How do you deal with weeb faggots in your country?

How do you deal with weeb faggots in your country?

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90% of the country has been weeaboo since our parents' generations.

Alienation. Most are incapable of breeding or holding jobs so they steadily remove themselves.

Nobody likes them, at all.

What would a weeb faggot be in Japan?

>Dean Ambrose hoodie

jesus christ

Otaku. They unironically call themselves that here. The Japanese hate them more than we do.


>Most are incapable of breeding or holding jobs so they steadily remove themselves.
No. The previous generation (majorly weeaboo) reproduced itself and most have jobs.

My parents are both weeaboos yet got higher education (my father has a Ph.D.), high-paying jobs (my mother also was mayor of a big city), and three children.

>My parents
>French flag

May work that way in France, but in America they're forever alone losers until they grow out of it.

I am friends with ~25 year old stoner junkies, we go to our dealers place to chill, drink beer, smoke weed and watch videos. One of my friends is watching anime too and he actually managed to bring it in there and now we watch Naruto there. Pretty neat.

So, you purposely turn people with very high potentials in science or administration into losers?

What if they remain closet weeaboos?

They turn themselves into it.

>discriminating everyone for the silliest reasons since 1776

>sexual preferences

are there more I'm not yet aware of?

davido kun is da shet

they are either fat or social outcasts and atheists, nobody really pays any attention on them

By living in the country

Weebs are still rare here and it will usually so once they are out of school. But we send a weeb girl as our grand prix d'eurovision entree this year so you won't believe me anyway

Weebs bring it on themselves. See

Aren't these typical Americans? I must say I don't see a difference with the NFL or Star Trek crowds.


>So, you purposely turn people with very high potentials in science or administration into losers?
Not him but it's basically like this up until college:

Watching anime is ok if you keep it on the down low, don't advertise it, and don't make it part of your social identity.

Openly making anime part of your social identity is a fucking death sentence socially. Anybody who doesn't recognize this and keep it to themselves is retarded and has 0 potential long term.

Those types of people often form anime clubs that are full of the biggest social rejects you can think of. All the fedora tipping idiots we use ironically as reaction images? Those are anime club level idiots.

You really have autism if you consider any weeb in those 3 videos normal

What a weird thing to do. So they organize clubs at school? Like why would you volunteer to stay at your school in the first place? When I went to school the first thing on my mind when the bell rang was to get the fuck out ASAP.

They host clubs during the lunch time for people with no friends so they wouldn't sit alone in the cafeteria.

Anime clubs are full of greasy, unwashed, fedora-tippers who go around speaking broken japanglish

No, I believe you. Anime is much more popular in France, Belgium and Italy than in Germany. Has been for 40 years now.

Actually a friend of mine running an anime company sometimes included German subtitles on their DVDs because some anime weren't licensed there, which meant potential sales.


Star trek crowds aren't much better than anime crowds and often overlap.

The NFL is our national sport. You can obsess over it all you want and you'll still just be a sports fan, which is fine. Sports talk is part of the social glue that goes onto to help with buiness relationships and stuff (sports talk is a very neutral topic and always ok to chat about).

I didn't mean "normal", I meant most Americans seem just as silly to me.
And those are "harmless silly", which is better than many, who are "dangerous silly".

>I didn't mean "normal", I meant most Americans seem just as silly to me.
Interesting. From an americans perspective you can't really go socially lower than that without falling out of society completely. I could barely get through 1 video.

>Weebs aren't dangerous silly

I see, thanks for the information.
So NFL is pretty much like "our" football here. Which fans can be just as silly-looking as yours.

Anime was probably even more popular than soccer in the 70s here though, so I suspect that's the explanation: in France it's seen as normal among our generation because it's been mainstream since before we were born.
I'll ask my parents how it went for them when they were young, when I see them.

The Weeb thus turns against his best friend: The diet coke

Weeb defends a man

When people have fun and don't hurt anybody it's seen as okay here.
I sure wouldn't join them in that kind of fun - but I wouldn't care if one was a colleague provided he knows his job.
And this behavior wouldn't prevent me from marrying a charming girl either.

It's so tragic and helpless when you think about how my country and us the nationals of Japan have unknowingly collected an unbelievable amount of hatred and scorn from people around the world day by day with us doing nothing offensive to them in particular, just thanks to weebs deployed and spreading in each country.
Oh my Nanjing God.

>So NFL is pretty much like "our" football here. Which fans can be just as silly-looking as yours.
Pretty much. From a purely neutral perspective it is kind of silly how one form of dressing up and painting your face is fine and one form makes you social pariah but that's just how it is. Once you get to college it's a lot different but you still wouldn't want to advertise watching anime in the business world either, you'd be seen as socially backward.

That's interesting about anime in france, I had no idea there were places outside of Japan where that's ok.

sounds cool

I think being a european-weeb and a american-weeb makes all the difference

>americunt weebs sing

>french weebs sing

>american """""""""citizens""""""""

>When people have fun and don't hurt anybody it's seen as okay here.
>I sure wouldn't join them in that kind of fun - but I wouldn't care if one was a colleague provided he knows his job.
>And this behavior wouldn't prevent me from marrying a charming girl either
It's not so much about what you do, it's more about conforming to societal norms.

We don't give a shit about what you do on your own time. I've watched plenty of anime and played plenty of viddya in my day. I just keep it on the down low.

If you're so socially obtuse that you can't figure out where/when something is appropriate you're viewed as kind of stupid. Just do the bare minimum to appear normal and you're fine, you can get away with whatever you want. Hopefully that makes sense.

>That's interesting about anime in france, I had no idea there were places outside of Japan where that's ok.

It's more than ok, it's seen as regular art by our ministry of culture, and the prominent mangaka and directors (not just any crap though) are invited to the prestigious museums and get decorations.

Video games, too. Pic is Shigeru Miyamoto (Zelda guy) being made a Chevalier (knight) des Arts & Lettres by our minister of culture, about 10 years ago.

maybe its because americans have had a barbaric tinge applied onto them

No one gives a fuck as long as you're not an obnoxious faggot.
Most people have dear memories of their times watching dbz, ranma, rorouni kenshin, etc. So saying you like anime doesn't have any negative connotation.

I've known many plebs and normies that eagerly wait every week for the new naruto/one piece/dbz super episode and watch them subbed and all.

you weaponized cuteness and unleashed it unto the world.
Being ignorant of your country's actions doesn't excse you from the consequences.

Alright I think everybody itt so far seems to be a little off on what the difference are between a weeb and a fan of anime are.

Yeah in Europe I've mentioned France and Belgium and then Italy but Spain isn't very far behind, so most likely it was an incentive for TV channels of other Spanish countries to buy the subbed anime for cheap.
Likewise, the French wave of the 70s hit Québec, Monaco and the Arab countries hard.

>difference are between a weeb and a fan of anime
None as long as you keep to yourself and don't advertise your faggotry to the rest of the world.


OP's pic isn't involved with me at all but I feel so embarrassed

Beat them up and ironically fuck them to assert dominance.

Well, in France it turned out just fine for you, Japan has been well liked since the 17th century for its culture, and anime just spread the phenomenon to even more people in the 20th.

Weebs are incapable of not advertising their faggyness. They go around speaking broken japense words thrown into english sentences, praise the Japanese culture despite not knowing more about it other than anime. They are loud, rude, obnoxious, and annoying.

Anime fans are just people who consider anime another form of medium which they find enjoyable.

Weeb =/= Anime fan.

stomp them in the head

Very interesting

>barbaric connotation
Could be why it didn't catch on until much later here. The French guy says anime was very popular in the 70s there but I know in the US hatred toward the Japs was still totally acceptable during that time because of the whole pacific theatre thing.

>That's interesting about anime in france

My countryman didn't mention it (too young to know I think) but initially, ca.1978, anime caused a tremendous backlash and rejection from adults at first.
But since it was a colossal success, it was decided around 1980 to produce Franco-Japanese anime.
A French writer and director (Jean Chalopin, whom you may know as the Inspector Gadget guy) would create concepts using European culture like the Odyssey or colonization and the Americas, and Japanese studio would develop the anime.
This was quite a success in French speaking countries (and possibly in Japan too), and established anime for good.

Another factor perhaps, quite a few manga/anime take place in France (3 musketeers, Lupin the dandy thief, French revolution stories, black crime stories and many others).
This may help catch the attention before you move to the giant robots and lesbian schoolgirls.

I'll give you that i indeed tend to adopt some of those characteristics when i'm alone or with close friends, but the autism just wouldn't let me act that way with people i don't know enough. The threat of the judging eyes of strangers it's enough to keep me well behaved.

desu oban star racers was pretty fun
tfw no 2nd season

You seem to have been confusing "weeb" from "anime fan" the whole thread. They are not interchangeable terms.

Fuck off Carter.

Kys ya Manlet nerd

Why is violence every Brazilian's solution to a problem?

>that image

This has to be done ironically at this point, right? Nobody online can be unaware of the stereotype by now.

You seem to think people with autism / ass burgers don't live in a bubble where they consider their behavior socially acceptable

That stoty sounds like complete bullshit coming from an autistic child.

A 40+ year old simply cannot be a weaboo. No material related to japanese culture was available in the 70's and 80s.

>Alright I think everybody itt so far seems to be a little off on what the difference are between a weeb and a fan of anime are

I suspect so too, but perhaps because it varies from country to country?
anime fan: just about everybody in France, to some degree. I doubt very many people now in their 40s or younger didn't like a single anime in their childhood. I doubt a great many don't like a Ghibli movie now and then, either.

weeb: I'm not sure we really have the concept after all? I guess it would be people who are really really fans, watch/read/play a lot of the stuff and go to conventions, possibly in cosplay.
Those are okay (if much rarer).

Or if they're monomaniacs who talk about it 24x7 and who can't explain something without relating it to some obscure anime, now I think that's very very rare and must have adverse consequences on their lives indeed.

My father is a succesful chemical engineer AND a considerable Gundam fan, but I don't think he could explain something to his colleagues by saying "it works just like the Quebeley Mk.II's funnels". Most wouldn't understand what he means, even if they know Gundam, so it would hinder him in his professional life.

>Greek education
Is this why you guys are so far in debt?

>people with very high potentials in science or administration

No no no. These people have no potential. They aren't smart. They aren't good at anything. They are utterly useless. That's why they are the way that they are. That's why they watch anime and aren't good at anything in particular.


that's so funny coming from a american

w-we hug them

Anime started airing in France in the 70s.
UFO Robot Grendizer, known as Goldorak, was an immense success and is said to be the only TV show ever to reach 100% audience ratings here (i.e. every single set switched on in the country was tuned to that channel).
There were only 3 channels then and it ran on weekdays afternoon, but still.

Also I'm 22 and as far as I know, not autistic.

omg adult males wathcing those shitty sexualised cartoons for kids. disgusting.

The anime movie "Hakujaden" (Tales of the white serpent) won a prize at the 1961 at the Venice Film Festival.
This was but the beginning for Latin countries.

We torture them so bad in school that they never leave the house again.

Beat them up into their closets, mainly. Yeah we have gay people, but due to almost all around hate, they forced to hide it.

Have you read the Asterix volume in which Uderzo shits on Grendizer? It's clear he was sitting on that bitterness for quite some time.

I tend to grope people who post worst girl in their private places then bend them over and rub my dick on their butt, looks like you're next

Tbh I liked asterix as well
I even have the dvds

People here might find it childish, but only the true autists in Israel (aka avid Filthy Frank fans / video gaymers) actually consider weebs to be auts as well.

Most people don't care and honestly, I don't think I've ever seen anyone who was being made fun of just for liking anime (or even being a weeb).

My father ended up with a Ph.D. and designs chemical plants. He gets paid for it, and so far none has blown up.
My mother graduated from a prestigious administration school, worked as a high ranking official and was mayor (well-liked, too) of a major city for a while.

Not geniuses, obviously, but they definitely had a future.

And anyway, you would be hard pressed to find somebody in France who did NOT watch anime in his childhood. Hobo families and Jeovah witnesses, perhaps, but I'm not sure they're going to run the country.

I would join this club in hopes of there being a cute tsun girl I could fuck

I am going to go to university in September and considering to join an animu club. Is that a good idea?

Yeah, manga gradually got even more succesful than Franco-Belgian comics. With each passing year, the tiny manga section of bookstores would expand at the expense of local production until it became about the same size.
Uderzo resented this.

He later explained he never even read manga or watched anime though, and that he only had a stereotypical view of them.

Now that being said, I would rank Grendizer as pretty mediocre anime, it benefited from being the first, and initially only, mecha anime.
Macross would have been much better to introduce France to mecha goodness. But it was still years in the future in 1978.

no one gives a damn about them. Since some people used to enjoy watching the classic anime like dbz or saint seiya, they understand why they do that kind of ridiculous shit. Though when they start spaking broken japanese af that's when they are looked down upon and called names...

There are plenty of gorgeous girls who like nothing more than parade around in Sailor Moon outfits and the like in French conventions.
They're second generations, too, and sometimes you get to see mother x daughter dressed as anime MILF x loli.

I doubt you get to fuck both though (at the same time at least).

Anime club in japan? Don't normal japanese hate people who watch anime?

In USA you'd be worshipped and have all the obese disgusting weebs on your dick though

To be fair anyone with contents in his head does'nt stay that way in chicanoland

>genuinely enjoy good anime but can never reveal my power level to anyone anymore because weeaboos have tainted society's perception of it


but i'm a man too, user, you can't do that with other men!

I think it depends
They hate that it gives foreigners the wrong impression of japan.. But also like it for being an effective advertisement tool.
Tl:dr in moderationits prob ok,if your socially/asthetically well of you can get away with liking it anyway

No not in Japan, I am going to a foreign university. And no if you are just a casual fan who just watchs anime for entertainment (like me) then it is totally acceptable here; there are many like that. What is cringeworthy are those who collects figures and dedicates their lives in collecting merchandise. That is just autistic.

Thank you France for this show desu

I want to know if Japan has ever sent us a Freeaboo equivalent.

Kill yourself

I forgot the uezs filter is still on uezs

What do the Japanese think of Weebs coming to their country to gawp on the streets, autistically reenacting their favorite scenes?

They already don't really like foreigners right? And they don't like their own people who do shit like that either so it can't be great...

A few years ago, I went snowboarding there (because my country is fucking flat) I'm not a weeb, I don't watch anime, I don't give a shit. It was just another country, I like their food.

I did the tourist things, I learned some of the language before I went over there. I tried to explore a foreign country, have a good time, and not be a cunt.

The Japanese were really nice to me. The worst people I met in Japan were Australian, Chinese, or American.

I got punched by an Australian, the Chinese were obnoxious, and the Americans were living up to their stereotypes.

I remember reading somewhere that Uderzo read a whole bunch of manga for research purposes and gradually developed a grudging respect for it.

Not Japanese, but how would you feel if a full grown adult came to your country and started acting like Crocidle dundee and asked to see everybody's knife while throwing in broken Aussie slang incorrectly; as well as treating your entire city as a cosplay con

That'd be YEEEEEEE-HAAAAAWesome 2bh.

Yeah, exactly. It would be fucking weird. But I've never seen it happen.

I have, however seen some fucking weeb dressed in full whatever the fuck anime getup making a roomful of Japanese uncomfortable with her weebness.

>Only other white people in the room
>Fucking degenerate sits next to us
>Just trying to enjoy our meal

Do not want to be associated with this shitstain.

I have never met any tbqh. I'm sure there are a good few, because my town has a decently sized anime shop, but they're private about their obsessions.

>Go to Brazil in traditional brazilian wear
>Eat traditional brazilian food
>Speak broken portugeuse (inb4 that's normal brazilain)
>Go to street and start screaming AH LELEK LEK LEK LEK LEK to engage in traditional dance