Sup Forums how do you generate and store passwords?
Sup Forums how do you generate and store passwords?
Yes, I am THAT guy
I use my own generator and store them in Firefox with a master password.
Are you literally too retarded to see the giant watermark, dumbfuck?
What do GNU/Linux users think of Seahorse?
Currently have like 2-3 passwords I use but I'm currently making my own password manager/generator.
No one cares faggot
You cared enough to shitpost.
Store: Google Password Manger
its actually a chick. a real women with a real vagina. colored me surprise as i'm usually greatly disappointed because it typically turns out to be a fagget.
Too bad, she ugly af.
>not knowing who Lana Rain is
beta cuck detected
i really thought she was a dude at first. she has some masculine facial features. either that or they really progressed into turning penises in vaginas.
Randomly make up letters and digits and store them on my airplane mode cellphone. It's the most secure way.
the only tech company I trust nowadays is apple. so iCloud Keychain.
Not OP, but thanks for the browserpass link my man. Looks definitely comfy.
I generate the passwords with my brain and store them there as well.
I just think of a random word and change some letters to numbers and encrypt it in Gila 7
copy pasta before this thread goes 404
OP video is 2B captured by a sentient fuck machine
Lana Rain - Slutty Double Blowjob With Mari Makinami!gAt3HKYJ!X_PELIYysAZ8Al1_2kg4xRklvffgHKu2vnye_dXpQqY
Slutty Double Blowjob w Ayanami Rei:!tcsRXCCC!UM9xZJCbHun5mnn1Ucfzkl93LXcCEBLY9vRZYvt2-gc
Pink haired Pirate (Pretty sure it's this one)!pMNx2bjK!FCJpvn0xn1mAiIIJ2-J7To3ColrOjEkqUtI8qsiRK0Q
Angry Double Blowjob With Asuka!VFsQxJiC!E4__9Ge2OJYztUM_A3esz2nfFy2TFQHnO8nrUVNs8Ms
2B Captured By A Sentient Fuck Machine:!VQ1XmDZQ!upgP7tepSV2fHuRq1jRKpXY7QKf7G9KRR6yBJlJGlxU
My Lana Rain folder for more videos:!cNVBkQaI!bQ7Bd7tu1fAQMJZYVK6ZhQ
Asuna Services Enemy Guild With Her Body:!gREmUBgY!H5-lNaidMUUb-m8Iaf66YkuvXJxgDRLIE00aK6G__eM
2B Captured By A Sentient Fuck Machine:!VQ1XmDZQ!upgP7tepSV2fHuRq1jRKpXY7QKf7G9KRR6yBJlJGlxU
Yuno Corners You and Drains Your Cum:!tFtmgLZB!LnmfQrlOtz0ophug_gd8gQx_mAPbR810YYw82CmxRJI
Stocking Fucks Her Ass With A Lollipop:!tQ9Qmb6I!3QAdp3dO2xm43YkFvFnIwKwPm3Ii5P1bg0btKJbNjKM
Syringe Cum Play With Nurse Akali:!tUt0QQ7Q!SS4SlhxB90y1P7Jctnt-5sndvdNfQWyTBdTjtoIbXYg
you da real mvp
>tfw the one i'm looking for isn't there
You deserve to be buried alive in a box of spiders.
real mvp would be the other user that uploaded everything 2 days ago.
I didn't uploaded it on mega tho but kept the links
kill yourselves you fucking degenerate retards
your 3d fleshbags can't even scratch the surface of 2D, or even Androids. I seriously can't wait for sentient AI to take over and gas you trash into oblivion.
Generate: openssl rand -hex 10
Store: paper+pen
I don't trust password managers. When i was on win-blows i made my own generator that supported hex/numerals/ASCII/caps/lower etc @ different lengths. Now i just smash my keyboard encode it in base64 and store it in a veracrypt volume.
>tfw setup pass with git to keep it synced with all my devices, including phone
damn feels good phams
The dick makes it cuter, fag
Cloud storage
That's dumb
>He likes looking at dicks on trannys
>Calls someone else a fag
pwgen > superSecretFile
Is last pass still good or is compromised somehow?
I just keep them in a bunch of txt files encrypted using VeraCrypt. Only password I need to remember is the VeraCrypt one and it's both secure yet piss easy to remember.
You're trusting your passwords with a third part and they have had a previous data breach but it is a convenient service so it's up to you to decide.
That's why I want to make a password manager: so I can use completely random passwords and not have to worry about remembering them.
macfag here
>generate them with my brain
>store them in my brain also
can't hack a human mind. that won't be possible for at least another 30 years. 65 years if you want to do it inconspicuously
Why not just use one that does exactly that like keepass?
Hasn't been compromised yet. There was a breach once, but all they got was e-mails.
Even if it does, your password file should be encrypted with both your password and 2fa.
The mix of that image and the text made me read 'generate' as 'degenerate'.
>trusting 3rd parties with my passwords
>especially after all the CIA shit that's being leaked
my mum does this. Gr8 system!
I make up gibberish sentnlences and write them down on scarp paper
How do you keep track of the scrap paper?
I just use my (number if required) + my name + something about the website. I keep a draft in my Outlook account with all my passwords.
This thread is actually pretty sad. If this is what Sup Forums users do, think about the rest of the plebs.
>imblying those plebs and the ones that managed to make their way here don't deserve everything they get
they get no sympathy
>3rd parties
pwgen -cnsB1 --symbols 10 1000 | tr \/\\,\.\:\;\"\\\' \!\+\$ | openssl aes-256-cbc -e -out data.bin
to select a password
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in data.bin | cat -n | shuf -n1
to recall specific line number
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in data.bin | sed -n '138p'
What're you looking for?
Check xvideos
I use LastPass. It has a robust Secure Password Generator and also stores my passwords, form info, personal data, private notes, and so on.
I generate and store them on my HP calculator.
Keepass is still third party. I can no longer trust software to store my passwords, time to switch to diceware.
But LastPass storage data is encrypted. Not even LastPass employees can retrieve your data in the case that you forget your primary password. If a hacker somehow manages to steal those encrypted data files from LastPass servers, their only hope to get at your info is to use brute force techniques. If your primary password is a strong one, brute force is as good as useless.
>But LastPass storage data is encrypted. Not even LastPass employees can retrieve your data in the case that you forget your primary password.
So they say.
>But LastPass storage data is encrypted. Not even LastPass employees can retrieve your data in the case that you forget your primary password.
Did you audit the source code?
keepass, done.
You would rather use a password protection app whose source code is open for all to see and exploit? I generally support and champion free and open source software but not in this case.
Do you even know what encryption is? I think you better leave.
This nigger knows what he's doing.
function newpass {
gpg -v --gen-random 2 $1 | base85
lol why
Why what?
what's the point of using gpg..
Because it reads from /dev/random and blocks until there is enough entropy instead of reading the pseudo random bytes generated by /dev/urandom you pleb.
oh, you're one of those people
and you're not using every byte for ascii passwords. you don't need any better than pseudo random if you're just generating ascii passwords. this would be good for keyfiles. not ascii passwords. it's literally just wasting time. pleb.
lol even in the case of keyfiles it's more than sufficient. you need good random numbers for generating primes.
t. NSA
Read the source you just posted
>And if you're really concerned about this (you should!), please use /dev/random, and all your problems are solved.
Although /dev/random is safer than /dev/urandom 100% OF THE TIME the former is bad because it blocks.
The author fails to realize that just because a so-called CSPRNG is suppose to be secure it doesn't mean that they actually are in practice (see Dual_EC_DRBG).
The randomness poll used by /dev/random adds an extra layer of protection and it should be used for applications where time is not exactly critical (e.g., generating a password).
I think them up, write them down on paper and burn the paper once I've memorized it.
For less important passwords, I don't go full random. I use words in my native language and then mix them up into things that are gibberish but easy enough to remember, and then add numbers and characters. I believe that a long-ass password made like that works better than a shorter, totally random one.
I write them down on pen and paper and wrap it around one of my dildos, then put a condom around it, shove it right up there, and then go about my day like normal.
In my mind usually.
what the fuck man?
imblying anyone wants to take information from the babbies that inhabit a dying forum
I feel like this is weaker than choosing a random password yourself.
passphrase+sitename+something else. EG AtrialFibrillation15Fungoogle! Depending on the security level I use a different passphrase. Meets the length requirements, generally you're not going to crack it, and its easy to remember. Otherwise the standard manual lagged fib to generate my old TAILS container password.
is this a girl or a girl(male)?
>Angry Double Blowjob With Asuka
I am sickened, but curious
my password for all logins is chapstick82 has been for 10+years