/tosg/ - TempleOS General: mods will prune for retaliation but God is Perfectly Just edition

Current Stream: youtube.com/channel/UCdX4uJUwSFwiY3XBvu-F_-Q/live

>What is TempleOS?
See youtube.com/watch?v=MT7yvaGN0ZU --TempleOS (formerly J Operating System, SparrowOS and LoseThos) is a biblical themed lightweight operating system created over the span of a decade by programmer Terry A. Davis.
>How did TempleOS start?
Development for TempleOS began in 2003 after Davis suffered from a series of manic episodes that left him briefly hospitalized for mental health issues.
Davis is a former atheist who believes that he can "talk with God" and that God told him the operating system he built was God's official temple. According to Davis TempleOS is of 'Divine' intellect due to the inspired nature of the code. According to Davis, God said to create the operating system with 640x480, 16 colors display and a single audio voice. The operating system was coded in a programming language developed by Davis in C/C++ called "HolyC". The OS runs a file system called "Red Sea".
>What can TempleOS do?
TempleOS deliberately has no network support. It runs 8-bit ASCII with graphics in source code and has a 2D and 3D graphics library, which run at 640x480 VGA with 16 colors. The OS contains numerous embedded biblical references including a program called AfterEgypt which allows users to "communicate with God" through an oracle.

Official website: templeos.org/
Download TempleOS: templeos.org/Wb/Home/Web/DownloadOS.html#l1
Extended History: motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/gods-lonely-programmer

>I wrote a fucken compiler. Linus has not finished his compiler yet and suffers humilation from Stallman.
>Yeah, I killed a CIA nigger with my car in 1999. Score one for the good guys.
>My job is to hunt CIA niggers.
>Bill gates and the illuminati got a herd of nigger cattle
>I don't know why the liberals don't allow beastiality
>I liked the previous bird, I hated this bird

Other urls found in this thread:


Previous thread

Generals are reddit cancer


But reddit does not have generals and I disapprove of this thread because of the word "nigger".

t. redditor

Is Terry a robot?
tfw no gf



The Mod team has been infiltrated by Redditors/CIA NIGGERS.

You can't be a robot if you aren't a virgin
They been deleting Terry threads a lot lately
They been redditors before jewt left

TempleOS sounds interesting does it works on virtualbox?

he's a 47 year old virgin

Yes. Instructions at the bottom: templeos.org/Wb/Home/Web/DownloadOS.html

What the fuck?

that can't be real or someone is fucking with him?

Shit bait.


Math question: what's the probability of getting 9 dubs in 17 posts thread?



Fuck your generals, leddit scum


P(X=9) -> 1.04646578751E-05

>disliking order and containerization
Get out of Sup Forums you luddite.

TempleOS actually isn't too bad to use. But I would like to see:

1) 80 columns
2) some unix like-commands
3) vi editor
4) network access

I think that would get it more mainstream if he made those changes.

Does anybody have a cheatsheet with TempleOS key bindings?

you really don't get it do you?

>4) network access
We could have a thread sharing your PC

If the board is slow, 100%.

Damn, physics girl is hidoi

Which stream was this?

The answer is always JESUS user.

>4) network access
gtfo CIA nigger

>Having a monopoly on access to heaven
Jesus was a capitalist



Type KeyMap; in TempleOS to get keyboard shortcuts

The most recent one I believe: youtube.com/watch?v=iN4_Phw0xwo

myopathies short-snouted linguished wavelike assis protransfer correctible luteinized seakeeping Druidess radians unexcrescent self-discernment mob re-erection NIMS ho-hum obelial glanders halberds wappet grammaticize demi-landau deathfulness putti intromissible sips wehrlite coigny lapidose lily-white decil

>spam ctrl-alt-x
>crash temple os
somebody should tell terry

>desecrating the temple of God
I want CIA niggers to go.

Why? It's your OS, if you want to crash it you can crash it. I would think Terry would be against making things more complicated to save the user from themselves. The whole thing is ring 0 for god's sake. Terry is all about keep it simple and giving the power to the user

You go right ahead and tell Terry that a ring-0-only operating system can crash, just like every other CIA nigger before you.

>>Bill gates and the illuminati got a herd of nigger cattle
>vault7 proves that Windows is a massive CIA backdoor
Was Terry right about everything the entire time?

>when your mom buys a painting that uses more than 16 colors

It still amazes how someone this crazy can write fully functional code.

>lean to hard on a motorcycle while driving
>it crashes
Ain't that a fucking surprise, maybe somebody should tell the bike producer?

>High priestess Diana has stepped down from her position

Why did it have to be like this?

She's a roastie. This is why you only have 2D waifus

restraining orders are no joke

It's interesting to just think that he does this. A schizophrenic has an entire operating system. How? Do dancing headless cats guide him? His ability to reason shines when he programs. He's like a character in a book.

Schizophrenia does not prevent someone from having normal trains of thought. Before he was diagnosed he was a very good programmer anyway

His masters is in Electrical Engineering Control systems. He worked in Computer Systems Engineering for over a decade before going schiz.

AND JESUS also SAID that if he testifies about himself, his testimony is invalid. Then later on says that even if he testifies about himself, his testimony is still valid, so I wouldn't trust anything he said about anything since he apparently can't get his facts straight despite supposedly being god.

Btw he gets crucified on different days of the week depending on which gospel you read


is terry's mental health getting any better?

it's just painful to watch him suffer.

Terry's not suffering. He ain't even mad.

he emailed her 100 times this morning

He's been really happy lately senpai, specially since berd died

redditors have been trolling him, it's fucking with his head. people emailing him porn and goatse and shit while on stream because they know he opens every link.

I would prefer TempleOS to run in non-CIA-niggered hardware like ARM processors.

ARM is the definition of CIA-niggered hardware

Are there any not-CIA-niggered processors besides the good ol' Z80?

Doubtful. With modern computing you're always at least one layer of abstraction away from what's really going on. Even when you think you've hit bottom there's still plenty left to dig.

ARM is niggerlicious. Terry has got reforms planned for when he takes control over Intel


Cheeky cunt, this thread was on page 11.

What's Terry's stance on intelligent design (ID)?

>using an OS with no memory protection
Learn more about why not to use TempleOS: codersnotes.com/notes/a-constructive-look-at-templeos/

Sup Forums was better chaotic and disorganized

>Learn more about why not to use TempleOS: codersnotes.com/notes/a-constructive-look-at-templeos/

the point of templeOS is for it to be a small OS that a programmer can wrap his mind around, make changes to and learn about the code of an OS

the point is not for someone to actually use it as their OS for a desktop computer

>"God said 640x480 was a covenant like circumcision"
what did he mean by this?

He literally means god told him what resolution to use

it either happens or it doesn't


Theres a fork that has basic networking support and a web browser

what's the problem with cia niggered processors?

What hardware can I get where I can prove for myself that it is not CIA niggered?

Terry banned me from his channel.

when is terry back online? reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

nigga cattle

I'd ban you too if it was my channel

Get back in the zoo monkey

god hates weebs


>using chrome

that's firefox, you nigger cattle

but still firefox is shit and you shouldn't use it

read the filename

Did diana actually replied him? where i can find it?

Cums to the father

>Did diana actually replied him? where i can find it?

no people were spoofing her email and sending him photos of niggercocks

i would kindly suggest you go back to your safe space on kikebook or twatter

What a bunch of bastards

Will Terry ever recover after being completely BTFO by his waifu?

terry would not use ARM as it was founded by a gender changer.
call it gods will.

Wait, was ARM really made by a transfag?


>>"God said 640x480 was a covenant like circumcision"
>what did he mean by this?
god wanted the screen resolution cut back a bit.


>Theres a fork that has basic networking support and a web browser
Can this be installed natively?

pssst, hey buddy- wanna buy some random numbers? I got some primo shit here straight up not cut with anything. I'm holding man, hit me back and I can sell you an 8 ball of random primes on the cheap
