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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
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SENPAI PLEASE , regex for this:
All strings over the alphabet {a, b} that do not contain the substring aaa.
Does anyone know if its possible to train a Neural Net to output ASM from C code? Or something similar
so im having a bit of an issue.
ive got an old laptop. MSI GX600. im trying to refurbish it so that i can give it to a family member. the hardware is all good (as far as i can tell) but it refuses to accept an operating system.
ive tried win 7, win 10, linux mint, and ubuntu. win 7 just refuses to install period. but 10 and the linux distros will go through and fully install on the hard drive successfully with no errors. when i try to boot from the drive that the operating system was just installed on it reads that nothing is there and just goes straight to the bios boot menu or any other bootable option that it can find that is enabled in the bios.
what in the actual fuck am i doing wrong? ive tried every combination of partitions and and formats and operating systems that i can think of and i still get the same result.
please help.
What is the best programming language?
Go to PC building general.
you can't regex this.
you can however exclude all character repetitions.
but a only you cannot.
I got an i7-5960X for $500 today. It sill has 1.5 years of warranty. Did I fuck up, g?
Depends on your requirements
sell it for much profits.
what can i use to remove the win10 spyware shit from win7
That's what I plan to do, but gonna use it until my E5-2699v3 arrives. What do you think would be a sensible price?
what would be a good topic to talk about related to cyber ethics?
what sort of hardware should i get for aserver that is almost entirely an indexed array? looking to make a browser..
CIA leak
>cyber ethics
women in IT
yeah i was planning to do that one but i was hoping to look for a more obscure topic
maybe a longshot, but has anyone gotten an asus z170-e mobo to work with the asus thunderbolt 3 expansion card?
main issue is that asus doesn't have the z170-e listed in their compatible mobos for the expansion card, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. crux of the matter is whether a vaguely budget mobo's PCIe setup has any barrier for dropping the 2nd x16 lane down to x4 speed (1st is used by a discrete graphics card). my hunch is the z170-e was released after asus' first wave of z170 boards and they never bothered updating the compatibility list but I wanted to check before wasting time returning it to the 'zon.
anyways here are the spec pages:
How did MTP become so widespread? Because it fucking sucks.
it works.
what would you rather have?
I was fucking around with EVGA Precision XOC, turned my GPU offset too high, and now when I boot my computer up the GPU locks up a few seconds after I get to my desktop and completely prevents me from interacting with the PC besides a hard shutdown.
How do I fix this with the minimum possible effort?
X86 assembly
nope friend, still doesn't work :(
thoughts on this build?
plug your monitor cable in motherboard instead of GPU (use integrated GPU), fix your shit, plug back again
you can't just throw us a spec and not give any context friend
what are you going to do with it?
but it did tho, didn't select no "aaa" or combination with "aaa"
it's not possible, user.
sorry im trying to go for $800-$900 gaming pc
unless you REALLY need them storage spaces, SSD is a bajillion times better than any HDD and this is imperically true
no it fucking doesnt my friend, look how it still chooses 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab' because its too retarded to not know that the string have all the fucking 'aaa' up his ass
I'd go further than the storage, look for 6th-gen intel CPUs on sale if the extra cash for a 7600k and aftermarket hsf isn't in your budget. imo kaby lake probably isn't worth the extra speed for the money.
Boot into safe mode
SSD, Gold PSU and for most people IPS is a win, depending on how hard you dig first person shooters.
Where am I supposed to set this?
Should I Sup Forums? I'm really really tempted. All those thread would be delicious for my video encoding and editing. I only aim for 60fps @ 1440p for gaming as well. I currently have a 6700k that would be sold off.
Alright, I suspected that might be the case. I didn't have time to fuck with it this morning before heading to work. I'll try that when I get home.
Is Foobar better then MPC for playing music?
How can I nicely set up Foobar?
>Replacing a 6700K
>With a Ryzen
Haha, get a load of this retard you guys.
no. wait till cyber monday
Either find a setup you already like for it from someone else, or just spend some time configuring it. It's not that hard.
>Either find a setup you already like for it from someone else
My old Nvidia card started stuttering all of sudden.
I replaced it with an AMD GPU but it's also stuttering and not performing as well as it should.
Is my motherboard the most likely culprit or is it something else?
I need video editing software for a friend, something mainstream and functional enough for someone who hasn't used it to pick up quickly. Running win10, budget - $0.00
Am I wasting my time hunting for Final Cut or some other proprietary? Is there a decent free alternative?
Probably either software or disk i/o
Googling. Deviant art. A "show off your foobar" thread on your favorite tech forum.
A guy posted a screenshot of his foobar on headfi that I liked, so I asked him for his config.
You've expended your stupid question ration.
which upload sites are goot to use? need to upload 3 pdfs with like 100-200mb each.
last time i uploaded something mediafire was the shit because no restrictions. dont want the people to download with 100kbs or something
Yo ho yo ho yeee treasure you search for is on pirates bay under the name of premier
Alright, thanks brother.
>have garbage slow american internet
>upload image file to chinese cartoon imageboard
>connection error
>whole internet connection goes out for 30 seconds
>ISP assigns me a new IP address
>rinse repeat
Is there anything I can do here?
davinci resolve
You can also use blender, I didn't like it last time I uses it tho
call your ISP
har har ha'bliged cully
Try differ boot media, another hdd/ssd if possible barring that try and install to a usb drive
C++ probably, but I like my C# desu senpai
Spybot anti-beacon is a good start, then googlefu your way to a complete solution if that doesn't fully suit your needs
Share via googledocs
What is the typical Sup Forums anti-virus or malware checker (meme or non-meme)? Got my spotify account compromised and would like to scan my system?
I was trying to get my Odroid-C1 out of its case and I'm afraid I damaged something.
did I mess up the hdmi port or is it something more severe?
Does Temple OS work on a machine with libreboot?
did you have a nonretarded password? no the name of your dog plus your birth year is not secure
did you reuse your password between multiple sites? cloudbleed is a thing you know
Is there a Sup Forums approved/meme router everyone tends to go for? Preferably not the facehugger.
My old ASROCK 970 extreme 4 has appeared to have finally kick the bucket. What's a cheap combination of CPU and motherboard to replace with?
Anybody know if blocking skype add and update servers in the hosts file might fuck over using Git on a MS remote repo? VS remote specifically.
correct, but many modems are actually modem+router combos
a modem is in charge of connecting to your ISP's cables coming in from the street -- a "pure" modem will only have one ethernet port. it's the router half of the machine that does shit like connecting to more than one device over ethernet or running a wifi network
In one of my classes last quarter, we used GCC to make some C code compile into MIPS instructions. MIPS is an instruction set based off of RISC architecture; it's not too difficult to learn and it's commonly taught in CS classes. I believe the PS2 and Wii uses MIPS.
4chanX vs. Appchan X.
Which to use and why?
I learn MIPS at my uni
It's more about a ML question
I'm a windows user whose looking to switch to Linux, but i'm pretty new and a normie when it comes to technology, so i'm intimidated.
Can someone help me out? Do I just follow the wiki? Is Linux really that much better than Windows?
>no it fucking doesnt my friend
I was gonna help you with this but damn. Not considering you give that kind of response.
It is.
How should I prepare for a university part time wed dev job interview? It doesn't seem like they care about us knowing the tech since they will teach us. Should I review algorithms or focus on something else? I don't expect hard technical questions since there are like no requirements.
It should with a SeaBIOS payload.
user there's nobody worse than a person who can't make basic decisions for himself.
I have 6 months until I start my computer science degree. I have ZERO experience with programming and computer science.
How should I prepare myself/ what should I be doing for these next 6 months?
Which uni?
I'm not really knowledgeable enough to know the more intricate differences between the two, like if one is technically better then the other. I also thought there'd maybe be a consensus as to which was better around here.
Ohio State University
Here's my curriculum
I prefer ccd0 Sup Forums-x because it's familiar to me since I've used it for years now. It's very old at its core.
Appchanx makes broad claims and I don't think it makes any relevant advances compared to 4chanx. But it's still perfectly fine.
I bought an external Blu-Ray drive the other day. It loads CD's fine with Media Player but when I tried playing a movie it wouldn't play. It worked with Media Player Classic, but I couldn't get subtitles to work. Any idea how to get Media Player to play the DVD?
desu, in the beginning the hardest part is gonna be the maths. I started a similar CS course with pretty much no practical knowledge, but a lot of interest and tidbits. You'll be fine if you just do your coursework dutifully.
If you really wanna go into it prepared, read up on multi var calc, linear algebra and try and make a program like tic tac toe in a programming language of your choice.
Boot off a usb stick for a while see if you like. Maybe try Ubuntu mate foryour first go.
Buy a raspberry pi, its limitations can spur you to explore the system more.
Try running a tshock terria (just an example) now we're on the command line, getting shit done using remembering commands.
Youll find it works for 1 person but two or more it gets harder. Well now you have a reason to try overclock amd maybe remove and replace parts of the system for more speed.
Those are rwo suggestions.
I'm not too worried about the maths. I just feel like there's so many people going into it that are a lot more tech-y and computer smart than I am. I need a giant redpill on becoming Sup Forums desu
sry dude, please help this poor asian boi
The things that can be learnt in uni, uni will teach you regardless of background. You can read up on experience. The people you talk of have likely spent years practicing what they are doing, and you can't (and shouldn't) make up for that. Just be interested in learning and have an open mind, and you'll reach an equilibrium with most in due time. The fact you're on Sup Forums in the first place probably means you have more general knowledge of all things computers than most of the normies that start on CS courses. It's truly disgusting how many people don't even know what a registry key is, and haven't opened the commandline before when on a CS study. Or god forbid use a mac unironically.
You CAN'T read up on experience!***
I don't see the problem here..
Maybe you haven't expressed what you wanted well?
Forgot pic..
Oh, I feel ya; my b.
C++ or C depending on how much you worship Linus Torvalds.
Well desu, I'm pretty technologically normie, but not as normie as the average person for sure.
I'm also this person Idk, I feel like I should be doing something in these 6 months instead of going into the degree blind.
How long does it take to become an l33t haxxor(if I work 8-10 hrs a day)?Where do I start for it?whats the most popular and useful language to learn(both in general and for haxxing purposes).I don't have a degree(and probably never will),so am I completely useless?
I'm 19 btw,currently unemployed and a high school dropout.
I just know basic highschool level python and am new to using Debian.
I'm trying to install Gentoo and whenever I boot up my thinkpad p70 in UEFI mode, the livecd never boots up, and when I boot in BIOS or "legacy" mode, the partition table automatically adds "ESP" to the boot partition, and therefore never boots up without the livecd.
What am I doing wrong?
Visit linux general
Start with HTML/CSS/JavaScript, then pick a serverside language and master it. 3 weeks for the HTML/CSS, 3 weeks for basic JavaScript, two months for the serverside language and your lifetime to master it all.
Pick something.
When you've picked something make sure you learn the prerequisites.
Penetration testing is probably where you want to start.
Is there a way for 7-Zip on Windows to extract a .tar.gz file in one command rather than extracting the gz, then the tar?