more like this
More like this
Fuck off
i love these
i'm os agnostic though
Web Browsers are the real os
>winblows 10
this is correct though
why would you have your taskbar on the bottom if you have a widescreen monitor? It takes up precious vertical pixels
Because only plebs and gaymen use single monitor. You are clearly one of them if you don't realise why it even matters
I know, thats why I made it
You do realize browser window size tracking is a thing, right? Most people use their browsers in a maximized window, probably your included, so I your browser window size is anything different from a standard screen size minus a bottom taskbar, you increase your traceability be tenfold at least, because there aren't many autists who have the taskbar on the side, making their window size virtually unique.
>have the taskbar auto-hidden and almost never use it because shortcuts
>pops up if I try to manipulate something at the bottom of the window, which occurs often
>see this thread
>maybe that's be way nice
>change it
>taskbar is XBOXHUEG, literally 1/8th of my screen
What the actual fuck? What the actual fucking fuck were they thinking? How did this fucking happen? Did they even test it once? Did anyone do any QA? What the fuck? I'm just blown away there could be such a glaring error in an OS UI that's been """"""""""stable""""""""" for years. How the fuck? I'm flabbergasted.
u know it
they fucked it up in win10 but there is some setting you can change to make it small
I cant remember what it is though
Dr. CIA, I'm TAD.
Unlock the taskbar and you can resize it with the mouse.
Just like in any Windows since 98.
Fucking kids these days I swear.
No you can't, its still twice as thick and can only go bigger
Right click it and open advanced options or whatever. Then it lets you make it smaller.
You can make it slightly smaller, but the fact that it defaults to that is insane. Even after resizing it's still thicker than a nigress on welfare, and the system status portion looks fucking awful. And before you say "hurr no one uses it who cares" a) this is an operating system that is sold for hundreds of dollars, and this is a supported feature, so it should work b) I've seen several normies that know nothing about computers using the taskbar on the side despite it looking ridiculous.
>not using a random size every time it opens
Is there such an extension for Firefox?
>not putting your taskbar at the top of the screen
>wanting to waste space
Why? with the taskbar at the top of the screen, you can focus on your work without any eyesores.
that's... not a task bar user
you are excluded from the mean hurt
But it is a taskbar. If I press meta-E it opens up a task list.
>Collab editing via e-mail
Now that's an interesting concept!
I wonder how keeping everything centralized would work, though...
Wasn't that sort of a Google product at one point? I forget the name of it but it was like email with version control and shit
I've seen it done before, where they'd actually upload the files and reply-all whenever they made changes. They'd list the files they changed inside the email itself. Basically they just used reply-all whenever they made a change, and would merge it manually.
When I asked them why they didn't use git, they said "it was too hard", even though that manual version control sounds much fucking harder.
>forgetting the name of google drive
>after an user posted a picture with google drive in it
top lel
pretty sure he's talking about Google Wave ya dingus
Here's my
That is awesome, isn't it?
the wm? it says dwm in the pic
>dat image quality
What have you done? Upscaled a JPEG capture of a 1999 DivX frame?
>having a widescreen monitor
>having a taskbar
Remember when Russia recently switched to typewriters because they were concerned about hacking?
what's a taskbar?
I'm curious what you imply by this. GNU/Hurd?
same thread happened on pol
Doing that only works well If your titlebar integrates with the task bar in full screen mode
>not having task bar( dock in my case) on the right (^:
Why the right though. Makes far more sense on the left where your window controls are
Sup Forums and me at the bottom
>Interacting with other humans is ugly and inevitably catastrophic
Yes, good guy. Isolate yourself from your countrymen. They're just evil or dumb anyway. Power is dirty. True wisdom lies inward. Leave the world to us.
>Unity user spotted
Spotted the Sup Forumsack :^)
Is there a template or a website where we can compile our own?
Lube is for mutilated dick faggots
macOS, at the moment, but even when I used XFCE or Windows, I'd put my window controls on the left with my task bar\dock.
Too hard to use. Can someone quickly code up a webpage to build a mind-meme image?
what if he did?
>using paint.exe unironically
>Windows 10 taskbar general
My favourite feature of this is that Win+X opens the Quick Link menu in the bottom left corner, regardless of where the taskbar is positioned.
You did that backwards, user
Get raped and kill yourself you retarded fucking faggot sack of ugly nigger shit with down syndrome.
Why exactly should I be subjected to those things, user?
Don't worry. It'll grow back.
there are no search results for Jiggerewn.
Will this meme never die?
Ass is for low IQ subhumans
tits are for fucking manchilds
>inb4 tyrone
you wish
But x265 is horrible
>'butts' not 'ass'
flawed results
>child bearing hips
>low iq
brat is best
A whole bunch of whos
You're a bunch of whos
Safari is the best web browser therefore macOS is the best OS.
Not really. Using lube helps preventing death grip syndrome even if youre uncut..
Only on a 16:10 screen
>inb4 banned
>tfw left masterrace
who's that bimbo
Where's virtual RAM? You sure you belong here?
Actual name for that?
Also it's why uncut fags last longer, and complain that your girl is loose.
I shit you not, my friend tried to download more ram twice back in high school.