>Anno domini 2017
>not using God's distro - Arch Linux
What are you doing with your life heathens?
Anno domini 2017
>Un-ironically using Arch
First, pic related.
Second, Arch is only good if you are a NEET with ample free time.
Lmao Ubuntu is the real productivity killer. Don't kid yourself.
>install arch to use as server
>runs for 3 weeks
>pacman -Suy
>system is now dead
Senior software engineer kiddo
Well memed my friend
I know I'm replying to bait, but how?
>install nvidia drivers
>x cannot be started without root anymore
sasuga ubuntu
I'm using Manjaro wich is arch easy mode, am I a faggot ? Still a better faggot than Ubuntu/Debian fag ?
"Something habbened" (c) - Ubuntu
"X is broken. Try Y or Z to fix that. Or look at our wiki for answer." - Arch
OP here. Fine with me. Ex-Manjaro user myself.
what made you jump from manjaro to arch
I run Arch, but people like you (missionaries) make it so I'd never admit it in public.
I like minimal setup and full control, so I spent lot of time striping and tweaking default Manjaro install, than after fiasco with SSL certificates x2, I don't trust them that they are capable enough to maintain distro. Also realized that installing vanilla Arch is not that hard.
>systemd in distro
install gentoo
bloated POS
>muh OpenRC
why are you lying?
>using anything other than CentOS on server
>Temple OS
You are both being ridiculous.
Things rarely ever break, and when they do its minor stuff.
If you do not have time to install/configure Arch use Antergos. If you are a complete noob install Manjaro which is so bloody easy it is almost Ubuntu tier. Just werks, no need for CLI stuff, put it on my tech illiterate grandmas desktop last year and it just.fucking.werks
Am I allowed to claim I use Arch if I actually use Antergos?
it's not even about openrc or systemd, it's about how shit arch is
I know it was probably too much text for a simple man like (You)
Pic unrelated?
Arch is opinionated and I like it because of it, if you don't Gantoo exists
indeed, gentoo is the patrician choice
Can someone please post the video of the morbidly obese gentoo guy who gave a presentation on openrc?
neo-Sup Forums is a bunch of pajeets and gaymers, the generation grown-up on iPads. Gentoo is too hard for them in order to use it on the daily basis despite that modern computers compile much faster then it was in the rise of the 'install Gentoo' nerd meme.
How often do you recompile you are browser?
>you are browser
Having time and making money so I can buy investment properties and then rent them out so I won't have to work after 30
i use arch with openrc and have no issues and no systemd ;^)
>be me
>wanting to get into linux
>figure I'd start by reading forums to get an idea of what to get
>literally every single one is just a bunch of smug aspies talking shit to other newbies posting questions on getting started
>everyone is generally unhelpful
>questions don't get answered
>fair bit of name-calling and arguing about unrelated shit
>threads locked with no answers
>mods and users telling newbies to go away
And you wonder why there aren't more people on linux.
>implying we want more people on linux
The only good thing about Arch is the wiki. It's basically a hobby OS.
is this desktop thread
>le hobby OS maymay
>just werks after installation
>And you wonder why there aren't more people on linux.
All according to plan.
>What are you doing with your life heathens?
Using an actual OS that doesn't need babysitting, so I can spend my time running 3rd party apps on it, instead of troubleshooting the fucking OS all the time.
Which OS is that?
>use Windows
>spend time waiting for updates to install
>spend time waiting for changes to be applied
>spend time having to restart your computer all the time
>spend time having to troubleshoot the shitty OS when pic related happens
>using windows 10
Found your problem. Use 8.1 pleb. I haven't seen a BSOD in two years.
>Anno Domini 2017
>having a stick up the ass about other people's distro of choice
>Anno Domini 2017
>still seeking approval in a anonymous fictional japanese cartoon image board
I use Arch and never installed a gui because I want to optimize my battery life and I only really do text editing, which I use emacs for anyway.
Fuck off libertarian scum.
>AD 2017
>does know fully well what Sup Forums is for
>still uses Sup Forums, while bitching about what Sup Forums is for
Genuinely retarded.
Are you posting from emacs?
thanks for reminding me i have to switch because the faggots dropped i686 support
It's for schoolkids. If I didn't use Gentoo I'd build my rig from the minimal installer of Debian.
I'd use Manjaro if it had arch's repos and ABS, other than that it's really nice.
Looks pretty nice
What icon pack are you using?
>does know fully well that people know fully well what Sup Forums is for and that they still use Sup Forums while bitching about what Sup Forums is for
>still bitching about the people bitching while using Sup Forums even though they fully know what Sup Forums is for
your move, mongolerooni
ok, give me a second, I've gotta run this through a dictionary first
There us only one gods distro you CIA-nigger
>letting the CIA distribute trojans to your computer under the guise of FOSS
But I'm a developer, not a luser. Arch's simplicity saves me time when I modify it.