
10/10 albums edition

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this is the non-JF thread get in here

crayon pop

making an arrangement


Real thread




i'll be staying here thank you


Only one person wished me happy birthday.

I like the nodding, dope-addict look

degeneracy BTFO


Fury, who is unbeaten in 25 professional fights, added he was "hating every second" of being a world champion.

"Boxing doesn't mean a lot to me," he said. "If it did, I wouldn't have eaten all the pies, drunk every pint of beer in Lancashire and gone into camp four stone overweight.

"I wish I wasn't a boxer. I hate every second of training and I hate speaking to all you idiots. I'd rather be at home with the kids watching television and eating sweets.

"But I'm just too good at it to stop. It's easy money, knocking over a few bums.

"I'm not motivated for the fight. I hope he winds the clock back and puts me into next week. Then I can retire, get fat and go on loads of holidays."

>successfully use English proxy for 3 mo+

>call someone an ass and get discovered

lads if you moved into an unfurnished flat so had to furnish it yourself, when you move out is it socially acceptable to ask your landlord if they want to buy the furniture off you?

it's a win-win really, they'd get a furnished flat and can charge more in rent and I don't have to go through the ball ache of selling/moving all my furniture which I won't need when I move into my new furnished flat anyway

Happy birthday

>when you're supposed to be going out with your boy but he brings his gf

It's not even noon and I already came inside my gf twice today.

She just had a shower and left to buy some ingredients so she can make brunch, I haven't even left the bed yet haha.

This is the life tbqh.

what did he say about the jews?

>ahh yes, it's a "thread autism"episode

no, you fucking socially inept whore


who /emo/ here

Bought some dresses yesterday

They cheap and from China, not even a weeks worth of bennies

Got some more tights too

Should probably ask if they want to buy/contribute to furniture when you get it in the first place

haven't got to that bit yet will update

Happy birthday lad. I just got here.
I love you.
Where are we heading for a pint?

Exam at 2pm, lads. It's on colonialism. Kinda worried I'm gonna get failed for telling the truth that it wasn't so bad after all and the pooinloos are just complaining for attention.

>all these fucking generals trying to steal aussies for their own

French and pro-EU
True /brit/, euroskeptic, pro-anglo, pro-commonwealth, pro-family.

hahahaha.... hehehe...


fag country

listening to hate forest

go big or go home

americans dress so bad


>when you're supposed to be going out with your wife but she brings her boyfriend


Just started raining haha, monsoon.

That's what /lgbt/ can a "hon trap"

>failing an exam over an opinion

UK stronk

Hbd, why don't you have family

>electing a nigger as president

USA stronk

why dress modestly if you're doing it to get off?

he wouldn't unless the teacher was unprofessional.

As long as the opinion is well argued and referenced it would be fine desu.

Help Poleaboo pick his girl name


Ever been to a university? You suck dick opinions to get a first.

>those socks
>fleece and shorts

unironically drinking a tequila sunrise

>why aren't they wearing their turbans???|| HARAM!

LMAO I cant breathe. Your country is a J O K E

trump toothpaste confirmed

The pub in Leicester Square

says the cuck who's only reputable city just elected a MUSLIM fucking mayor

This. Did a whole essay pretending inequality was bad, hurr durr, the underclass etc got a first

I kinda want to transition/pass now

>60% white

London is not representative of the UK, it's a city-state filled with mudslimes. However, you elected a mudslime nignogwigwog as president TWICE which is worse.

>Whole country
>One city
Ah yes, we really have no ground to stand on

>as if that's even comparable

no you don't
have a wank and you'll feel right as rain

yanks getting blown out


3:30: We don't shag men, we don't shag kids

6:00: Vladimir is a bisexual, he swings both ways

7:25: Within the next 10 years it would be normal to have sex with animals, your pets, cats and dogs, you're already allowed to marry them.

8:00: If you wanna shag animals while licking your cats minge it's ok, it will be made legal

9:25: Follow the government like sheep, be brainwashed by all the zionist jewish people who own all the papers, all the banks, all the tv stations

This is the current RULER of Britain.... LOL..... ok now im just being mean

*blows you*


The anti-depressant gimmick has been the most lucrative scandal ever invented by the jews, it's very impressive really.

what's the plan for today then lads?

Fuck off westmids

The mayor can't be prime minister lad.

Prep for Eurovision tonight

Abba are apparently supporting our act.

>wearing shorts without trainer socks
>wearing jackets and jumpers with shorts
>brown chinos with a black trackie

i'm not even /fa/ and this is shit

And then the feelings come back again in a hour or two


do any non-benders actually watch this?

>why yes, I do need pills to function in society

need a tights gf

I like the commentary

It's my birthday today :)


'Gas the kikes race war now'

>prep for Eurovision

What does that involve? Self-loathing?


fuck off liar

yup, that's the curse of being born a male
trying to be a girl isn't the answer though, you're falling into a trap that has claimed a lot of lives

brilliant post desu

Good lad

sorry to offend you man here's some traditional british garb


sensing a lot of underage angst itt

>spam anime, kpop and touhou on different boards
>finish a packet of hobnobs off
>shitpost gimmicks constantly
>maybe watch a film

happy b day buddy! hope it's a good one!


what's a tights gf lads?

What is it with you and chinks?

I j-just wanted someone to say 'happy birthday' to me...

I'll just go then. Sorry for bothering you, mate.

Who /still absolutely steaming from last night/ here

10:40: They might make it legal for 4-5 men to grab a granny and rape her in public

12:45: Men are shagging men then shagging their gfs. She's got someones dirty arse up her cunt, she's obviously gonna have 100 partners minimum, spreading all these diseases. Filth. Pure filth.

14:20: What is normal? I'll just change into a woman that's normal today. What is the need in all this shit?

>some immigrants with cardboard and a sharpie

ah yes very good

is that jo brand with anorexia

Sup Forums tradition.
It's memtastic.

happy birthday lad. how old?


good post. upvoted

How about a bf?

I don't want to be one of those guys still feeling this way when I'm 50