/balt/ + /ausnz/

/balt/ + /ausnz/

Other urls found in this thread:


first for /MeNa/

First for the Commonwealth

gday m8s



Stellaris was boring..

Not feeling happy.


me on top middle


Soon, my baltic brothers.

The girl I like isn't replying to me. What do?

Poorthuania? More like Poothuania. He-He-He.. Am I right guys? Guys? ...

Lads, it's not raining anymore. It's pouring.

4x games take a bit longer than 1h 59 minutes to have fun with.




Deutschland is literally Teutonia, not Germany.

Lithuanians play basketball.
Niggers play basketball.
Lithuanians are niggers.
Niggers can't swim.
Sorry to tell you this but you are going to die.

even the rain is poor in lithuania haha

It means she is not interested in you so just give up on her

Still no gf lads

T-That means that no girl is ever interested in me ;_;

Still care

>can't swim

Still don't care..

>no gf
can't fabricate

Still waiting for the day you're actually gonna do it.

Guys, should I go back?

NOK is tanking and I have 0 strings attached to Norway.

>t. Latvianum Heracleum

Polite post
rude anime post
rude post

What novads are you from?

Vidzeme, or Middle-land

You mean every girl you have ever written to haven't replied to you?

why nobody like my joke?

Then yes

Well no girl except my cousin.

Shitty joke desu.

I thought it was bretty clever

It's because you're not /beautiful/


well that sucks

>Be nannystralian
>have to wear a bicycle helmet on a date

Yes, you should

Are you the crazy Italian?

thank you
butthurt desu


Yes, it does

No, he invaded this general too I see

pic related

t. Estonian mafia diaspora

>be reflectstonian

Haven't seen him in a couple of weeks but yes, he does swing by

What is that even supposed to mean?

You got reflected, son

Yes, your unwarranted criticism really hurt me deep. I won't be posting any more pictures. I don't think I'll ever recover.

Why is it illegal to sleep in a car in AUstralia?


literally cannot synthesise this faecal matter

>his country has an africa tier AIDS epidemic

Have you ever left closed car on sun? It turns into a gas chamber after 5 minutes.

Rain in Vilnius..


>his parents are russian rape babies


literally me lmoa

t. junglist

>(8) A pedestrian walking on the road in poor visibility or at night-time must wear a reflex reflector or a light source.
Literally walk on the sidewalk lboa.

>it is literally illegal to leave your house without a reflector in reflectstonia



>it is literally illegal to leave your house without a reflector in reflectstonia
fabricated by you



is there a hitler version for Österreich?


Cepelinai, lads

What's in the bowl?


Just ate 300 grams of cheese lads.

I think I won't eat breakfast tomorrow.

What's in the cepelinai?




Looks like store bought and drinking a lemonade.


What's in the meat?

/ h i s / m e m e s

come home, all balts should come.

what kind? is it still cepelinai if lamb is used instead of beef?

I really want one now....

Traditionally it's pork.

Haven't seen that one)))) spicy :D

I dont think i could live without his memes

Me and my mum made these.

>eating cepelinai with a spoon

what a coincidence I ate some cepelinai too few hours ago :DD

Sorry ;^)

Have some respect, faggot. His mum made it.

Atleast he has one :(

i made ur mum, show some fucking respect

Can you explain this meme?What does balt have to do with aus and nz?


What does my dick have to do with ur mum?