Help stop the ever growing presence of anti-freedom Sup Forumstards on GNU+Linux.
Help stop the ever growing presence of anti-freedom Sup Forumstards on GNU+Linux.
Imagine being this autistic.
>t. retard
hello Sup Forums
>for years lignux users bemoan nogaems
>valve complies and gives games
>lignux users complain
There's no winning.
>valve complies and gives a walled market overpriced DRM service that locks any games you purchase to it meaning you can never use them without it
Steam needs to go
You know no one cares about that, right?
and yet I care, therefore someone does care about that. So what was the point of your comment again?
You're the one trying to convince people here buddy.
you're the only unconvinced one here Sup Forumstard
did you invest too much money into steam and now you're scared to give it up? that was their plan after all, you are forever tied to their service.
Well you see I, for one, have no problem with games being locked to steam -- unlike some autists.
go back to your shed, sven
If someone port a game on linux they want to see some profit out of it. It's not forced on anyone. Deal with it.
>hurr durr ur a cugg xD x D
>i enjoy paying for things and not being able to use them as I wish
>3 supporters
good luck
yeah let's ask a business to stop supporting a platform for 'muh freedoms'
Use the power of your freedom to, you know, just fucking not install it.
this t bh. I've never used it, so I just don't install it. pretty simple, innit? the main principle of gnu/linux is freedom, and still you are trying to take the freedom of some people just because they are retarded
>claims they are anti-freedom
>proceeds to try and take their freedom from them
>>claims they are anti-freedom
>>proceeds to try and take their freedom from them
Freedom must offer you choice. You can be free or you can choose not to be.
Without this, free as in freedom becomes yet another prison.
>other people in muh sekret club use software I don't like
Pic is OP.
This isn't your toenail eating, no shower having hugbox. Steam porting to linux is one of the best things to happen to it in years. If you don't want any normies using your OS you should consider hanging yourself
this is literally you, OP. Fuck yourself, please die, please also kill your offspring if you have produced any yet.
>Steam porting to linux is one of the best things to happen to it in years.
I see this as pretty irrelevant, since it did not really lead to widespread support by games.
steam+unity = plenty of games supporting it and running on a platform lots of people use.
What you want is to get the normies over to linux because as more use it more will develop for it and it's a usefull tool for that.
So fat you look and see food
Pick one.
That would be way nicer if it wouldn't be the only platform those games run on.
If you're not a total fucking retard games on Steam are cheap as your sister.
And concerning DRM, you don't see me complaining about your sister's pimp when I bone her.
You've got my vote.
Get that proprietary cuck shit off of my GNU/Linux!
>fucking burn
If we remove steam, what about wine
I agree with you, that being said you're wasting your time trying to convince these manchildern. You're better off going to a different imageboard/IRC.
If you were really pro freedom you'd respect people's freedom to choose whether or not to run proprietary software. If you want to sustain a free OS, go ahead and do so. You don't need to compromise on anything just because people are running proprietary software on operatin systems similar to yours
Uses them how? Please enlighten me.
The only thing that pisses me off from STEAM is the fact that each games is a subscription and that hey has the right to remove the game from you.
That's the only fucking single thing.
Overpriced? Oh user, you should know better how to activate your keys.
>my sides, the savage is out
Glad to see someone with some good reasoning for a while.
There is free software only for windows (notable example: Notepad++).
Gaining freedom goes in stages. Get normies on GNU+Linux then slowly get them to abandon other proprietary stuff.
How can you be this retarded? Nobody is taking away your option of being a freetard when they add non-free options.
microsoft locks games to microsoft specific devices (console, OR pc, with limited installs and other DRM junk) Sony locks games to their consoles almost exclusively. So does nintendo.
Steam is the only reasonable service and porting it to more OS than microsoft basically makes them the best distribution platform for games.
I would of stopped buying games years ago instead of making a few select purchases once in a while if it wasn't for steam. Oh yeah and no stupid mandatory subscription like a console.
What the fuck happened to the game industry all those people that wanted to go to school to learn how to code to make video games must be all the ones saturating the market with DRM and microtransactions. So much for making games that are fun, crafting proprietary payment systems menues and opting instead of a gaming experience I'd be pissed if I went into college debt for that kind of employment.
Steam still locks games to Steam, instead of, you know, just not locking the game to anything. (Besides dependencies, but that's a different matter)
Fuck off. Why would you actively remove a piece of optional software from an OS? Especially one which could make linux more popular and thus improve it's development. Start removing shit from linux and it will be abandoned by everyone except
The base system of every lincuck distro is huge as fuck because of retards like poettering (he is not the only one so calm your tits), try installing a """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""minimal"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Debian system. See Tinycore Linux to get an idea of what I am talking about (system can be functional with a 10MB big image).
Let it burn.
Linux is the name of the kernel that Linus Torvalds developed starting in 1991. The operating system in which Linux is used is basically GNU with Linux added. To call the whole system "Linux" is both unfair and confusing. Please call the complete system GNU/Linux, both to give the GNU Project credit and to distinguish the whole system from the kernel alone.
>it's alright sir these slaves """chose""" to be slaves
Literally not an argument.
The problem isn't people using it, it's people not understanding the importance of freedom and throwing away what the rest of us have spent decades building.
>if you were really pro freedom you'd respect peoples freedom to own slaves
>Get normies on GNU+Linux then slowly get them to abandon other proprietary stuff.
Literally won't happen as long as they see steam and valve as their lord and saviour. Steam is honestly dreadful (god awful UI, slow, buggy, absolutely horrid support placing a support ticket takes like a month to resolves) and they worship it because several years ago it had a good sale that one time.
>What the fuck happened to the game industry all those people that wanted to go to school to learn how to code to make video games must be all the ones saturating the market with DRM and microtransactions.
steam happened, it invented both
Fuck valve, signed
>using proprietary software is the same as having slaves
the users are the slaves
GOG has been releasing a steady stream of Linux games as well and they are DRM free. They are still proprietary software but at least you have some rights. Little step in the right direction.
I might look into this.
the beauty of Linux is being able to do whatever the hell you want
why the fuck would you limit yourself and other users for no fucking reason? If this happens, even fewer users will free themselves from the clutches of Microshit
Has it ever occurred to you that some people just want a decent OS and don't give a fuck about the ideology of free software?
What worries me is not this petition, which will never pass anyway, but that there are people as fanatical and retarded as you
>Has it ever occurred to you that some people [...] don't give a fuck about the ideology of free software?
precisely the problem or can't you read?
>hey let's just force this small subcommunity of this already small community to either stop playing games or switch to a system that is bad at everything but playing games
this makes no bloody sense
the fewer users there are, the fewer developers there will be
just because there will be some more developers who don't want to conform to the libre ideology, it doesn't mean you are forced to use that software
you don't have to stop playing games
you have to stop using a proprietary DRM enforcing market service that binds all transactions to an account making it impossible for you to leave without giving up what you purchased.
most games require Steam nowadays
and games aren't like any other piece of software, that you can just replace with an alternative, or make your own, they are more like books or films, where you despise most of the trash out there, and the ones left are irreplaceable
the number of good games out there is already very small
and only a fraction of these will run on Linux natively or with wine
and out of these, only a handful will run without Steam
those all sound like good reasons to drop steam while we still can
You literally described Quake Live.
>implying we can
the best we can do is bring more developers over to Linux, and show them the Unix Way, FOSS culture etc etc
if you just start wanting things to be shut down, you will scare the end-users away, because they will be wondering what's the next thing to get the same treatment
if Steam drops support, game devs won't just think "wow, I really should stop relying on Steam", they will think "oh, developing for Linux is such a hassle, I probably shouldn't do it anyway"
the best way to halt a service is by offering a better alternative, look at how piracy declined once Spotify, Steam and Netflix became a thing.
If you really want to end Steam's monopoly, you have to offer better alternative
Support GoG, make your own service, write letter to game devs
>Support GoG
I do, I just re-bought Unreal Tournament 2004 on GoG to ditch Steam, but I use Windows and I don't give a fuck about open source, its not like I'm going to read the fucking source code of the OS anyway...
I just hate DRM in general.
By the way I'm surprised that the Linux version of UT2004 isn't on GoG, considering it ALREADY EXISTS in retail.
>the best we can do is bring more developers over to Linux, and show them the Unix Way, FOSS culture etc etc
literally won't happen if they know the user base will bend over and let valve ass fuck them.
The better alternative already exists, just buy games from the developer.
and getting rid of Steam by asking Valve to drop Linux support literally won't happen, and will only incentive more people to let themselves get ducked by Microsoft
the only people who would change their behavior with this are people who already don't use Steam anyway
if it gets freedom haters off GNU+Linux that's a good thing
why are japs so stumpy
Being against GNU/Tards is just because they insist on /STUPID/naming-scheme.
No package contributor is so inclined to dictate the whole community hoe you HAVE to prefix an established reference.
Yes, Linux is the kernel. Linux distribution does however indicate that not the kernel, but the whole packaged up thing is meant with all it things it contains.
Learn it. Do your thing, it's good. But fucking let your fingers from renaming other projects because of your ego.
can you try again but post in english this time, thanks?
As much as I hate Sup Forums manchildren, I would like to be able to play games like Dota 2 with my friends without having to switch to windows.
This is counter productive to our goals desu.
can you try to not grammar nazi this time, thanks?
TL;DR stop dictating how to name established references, you egomanic pricks.
You literally prey freedom, but get mad about how distros are called "Linux distibution".
but I use a GNU+Linux distribution
>le grammar nazi
Go the fuck back to redd!t and learn english before posting here.
You are right.
No, Richard, it's 'Linux', not 'GNU/Linux'. The most important contributions that the FSF made to Linux were the creation of the GPL and the GCC compiler. Those are fine and inspired products. GCC is a monumental achievement and has earned you, RMS, and the Free Software Foundation countless kudos and much appreciation.
Following are some reasons for you to mull over, including some already answered in your FAQ.
One guy, Linus Torvalds, used GCC to make his operating system (yes, Linux is an OS -- more on this later). He named it 'Linux' with a little help from his friends. Why doesn't he call it GNU/Linux? Because he wrote it, with more help from his friends, not you. You named your stuff, I named my stuff -- including the software I wrote using GCC -- and Linus named his stuff. The proper name is Linux because Linus Torvalds says so. Linus has spoken. Accept his authority. To do otherwise is to become a nag. You don't want to be known as a nag, do you?
Linux is a kernel, not an operating system.
but nice pasta
Linux is also a reference for the whole OS
(An operating system) != (a distribution). Linux is an operating system. By my definition, an operating system is that software which provides and limits access to hardware resources on a computer. That definition applies wherever you see Linux in use. However, Linux is usually distributed with a collection of utilities and applications to make it easily configurable as a desktop system, a server, a development box, or a graphics workstation, or whatever the user needs. In such a configuration, we have a Linux (based) distribution. Therein lies your strongest argument for the unwieldy title 'GNU/Linux' (when said bundled software is largely from the FSF). Go bug the distribution makers on that one. Take your beef to Red Hat, Mandrake, and Slackware. At least there you have an argument. Linux alone is an operating system that can be used in various applications without any GNU software whatsoever. Embedded applications come to mind as an obvious example.
I agree. I hate these fucking gaymers on Sup Forums which flooded the subchan with their consumer threads about intel, nvidia and amd. Keep them out of the tech society and Linux.
I'd like to. I don't know an imageboard alternatives with a high response rate.
no it's a reference to the kernel. different operating systems using the linux kernel have their own names. desktop operating systems using the linux kernel are typically GNU/Linux, but there is also chromeOS. on mobile it's typically android.
it is infact more correct to call GNU/Linux simply GNU, but the GNU project wishes to acknowledge the use of the linux kernel since the GNU os can use many kernels such as the freebsd kernel and the hurd kernel.
Linux is also a reference to a Linux distribution. Many are lazy to prepend every time GNU to Linux. If you can't understand from a context what people mean when they say Linux, you probably are not very smart.
so literally you're only argument is you're too lazy?
you can't even argue that you are correct because you know you are wrong.
If you're too lazy to write GNU/Linux or GNU+Linux, simply write lignux. I use this the majority of the time in written conversation.
Yep. I'm not correct m8.
And GNU using the Linux kernel gives the the right to demand an prefix?
I already acknowledge their contributions. But i won't let them dictate how i have to call my OS, just because they think they deserve more.
I really dig their ideology, but i choose to use proprietary software and drivers as well. It's my freedom to do so.
Think about it, do the Xorg developers demanded that we call it X11/Linux? Does even any other demanded such nonsense?
Think about it.
And now try to understand why freetards are hated even amongst die-hard Linix enthusiasts like me.
the linux kernel is by definition not an OS.
GNU is an OS.
If anything we should wonder why people demand the Linux suffix.
I use the word Linux, I don't give a shit about the GNU prefix. I'm not a big fan of RMS to write every time GNU/Linux instead of just Linux. Every time people are perfectly understand from a context what Linux is being meant: a kernel or a distribution. There're no reasons to care about this GNU shit prefix in real life.
because people call it that way. It's established in society.
Go to the street and choose 3 random persons. Ask them if they know the "GNU OS". Then if they know " Linux".
Linux per reference is an OS.
It's the problem of RMS why no one uses Hurd. If Hurd was an eligible kernel, people would use the word GNU. It's not our problem. It's convenient for us to use the word Linux.
i guess we should do everything because of 3 random people on the street.
maybe every technical field should have all of it's terms and theory filtered through 3 random people on the street to make sure we are accommodating them.
that's a good argument man.
It's convenient for you because you don't work in a technical field where there is a distinction between the kernel and the rest of the OS.
Choose the geekiest looking ones. You're freeā¢ to choose.
I 100% agree. No one gives a shit what glibc and coreutils are called.
and you're free to make an argument any time, but you can't
Man, I contributed to FreeBSD. I distinguish what is kernel and what is libc, base OS and so on. I just use what is easy for me.
it seems your autism disabled your reading capabilities.
then you contribute to the decline of literacy