What is Croatia doing with all that maize?

What is Croatia doing with all that maize?

building a maize maze


lil' groats going mad for good ol' pĆ¹lent'

>tfw Croatian diaspora
>tfw Mum can eat polenta with nearly every single dish

Polenta is for breakfast desu

Do they really eat that much more polenta than Italy or their fellow balks?

Wheat > Rice > Corn

>Arabs will NEVER have cornbread

No wonder they're so angry all the time

Rice > Corn > Wheat

Are you even Austrian?

I think polenta is eaten only in the northeast

Would Serbia and Montenegro look the same if they were filled in? I find it hard to believe anyone can eat that much cornmeal, I'm pretty sure our redness comes from what we feed our livestock and corn chips

>mfw I read "No data" as "No food"



I eat it with homemade Yoghurt for luch
yummy yummy

>not sour cream

So close, yet so far

it is actually that but i did not know other people know about it so i said yogurt so people can understand

Why do Anglos call maize corn?

Is it because they had no real corn? (wordplay on corn - koren = wheat in Dutch)

Then all is forgiven, friend