It's said Ryzen is best for someone who does gaming + productivity but it looks like the i7 is the more rounded chip?
Ryzen wins in encoding and rendering definitely but it looks like an i7-7700K is better for everything else
It's said Ryzen is best for someone who does gaming + productivity but it looks like the i7 is the more rounded chip?
Ryzen wins in encoding and rendering definitely but it looks like an i7-7700K is better for everything else
Ryzen 7 is a competitor for the 6900.
It generally does what it does just as well while priced less.
That said, more multithread a program is, the better the r7 will do in relation to the 7700.
AMD really fucked up with Ryzen. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. It's bulldozer all over again.
No need to bully, my friend.
Oh god, I'm so sorry.
Wait for the fucking windows scheduler fixes.
>Single threaded workload
>$300 Intel CPU beating $1000 Intel CPU
>Percentages instead of seconds
Get this garbage benchmark outta here, faggot.
Uhh every benchmark shows the same thing, Ryzen gets rekt
That shows the exact same shit with the difference of 0.33 seconds. The $300 Intel CPU still beats the $1000 Intel CPU, too. Wow, AMD BTFO. Drink bleach, retard.
Uhh the $340 Intel CPU beats the $500 Ryzen CPU
Kill yourself.
>But it beats it in single core performance
we fucking know, how is this news? everyone on Sup Forums said that if it would have same single thread perf, it would be black magic.
Hopefully AMD will receive optimisations much in the way Intel has enjoyed them and we'll see more level performance from Ryzen.
Its a lot like polaris really, within a few months we'll see some tweaks, some optimisations, some better drivers, better firmware/bios, and in the end receive more gains in performance.
I expected Haswell level single thread performance but I was hoping the AMD Ryzen processors and motherboard will be really cheap.
They're not. Time to order an i7 6700t off ebay.
Seriously the worst part about Ryzen is the price-performance is horrible.
>Price performance
what GPU does Ryzen bottleneck?
WTF I hate AMD now!
All of them?
I expected at least 4.2GHz overclocking, but it looks like raisin struggles with 3.9GHz. Sad!
I just ordered a 7700k. I'd rather have 4 cores with 10% higher IPC and a 5GHz overclock than 8 buggy cores with 2013 IPC.
i7 7700k has almost everything squeezed out of it that's possible which is why it runs hot as balls, so it comes out slightly 'ahead' in low-threaded applications. 4-core has been around too long and is at it's end.
Ryzen is in it's infancy and while it isn't able to match low-threaded performance (yet), it wrecks intel at all levels in multi-threaded work and has the potential to be optimised way ahead of anything intel can hope to achieve short of designing a new arch. Plus moar cores = more potential going forward as things are becoming increasingly parallelised.
It's a pretty simple choice imo.
>why it runs hot as balls
Umm i7-7700k produces less heat than the 1800X
sorry, can't go to PC gamer to check your results, because they are using non-free javascripts.
I'm enjoying the trend of dumb gaymer children thinking that their quad core is now a workstation CPU. I guess Intel sells their hex and octa cores purely to suckers, because all you need is a consumer-grade i7. :^)
Why does it produce, so fucking much power?
7700k has less than half of 1800x potential power.
>waste heat
Just because there is a power equation for waste heat doesn't meant that power consumption is the same as heat production.
Drivers are actually tested
It's actually exactly the same
Power = heat
Ryzen is a housefire
Sup Forums right now
>I hate gamers! They should take any gaming related application of technology to Sup Forums!
>I need my high end consumer grade processors and GPUs because I'm a serious worker who uses high end workstations!
>and I use Linux despite it not having support for a lot of work station software, but still, everyone who uses Windows should fuck off to Sup Forums, and iToddlers should kill themselves
It takes 3 seconds to google the fact that the 7700k runs a shit-ton hotter than previous gens because intel still use shitty TIM on the heat spreader, it's in every review when compared to the 6700k which is ~-10C on package in comparison and why so many people have to de-lid it to get sane temps.
These are facts
Fuck, I meant Sup Forums in the first greentext.
That is blatantly false, what you are thinking about is Joule heating, you should check it out to find out how much P you get from J
>what is 4c/8t vs 8c/16t
That's bullshit, the 7700k only uses a few more watts than the 6700k
yea and that 4c is chewing up Joule like it's no ones business.
It's 100% true, where do you think the heat comes from? It's all from the power.
all this, while 6700k has more voltage on a core.
Thanks for proving my point lol
not all the power is heat, heat is a wasted power.
if all power was heat then we would live in a sad, sad world.
power -> work + work from waste heat
power =/= waste heat
Heat is not wasted power, it is literally power.
No, Joules have no heating property as in itself, Joules is heating where circuit is resistive, this makes loads of work that is then transferred to heat.
Bulldozer really did suck. As for Ryzen, even when it doesn't win, it's still within shooting distance of Intel.
>power consumption is the same as heat production.
If it were a LED or a speaker that would be true, but in logic chips, all the consumed power does indeed go away as heat.
it's clocked really high
>Joules is heating where circuit is resistive
CPUs are basically resistive, doe.
The power draw is the amount of heat produced, no exceptions
In a race of 2, 2nd is last.
/drops mic
Why is Intel so fucking trash in gaymen?
Not quite.
In reality 7700k is worse than Ryzen in applications+gaming.
>posting the rigged eteknix benchmarks again
And then back in reality
Lol so delusional.
Ryzen is literally only good at encoding/rendering, it sucks at everything else.
Except Intel is infinitely worse at everything.
Please delet
Yes, this reality.
uh oh
1500 road
>$300 Intel CPU beating $1000 Intel CPU
My business lives and dies based upon our 7zip performance. 10 hours a day I'm in the snake den pushing, crunching, zipping, sweating. Thanks to the performance of AMD's Raisin Multi-Corn processor I am exceeding client expectations, I am locking in new deals and my bank account grows.
Thank you based AMD for giving me the 7zip performance the real world needs.
You seem upset.
t. gaymurr
Bum, bumbum bum bum? More like poo, poopoo poo poo!
t. adobecc
My business lives and dies based upon our Linux kernel compile times. 12 hours a day, every day I'm in the eagle nest pushing, crunching, compiling, sweating, swelling and compiling again. Thanks to the performance of AMD's Raisin Multi-Corn processor I am exceeding client expectations, I am locking in new deals and my bank account grows.
Thank you based AMD for giving me the ability to compile kernels over and over and over and over again. I am now at the for front of the kernel compiling industry here in the real world where we do real work.
>he's ignoring encoding performance
>he'snignoring that other programs need to compile too
Maximum butthurt
What's the difference? Sup Forums is Sup Forums's tech support/pc builder
Because power draw increases linearly with clock speed and the 7700k is going balls to the wall.
Good goy
> a processor with higher single core performance beats another processor that focuses more on multithreaded performance
Stop the fucking presses.
The very thing with Ryzen is that Intel is no longer first in all metrics.
Wow AMD now has a segment of the market that nobody even bought, what a great niche
They've really cornered the 14 year old youtube star wannabe market.