If free software is superior

Why isn't there a free software image manipulating program as good as Photoshop?
Why isn't there a free software music player as good as Foobar2000?
Why isn't there any worthwhile free CAD software ?
Why isn't there a free software movie player as good as MPC-HC?
Why isn't there a free software spreadsheet program as good as Microsoft Excel?
Why isn't there a free software video editor as good as Sony Vegas?

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Just make one yourself :^)

MPC-HC is free software you dumb emoji poster.

because no one is neet nor smart enough to spend time making such advance software

Why isn't there a Linux build?

>If free software is superior

it isn't.

only linux autists on Sup Forums think it is.

Because it just works so it doesn't fit with the Linux lifestyle.


All of that is objectively donald trump WRONG

it can be superior and it can not. People who defend free software do it because of the moral values and tinfoil hatism. Not because is superior technicaly.

Every other music player suffers from noplugins


>>Why isn't there a free software movie player as good as MPC-HC?
mpv is not as good as
mpv is infinitely superiour

>a list of complete shit



they day mpv will have a remote app with file explorer for android I will try it. Meanwhile I will stick with mpc-hc.

winamp called


Replace mpd/ncmpcpp autism with mpv and ffmpeg with kdenlive(even though kdenlive uses ffmpeg) and you're good.

>Gimp is as good as Photoshop

L m a o

to be honest, for the majority of average user cases it is. not for professional use, granted.

>free software video editor as good as Sony Vegas?

I swear you Lincucks are so far detached from reality that there is no hope in bringing you back to the real world.

Wow it's like you're not even trying...

Most/all of those have pretty good alternatives.

You could have at least listed down an actual problem like, FL Studio/Pro Tools/whatever the fuck Sup Forums kids are using these days, which shit all over LMMS and other alternatives.

Also, some of the shit like ProModel, Arena, etc.

>Wow it's like you're not even trying...
Yeah... says the guy that can't even make a 6 world list and instead goes on some paragraph long damage control to distract from OP's questions.

Because it's based on Microsoft APIs like DirectShow.

Yah, probably. I mean, if you are doing some dumb things like meme images, and basic image modification should be fine. but the fact that it you can't actually work with RAW images and that they CMYK support is mediocre at best says a lot.


expecting hobby to be better than paid job

wew led you are a retard

any objections to OnlyOffice here? looks like the first open source office suite that doesnt look like a 7 year old autist threw symbols at notepad desu


Because it is based on Windows Media Player 6 with DirectX etc. windows things...

>Sony Vegas
Pick only one.

Better than whatever buggy POS freetard application it's being compared to.

i object. the formulas from docx documents are fucked up, the native formula imput is fucked up.
Main line, formulas are fucked up, i like LO more. Still good to see that other alternatives emerge, i just hope one day someone will make a simple to use science focused word/writer wysiwyg program, that would format shit properly out of the box.

The fact that they are free makes them better than proprietary software by default.

>Why isn't there a free software image manipulating program as good as Photoshop?

>Why isn't there a free software music player as good as Foobar2000?
There are literally dozens
>Why isn't there any worthwhile free CAD software ?
>Why isn't there a free software movie player as good as MPC-HC?
MPC is free. Also, MPV, Mplayer, VLC
>Why isn't there a free software spreadsheet program as good as Microsoft Excel?
Because good excel spreadsheets make use of the visual basic macro language, which is not open sores.
>Why isn't there a free software video editor as good as Sony Vegas?
Blender can do that, albeit no not as well.

Because people have better things to do?
Because people have better things to do?
Because people have better things to do?
Because people have better things to do?
Because people have better things to do?
Because people have better things to do?

>accusing people of tinfoil hatism post CIA leaks era

>Why isn't there a free software image manipulating program as good as Photoshop?
Depends on what you want and what your target demographic is.
Krita is decent for making drawings.
Inkscape is decent for making vector graphics.
There is more tools, depending on what you want, but sure, there is not "one" tool that covers everything.
>Why isn't there a free software music player as good as Foobar2000?
There is, but this is just personal preference.
Foobar is yet another "one tool that does everything" where you might want to find several alternatives.
>Why isn't there any worthwhile free CAD software ?
I assume you mean for 3D models.
I have personally only used inventor and openscad.
Inventer does a lot of stuff and openscad is very simple compared to this,
Openscad only does 3D models, where inventor also does assembly, schematics and simulations.
If you look at the price of the inventor license, you can clearly see that they can afford more developers, which explains why they can make a product that handles everything.
>Why isn't there a free software movie player as good as MPC-HC?
>Why isn't there a free software spreadsheet program as good as Microsoft Excel?
There is software as good as excel, but the format is not great for collaboration between excel and other applications.
I blame the format more than the applications.
>Why isn't there a free software video editor as good as Sony Vegas?
I don't know that market.

Good to know. I do all my math shit in latex anyway but im trying to de botnet and stay aesthetic if possible.

GIMP, Krita, imagemagick
Clementine, gorillions more
Blender? I don't care about CAD
LibreOffice Calc, Octave
Blender, ffmpeg

>Why is the product made by paid employees better than the one made for free?

Open source software should be banned so people will stop making their own stupid shit to start working for REAL companies making REAL softwares.

imo LO amd word are enough if you do styles correctly, but the fucking formulas man, having to format equasions numbering by hand or with a table is pure terror. I may be stupid though but noone at uni knows how to do it properly. Also LO has bonus points for .svg support, it makes the documents much much lighter.

I agree, we should only have free software. none of this "open source" half assed crap.

>at least we have the ability to rice out our desktops

unironically more hotties there than in the western free software world

>Tfw Linux bros get to code with hotties from all over the world

>Why isn't there a free software image manipulating program as good as Photoshop?
Because GIMP devs are retards
>Why isn't there a free software music player as good as Foobar2000?
>Why isn't there any worthwhile free CAD software ?
Because no one uses CAD often enough for a good free alternative
>Why isn't there a free software movie player as good as MPC-HC?
>Why isn't there a free software spreadsheet program as good as Microsoft Excel?
LibreOffice Calc is best alternative but I agree not as good as Excel
>Why isn't there a free software video editor as good as Sony Vegas?
Sony Vegas is shit. Fags just say its good because its easier to use than After Effects
No good free software video editors exist because not many freetards can into video editing

how tf do i get a linuxchix gf?

>Go to an Ubuntu internet cafe in Africa (these actually exist)
>Meet women

fuck but what if im not chad enough to be allowed in?

>even in Africa Chads BTFO beta nerds

>CAD software
>Microsoft Excel
>Sony Vegas
These things cost money. You'd never buy any of them anyway, piratefag.

>Why isn't there a free software movie player as good as MPC-HC?

>Why isn't there a free software video editor as good as Sony Vegas?


define "as good as"

shit jus werks as far as I can see.
I can't afford licenses for many of these other software products you listed.


they already have bf's

Abode Premiere>>>>>black hole>>>>>Sony Vegas

The OpenCl support on Vegas is a pure garbage!

>No good free software video editors exist because not many freetards can into video editing
Look at natron if you want something like after effects. I'm putting the whole pasta because i'm lazy and because someone may find it useful.

Godot engine
BricsCAD VS Autocad
Freecad Demo
Freecad BIM
Freecad & 3D printing
Gimp 2.10 features
How to install photoshop on wine
Pixar Film Production
Linux art 1
Linux art 2

I didn't noticed the photoshop on wine link is not valid anymore, i'm gonna put another video:

LibreOffice is pretty fucking good. But everything else is not so great compared to their paid, closed-source alternatives.

For example, GIMP is decent, but is nowhere close to being a replacement for Photoshop.

I do prefer open-source stuff for morality reasons though. LibreOffice FTW.

>>Why isn't there a free software image manipulating program as good as Photoshop?
>Depends on what you want and what your target demographic is.
>Krita is decent for making drawings.
>Inkscape is decent for making vector graphics.
that's not what photoshop is used for.

well, free is not always better than proprietary. while Linux is way better than Windows, Gimp is pretty lackluster compared to Photoshop. simple as that

it must be said that for the average PC user, free software is usually more than enough


Proprietary software should be banned so everyone would be forced to make REAL software instead of useless closed blob garbage that nobody can inspect, modify or extend.


I use linux because I mainly program and use my computer for media consumption. I don't do much image manipulation so GIMP/Pinta is good enough for me. I use spotify mainly so the web ui/program is what I use or I stream playlists I made on youtube. I don't use any CAD. mpv or vlc is just as good as mpc-hc. I do basic shit in office software so I use google docs/sheets or libreoffice equivalents. I don't do fancy editing if I do some video editing for some reason so kdenlive is good enough for me.

I do have a windows VM since I use multisim for my school work sometimes. That's about it. I prefer to use free and open source software if I can because I like having choices and not being spied on.

You listed alternatives, not superior alternatives.

But people now awesome drawings with Photoshop too, it's useful too. Also, it can work with vectors seamlessly even if it's not as good as Illustrator obviously.

>being capable of building something extremely complex, then Spend thousands of hours building it for free

Freedom is infinitly more important than convenience.

Because most FOSS contributors don't have the need for those types of applications and so don't give a shit about working on them. If you want to see some high quality software, look at Linux, Docker, Apache, Python, etc.

Because no-one is willing to put up millions of dollars so you can edit your loli pic collection.

The kernel and server applications get lots of financial love because the companies that invest in it get something tangible in return - ie a stable, feature rich system that they are going to use to add value to their own company.

No-one is going to pump anywhere near the kind of investment that say, Apache gets into Gimp or Krita because businesses don't need it.

Fuck, I shouldn't have to explain this shit.

People who say free software is better are delusional. I am an advocate of free software for moral reasons not technical ones.

People who say free software is inherently better are retarded
Sure free software has the potential to be better and is morally better but not all free software is better than its proprietary counterparts

Agreed. Free software draws less money and as such, less reason to make them better outside of moral ones. They're not "bad", just not "better".

>Why isn't there a free software image manipulating program as good as Photoshop?
there is. it's just that it has a terrible ui.
>Why isn't there a free software music player as good as Foobar2000?
foobar is a piece of shit, almost every FOSS alternative is better than it.
>Why isn't there any worthwhile free CAD software ?
at least this assumption is true.
>Why isn't there a free software movie player as good as MPC-HC?
MPC-HC is FOSS you gigantic faggot. Also mplayer, mpv, and vlc are better alternatives
>Why isn't there a free software spreadsheet program as good as Microsoft Excel?
only faggots use spreadsheets, but libreoffice and openoffice are just as good
>Why isn't there a free software video editor as good as Sony Vegas?
another true assumption.

Proprietary software is inferior to free software cetera paribus.

>cant work with RAW images
kek as someone who uses gimp and ufraw to edit raw photos, i think you might be retarded.

If proprietary software is that good

Why there is no proprietary http server as good as Apache/Nginx?
Why there is no good proprietary server OS at all?
Why there is no proprietary multimedia transcoder as good as ffmpeg?
Why there is no proprietary encrypting algorithm?

>Why is ghere no good proprietary server OS at all?
Windows Server 2008 R2 is my standard go-to for most servers, unless it's really fucking old.

Premiere > Vegas

On what, it's rotary phone? Does it still have to pay long distance charges?

Windows Server 2008
Nero Recode
WinZip Password Protect

You forgot the most important part of his post

>Why isn't there a free software music player as good as Foobar2000?
Clementine, it's even better.
>Why isn't there any worthwhile free CAD software ?
There is.
>Why isn't there a free software movie player as good as MPC-HC?
MPV, VLC, Bomi, and MPC-HC itself. MPC-HC it's FOSS, so you just destroyed your arguments.
>Why isn't there a free software spreadsheet program as good as Microsoft Excel?
LibreOffice one is good enough for 99% purposes.

Your bait is shit.

Linux is the name of the kernel that Linus Torvalds developed starting in 1991. The operating system in which Linux is used is basically GNU with Linux added. To call the whole system "Linux" is both unfair and confusing. Please call the complete system GNU/Linux, both to give the GNU Project credit and to distinguish the whole system from the kernel alone.

No, we're not autistic.

Free software has infinity return on investment.

Quod Libet
there's libreCAD or smth i dunno senpai
Baka Mplayer or MPV depending on level
>Microsoft *
>Sony Vegas
got me there mate.

>Why isn't there a free software image manipulating program as good as Photoshop?
Probably because everyone who needs it already uses Photoshop. There's relatively little incentive to create another good image manipulating program, free or proprietary (there aren't equally good non-free competitors, either).

>Why isn't there a free software music player as good as Foobar2000?
I don't know why exactly Foobar2000 is that good, so I'll have to ask: what is wrong with free software music players compared to it?

>Why isn't there any worthwhile free CAD software ?
I'd imagine because developing them is expensive and commercial and again, there's no incentive to create one if the proprietary ones exist and the users are ok with them being proprietary.

>Why isn't there a free software movie player as good as MPC-HC?
Is MPC-HC really better than mpv or something?

>Why isn't there a free software spreadsheet program as good as Microsoft Excel?
Microsoft Office has managed to become the standard, again, no reason for anyone to develop or be paid to develop an alternative.

>Why isn't there a free software video editor as good as Sony Vegas?
Probably the same reason all over again.


Obviously free software alternatives to such things aren't as good (or even truly usable for real work) if 99% of the users don't care about freedom.
If a big number of the users cared and tried to avoid proprietary programs, good alternatives would probably be created. If enough people wanted a really good and free "Excel", surely there would be money to be made there and it would get made.