The most dangerous weapon in the world, hiding in plain sight

This is not a drill.
>cell phone towers are weaponized death rays ready to nuke the planet or act collectively as a super powerful HAARP-like machine.
>Orgonite converts harmful rays into healthful ones, and can be "gifted" near cellphone towers to negate the effects. The larger ones make chemtrails harmlessly dissipate.
**btw Wilhelm Reich is a notable person related to this topic.**

Other urls found in this thread:

take your meds, user. take your meds.

the state of


>it's a /x/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums crossover episode

>tfw it's too late

Not OP this is real, the chemtrails are going to kill us, read a book you sheeple.

>citation needed
Please provide something that's not a retarded video of a time lapse showing a Chem trail dissappear, while a hippie waves a rock/rod through the air.
People like you are the reason pet rocks sold and kockstarters keep getting funded.

>/x/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums walk into a bar...

I wish the CIA would invent something to end my miserable existence instead of making spyware to watch me suffer.

orgonite on Sup Forums
I'm somehow feeling fulfilled desu desu senpai famalam.

post building guides.

and what's next? subgenii and discordian breds?

the fnord when one desu is not like the other desu.

How big of an area does this protect?

And how much does it cost to make?


So I decided to look up "orgonite" on Google, and could not find one single wikipedia article on it on the front page. All I found was crackpot sites touting its supposed health benefits. I found this rather strange, as typically I get a wikipedia article in the top 2 results. I then decided to look up "orgonite wikipedia", and came to this article:

Here is the first paragraph of the article:

>Orgone is a pseudoscientific[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] and spiritual concept described as an esoteric energy or hypothetical universal life force, originally proposed in the 1930s by Wilhelm Reich.[8][9][10] As developed by Reich's student Charles Kelley after Reich's death in 1957, orgone was conceived as the anti-entropic principle of the universe, a creative substratum in all of nature comparable to Mesmer's animal magnetism (1779), to the Odic force (1845) of Carl Reichenbach and to Henri Bergson's élan vital (1907).[11] Orgone was seen as a massless, omnipresent substance, similar to luminiferous aether, but more closely associated with living energy than with inert matter. It could allegedly coalesce to create organization on all scales, from the smallest microscopic units—called "bions" in orgone theory—to macroscopic structures like organisms, clouds, or even galaxies.[12]

This does not seem to be something I should give a rat's ass about.

Stay uninformed then, pleb


Then please, enlighten me...

What is the chemical composition/molecular structure of orgonite? Does it occur in nature, or must it be manufactured? If it does occur in nature, where can it be obtained, and if it is manufactured, what is the standard industrial process used to make it? What are its primary uses, and what peer reviewed journal articles do you have that can verify its usefulness for these purposes?

dream date user
Sup Forumsk/o/pol/x/
together forever

I'm thinking about making a shit-ton and selling it online, may be a good way to earn a quick buck.

Technically, you could sell anything, call it Orgonite, and it wouldn't be false advertising.

>I confuse lack of critical thinking with having critical thinking

>Security concern

>literally magic healing crystals


OP, do you think you could respond to my inquiry? Materials science is a pretty well-researched field. A simple search on google scholar for "nickel steel" provides 1.86 million results, and a search for "metallic carbon" returns 2.57 million results. Meanwhile, a search for "orgonite" returns only 66 results, many of which are not actually journal articles, but rather, some crackpot website claiming to be a research foundation without actually having credentials. One of the few actual articles that seemed even close to looking credible was a column from Skeptic Magazine that got published through a Cengage database. Some other articles don't even mention orgonite, they just come from a blog that happens to also have a separate post on the subject that gets tagged in some sort of "other works" sidebar.

Smarphone explosion broadcast tool leak when?

don't forget Sup Forums

orgone is real you fucking faggots, same as the music bettering crystals

>Coconut audio


Then please, can you answer the question in this post:

This is now a coconut audio thread, post coconut audio and related images.

You don't suppose there are ' intelligence '''bettering''' ' crystals, do you? It seems like you could use some.


geez dude, get a grip. find a way out of your hole and do something. get moving. make a plan and follow it even if it's just capturing network traffic to prove the existence of spyware. stop wallowing.

You heard me.

Read it, read it again and then it clicked. Top kek, sir.

they imprisoned wilhelm reich and let him die in prison to keep him from pursuing his research. there may be something there.

which site is this from man

thanks based user

Fuck off and kill yourself retard.

t. cia nigger

i thought this was a rare pepe at first glance

fuck me man

i found the specific video

with how many videos they have it was like looking for a needle in a haystack but i found it when searching for "molded"

Nice one user. Find anymore notable ones?

>Sup Forums
only the metal general

these are some nice/decent ones imo that i took note of while looking for

i've barely scratched the surface and it depends on your preferences too


orgonite is something hippies made up long after reich's death and it doesn't really have anything to do with his orgone accumulator technology.

Time to look up a little bit about the quack that thought this shit up...

>In December 1940 Reich wrote to Albert Einstein saying he had a scientific discovery he wanted to discuss, and, in January 1941, visited Einstein at his home in Princeton, where they talked for nearly five hours. He told Einstein that he had discovered a "specific biologically effective energy which behaves in many respects differently to all that is known about electromagnetic energy." He said it could be used against disease, and as a weapon "in the fight against the Fascist pestilence". (Einstein had signed a letter to President Roosevelt in August 1939 to warn of the danger of Nazi Germany building an atom bomb, and had urged the United States to establish its own research project.) Einstein agreed that if an object's temperature could be raised without an apparent heating source, as Reich was suggesting, it would be "a bomb."[117]

>Reich was much encouraged by the meeting and hoped he would be invited to join Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study.[117] During their next meeting, he gave Einstein a small accumulator, and over the next 10 days Einstein performed experiments with it in his basement, which involved taking the temperature above, inside and near the device, and stripping it down to its Faraday cage to compare temperatures. He observed an increase of temperature, which Reich argued was caused by orgone.[n 5] One of Einstein's assistants pointed out that the temperature was lower on the floor than on the ceiling.[n 6] Einstein concluded that the effect was simply due to the temperature gradient inside the room. "Through these experiments I regard the matter as completely solved," he wrote to Reich on 7 February 1941.[118]


>Reich responded with a 25-page letter in which he tried to change Einstein's mind.[119] To rule out the influence of convection he told Einstein that he had taken certain measures, including introducing a horizontal plate above the accumulator, wrapping it in a blanket, hanging it from the ceiling, burying it underground and placing it outside. He wrote that in all these circumstances the temperature difference remained, and was in fact more marked in the open air.[120][n 7] Einstein did not respond to this or to Reich's future correspondence – Reich would write regularly reporting the results of his experiments – until Reich threatened three years later to publish their previous exchange. Einstein replied that he could not devote any further time to the matter and asked that his name not be misused for advertising purposes. Reich believed that Einstein's change of heart was part of a conspiracy of some kind, perhaps related to the communists or prompted by the rumours that Reich was ill. Reich published the correspondence in 1953 as The Einstein Affair.[122]

So basically, the guy gets BTFO by Einstein himself, and then BAWWWWs about it later, calling Einstein a communist.

its just some bs "natural formation" and copper wire attached to it
literally a rock with copper running through it and no i dont mean naturally found ore i mean some fuckhead took a lump of coal and punctured a copper wire through the middle

this is a cool pyramid

So if I encase a pickle sandwich in epoxy and shave it down into a pyramid shape, I'll live forever?



So... carbon with copper running around it? I cannot think of many special properties about this.

Wtf I'm audiophile now !

dog dik

Bait thread. OP is a skeptic fuckstick. I plan on making some orgonite in the future and I don't need some study or some shit to verify it. I'll just do it and see if it does anything. If it doesn't then so what. If it does then cool.

A real thread on making it would be better than ANY iphone thread.

Wilhelm Reich was a real scientist regardless of your belief. Even if everything he said was false, he was unjustly punished. I believe he meant to study and look for things and not rip people off.

Why does this machine have a penis?

this, it's cia niggers misleading hippies actually, the goal is to discredit as much as anything

oh my god sauce?

penis just is a cool thing to have.

Also, addressing your post...

1. It is not OP who is a skeptic; OP was the one telling people to make orgonite. I would be the skeptic. And for what it's worth, you should be one too if you have any brains about you.

2. Wilhelm Reich was not punished for his research, but rather, a product that he was selling -- the orgone accumulators. The Maine Attorney General filed a complaint against his product for violating sections 301 and 302 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, presumably for some sort of fraudulent claims he was making. Though he had the opportunity to show up in court to defend his work, Reich refused. The judge ordered that he be barred from selling the product, and that the accumulators he had produced be destroyed. If there were scientific merit to whatever claims he was making about his product, then he clearly would have had no difficulty defending that in court, but he chose not to on the grounds of not wanting to give the FDA any legitimacy (despite the fact that the federal government has had the right to regulate interstate trade since the constitution was first drafted). Subsequently, he was punished despite having full rights to resist in a lawful manner. He then decided to violate a court order and continue shipping the accumulators, and was subsequently arrested.

3. You can call him a "real scientist" if you wish, but it begs the question why none of his ideas made it past peer review. He was laughed at by the general scientific community because he basically had no real evidence behind what the hell he was saying.

4. Just for kicks, the guy apparently claimed that orgone was what gave the sky its blue color. It's funny, because the current theory on why the sky is blue comes from a paper written in 1871 by a man named John Strutt (also known as Lord Rayleigh, from which we derive the term "Rayleigh scattering"). This paper predates Reich's birth by over two decades.

where the apple corps at

Thank you for the bg info, appreciated