>admits government spying is a huge issue
>will start offering switches to cut the power to webcams on macbooks
this fucking place is pure trash, all day with garvage post that aport fucking nothing.
free sage
>delusional libertardian who doesn't pay his employees a livable wage or provide them with basic health coverage also is afraid of the government finding his cuckold and child porn
what a surprise!
is rossman the king of manlets?
>runs a youtube channel where he says he runs a "repair" shop
>starts a huge upset because apple is suing him
>they drop the case when they could have won
>goes back to making videos full of autistic rage where he replaces capacitors/resistors on chinese product
>offers switch that could just be a piece of tape
>nevermind the people working on a software-level lockout of peripherals
>piece of tape
Still doesn't stop the microphone
yeah but like you don't actually think that though do you?
> Hardware level
offers solution to OSX, Window$ and GNU/Linux
> Software level
maybe does something idk
m i d g e t m a n l e t j e w
literally who?
kys commie
>parents snuck behind enemy lines during WW2 and hid under the floorboards of German officials
>look guys we're German
im in new york now. where can i meet him?
baby gap
when the fuck was he on Sup Forums lmao
you all leave this glorious vegan man alone
I hope you're joking, that's an obvious shop
wait he has a kid
Is this a Louis Rossmann meme tread?
Kill yourself NSA nigger faggot spic kike AIDS subhuman with down syndrome and nigger AIDS gook.
I don't think he has a child
What's the deal with the Clover app when you report posts, the Clover UI post pop-up stays up when the screen switches to the Sup Forums report screen?
>implying your battleshitstations are any semblance of your postmodern minimalism of a room not filled with mechanical parts
what the fuck are you on about, nobody here has made fun of him because of his privacy views which align with most of Sup Forums but because he's the king of manlets
the day being a manlet mean something good is the day im aplogizing
also doesn't really take that much skill to make a switch or does it? - and + just cut one, put a switch and you're done