux now. It happens.

beware you may become homosexual hipster faggot

cDock 2.

>I said I don't like the idea of using third party software to do something as simple as managing windows.

well of course all of this depends on your actual needs. You can use something like Spectacle + Ubersicht on macOS and go fucking crazy and basically use the OS as if its i3 on Linux.

The difference is macOS uses multiple desktops and you have so many shortcuts where you can switch between all the desktops etc - its slightly different to what Windows is doing and then ofc Windows is Windows and the name kind of demands that it has good Window management. They might also have some patents for their shit. Idk.

Ok Alexey

what do the jews have to do with your finder my dude?!?!

You realized that you never needed Linux because you were always a casual. macOS is fine.

Na, I much prefer gnome over it and it's objectively a much better desktop but I really wish the devs would stop holding themselves back just for the sake of being different. Dash to dock really should be the default behavior.

>you were always a casual
>all of apple uses macOS and they build the most valuable tech company in history with it

rly meks u fink

If I got all their hardware and multiple monitors, for free I'd be using it too. :^)

They'd have to pay me a bonus to use it.

>start putting dicks in my ass as a meme
>think I'll start doing it occasionally to take photos that trigger straight guys
>can't stop doing it
>barely have any interest in women anymore

what happened?!

Would you say it's become your "Daily Driver"?

ITT: iCucks shilling their shitty products and trying to forget about their buyers remorse

uhm no sweetie. Did you read the thread?! macOS users arent necessarily Apple Hardware buyers.

>that dock
>oi vey!

People like you makes me laugh, ha ha ha.
Never heard of "hackintosh" ? :^)

As a white techie I'm happy with Gentoo.

>GTX 670
>Asus Mobo with a BIOS flash to make it Hackintosh compatible
>Clover UEFI

Hot fuck it's nice having a Macintosh alternative rather than some clunky Hackintosh. Taking the effort out to setup a Hackintosh properly rather than hacking everything together with pre-made guides and software makes the experience so much better.

I love being able to unlock the desktop with my Watch and sending texts/answering calls on my desktop too.

The only issue is that the desktop periodically wakes from sleep to fetch mail/etc, and while that's all good and fine with an actual Macintosh with quiet fans, it's sometimes spoopi for my computer to come roaring on at 4am and the backlit keyboard flood my room with light.

macOS uses your free ram for caching to make everything faster. if anything should need that ram it's freed instantly
unused ram is wasted ram

You have a VERY nice taste in music.

>macOS is the only OS that uses cache in the ram
Why are mactoddlers so technologically retarded?

Why the fuck are you so bad at reading comprehension and throwing words in to the poster's mouth?

>hey guys why is my OS using so much RAM
>it's because it's caching data, dw tho it'll free up cached ram for active programs immediately

a-am i being baited, hard?

it's the only one that uses it extensively
if windows tried that you'd have too many retards complaining that all their ram was gone

What's with all the Macfag shills lately? Your shitty little operating system has less than 7% marketshare and is on the edge of fucking extinction

>on the edge of extinction
>apple has 100B+ cash in the bank
>more than a lot of countries
>no debt

lol ....... nice try microsoft shill gaymer pajeet

I'm not talking about the money you cock gobbling faggot ass bitch. I'm talking about the sad as fuck marketshare Applel has. If Macs are so great, then why don't they have more marketshare huh?

include iOS and Apple pretty much owns the OS market since most people compute via their phones nowadays anyway.

3rd world shitholes that run on android don't need to apply.

You fell in love with a dying OS. Well done. Now get a Windows Phone too.

>Completely ignoring Android

Kek you Macfags are dumb as shit.

Android and Windows and Linux rule the fucking world.....Fucking deal with it

Mac OS is nice but has issues like every other operating system. It's better than Windows 10 or Debian.

Mac OSX is the best operating system because it only uses one application file and doesn't place files all over the fucking place.

>liking the look of KDE
You have seriously shit taste

Look for market share in first world countries, excluding server OSes, then come back and admit you're wrong

Where can I get a mac os disk image?

>tfw got a 2008 MacBook
>tfw can't install anything past Lion



>look for market share except windows and linux and then come back and admit youre wrong

I don't want to go on the pirate bay for this. I cannot get the one from Apple because I don't have a mac.


Oh okay you don't know either. Couldn't you just tell that straight away or better yet leave your comment unposted because you aren't contributing anything.

Hackintosh Sierra has legit gave me less trouble than current Ubuntu

No, I do know. But then you posted , ruling out both possible options.

So you're shit out of luck.

>what happened?!
you got red pilled on the best OS out there

hackintosh works better on my pc then windows 10.

>expecting hackintosh to just werk on your mom's e-machines computer
>not knowing how to follow the easy to use instructions on the web

don't say 'navigation' when you mean user interface pajeet

we're not impressed with your bengali neologisms

easiest way is the following

>run macOS in VM (lots of Tutorials on how to do that on YT)
>open AppStore
>download legit macOS Sierra from Apple
>put image on USB stick or transfer to hosts drive
>flash a USB stick with OS

go to tonymacs forum and read up on the process on how to install, check your hardware and try to figure out if its possible to do a succesful post installation

its really easy to actually install but once you did that things get tricky. Ethernet Driver, Audio Driver etc. Similiar to what you have to face when you install some weird Linux Distro.

That was the point, faggot.
>look at windows, android, linux, and all other operating systems that arent mac os x and ios
>see how little market share you have now

>>run macOS in VM (lots of Tutorials on how to do that on YT)

And now he needs an image!

Why is it so hard for Sup Forums to admit that for non gamer, non exxxtreme power user hacker types, that MacOS is better for most people? It doesn't shove ads in your face all the time, it doesn't force you to update, it doesn't have a wildly inconsistent UI, it has enough market share that it has apps that Linux doesn't (professional level video and photo editing software, LIGHT games, some other professional software that only supports MacOS and Windows). If Apple released a $500 computer, their market share would skyrocket, because MacOS is better than Windows and normies know that.

>what are pre packed torrents of macos images

This. You COULD run it if Applel allowed you to.....But no, go fuck yourself and buy a brand new Mac toy just to get the OS your machine should be able to run

>Le it just weeks tee hee

lots of these jewtubers provide links to images or just check the comments