>private trackers
>hard to get in, elitist by design
>extreme Darwinist/capitalist ratio rules
>but the userbase in these trackers is ultra-leftist
Anyone care to explain? Why are private trackers so pathetic?
>private trackers
>hard to get in, elitist by design
>extreme Darwinist/capitalist ratio rules
>but the userbase in these trackers is ultra-leftist
Anyone care to explain? Why are private trackers so pathetic?
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They're only Darwinist/capitalist when they are good enough to benefit from it.
Who is this semen demon?
this is like saying thieves can't be leftist, which isn't true at all. stealing (and i support stealing in this context) has nothing to do with political ideologies.
Also forgot to say that every single one of them use class division and grant privileges to higher user classes
in English?
The richer get richer and the poor get poorer and oppressed
The ultra leftists are just loud, the normal people download their shit and seed, and leave it at that, no posting in faggy forums at all.
Because people who unironically believe left political ideologies can work are idiots.
Even the most liberal, lefty-loving countries in the world are still squarely in the right-authoritarian region.
>being pushed to the far right due to extreme lefties
>being pushed to the far left due to extreme righties
Why are people sheep?
rich people don't even know about private trackers because they don't need them
>never checked news or opened a book in his entire life
It's pretty funny that leftist means liberal in the US while in the rest of the world leftist parties were created exactly to defeat liberal ones
People notice other people engaging in behavior and political discourse they disagree with, they might interact with them and naturally start to oppose them after a while depending upon exposure, etc. Before long they start seeing enemies everywhere, not noticing their own descent into the abyss.
Social media has only made us more sensitive to these primal behaviors, so it's only going to get worse.
moot would make a great hackerman on a tv show.
Because liberal arts students have literally nothing better to do.
Its not stealing user, its socialism.
What about roads though?
You can`t steal roads, silly
But without taxes you'd not get a proper road network.
If by roads you mean welfare and the military–industrial complex, then yes.
The famous Sup Forums hacker
>Why are private trackers so pathetic?
Because private trackers go against the revolutionary idea of torrent, which is enabling public access to information.
>thinks socialism doesn't utilize taxes
Are you retarded? Socialism != libertarianism. Libertarians don't even want a socialist economy. They want a free market, which is the literal opposite.
>It not like roads have existed in rural communities since Antiquity
>They want a free market
The irony is that they get the opposite because a 'free' market without regulations is simply ruled by those with the means to manipulate it.
Libertarians are the ultimate sheep.
>hard to get in
sauce the porn clip
>extreme Darwinist/capitalist ratio rules
What did he mean by this?
Also marxism has always been in conflict with anarchism because of the marxist belief that revolutionaries are just a few elite humans that must guide the rest, so you have to define "ultra-left" first.
socialists talk big about equality and generosity, but IRL the only was to solve the Free Rider problem in leftist utopias is gulags and lining people up against walls.
Go back to your containment board
Sigourney Weaver
>have to keep ratio above 0.x
>uploaders have ratio of 6gorillion
>poorfags with shit internet have 0.00001 ratio
>get kicked out of tracker for low ratio
>only uploaders with inflated ratios and egos left
geez I wonder why
>have to keep ratio above 0.x
>get kicked out of tracker for low ratio
>only uploaders with inflated ratios and egos left
Nothing to do with dawrinism or capitalism, underage faggot.
>he doesnt know what capitalism means
>waaahhhhh I can't get accepted into Empornium
Capitalist system needs a competitive market and private ownership of the means of production.
You can't have a competitive market if you kick out the possible competition or you have impossible barriers to enter the market.
You can't have private ownership of the means of production if everyone inside is allowed to download and seed torrents.
Go read a book kiddo.
>>but the userbase in these trackers is ultra-leftist
you're definitely not on HDB :^)
Who cares? Just get what you need and move on
>chris, I...
using MY computer? my computer isn't fucking public property, faggot. you want to leech, you fucking seed, and on MY fucking schedule. got it, commie scum?
Literally the only difference between Capitalism and Communism is that if you complain in Communism, you get sent to a gulag.
In Capitalism at least you can complain about it.
We're not talking about your mother's snatch
Fuck his face.
Not sure what private trackers you are apart of.
Ive been a member of AnimeBytes for years.
Practically all of their series has a few free leach options on them. Every 1080P release is a free leach.
You just cant hit and run on it. On average if you have a torrent uploading for a week you are good.
Ontop of that while you are seeding a torrent you get credits for upload ratio.
You also get credits for upload ration by being active on the forums.
So basically you are joining shit trackers
You sound like you would enjoy radical centrist memes.
But libertarians believe in the government keeping the free market free by limiting corporatism
Anarchists want no regulation. Anarcho capitalists are not libertarians, no matter what they say
Whatever nigger.
Keep labeling everyone and everything. Makes life a lot simpler :3
I'm pretty sure most libertarians would disagree with your definition buddy.
Shut the fuck up!
back the fuck off !?!?
Hey. I'm a nigger with an IQ... How do I get into private tracking?
Private trackers are communistic, moron. There's no private ownership of torrents with the owner deciding on how much upload he's going to pay his worker seed cucks. It's a sharing economy with a social safety net. All you need to do is keep hosting the files you've downloaded and you can rake in the bonus points on almost every tracker.
private anime trackers are dumb, there are so much public trackers that make the private one completely useless.
*actually, cancel that "communist" part since it's obviously not communal ownership. It's socialist.
I love AB so much
AnimeBytes makes it easy to find the best release of older anime, and they are quick on the upload for new stuff.
Is there any reason to try to join it? Any advantages over nyaa+bakabt?
BakaBT is a very large and popular public anime tracker.
However the most popular shows are usually banned. Any licensed show is banned. For example you will not be able to download Attack on Titan from BakaBT. More and more public trackers are following suit. They have found it is easiest to just not host the torrents that have the highest chance of getting legal action on them.
Private trackers do not have that problem.
Retention and organization.
BakaBT can only choose between what people offer, and they don't get many offers because their upload system is a huuuuuuuge pain.
On Nyaa 3/4ths of the releases are dead in 6 months.
If you don't watch much of anything but currently airing or major series then you can get by just fine with Nyaa and BakaBT. If you actually want a selection from older series then you need AB.
And of course if you want sources that would be ADC and U2.
Hmm, I've managed so far and found everything I've looked for, so I will probably be fine. But is it hard to get into?
What? HDB users are lefty as fuck, not mention completely retarded.
wtf racist i hate drumpf supporters now
It's harder than it used to be since there's no more official recruitment on other trackers. But every member gets plenty of invites so it's just a matter of making some noise.
private trackers have done more to harm piracy than any government ever will
So a pain in the ass then.
If you need everything handed to you then you're probably not a good match for private trackers.
Its probably pretty hard these days. I got in during open enrollment almost 6 years ago. So no clue really.
Also members who invite others are held responsible if the people they invite turn out to be shit birds. So all around if you don't get in during a very rare recruitment period I have no clue how you would.
>not a good match for private trackers
If you aren't an uploader it's literally just to keep seeding, or am I missing something?
I didn't realize there was some component of asphalt that only works when funded by stolen money.
No shit you have to maintain a decent ratio. Why the fuck would they invest in a leeching retard? Stick to public trackers, kiddie. It is safer there. The big boys are busy in private trackers. Maybe you can join when you are older and less selfish.
>Just use Leecher's Paradise
>Never seed
Feels good. :^)
No, you just didn't realize that there's a component of human nature that doesn't naturally fund asphalt.
No. Being part of a private tracker means you can also rip and edit audio as well. If you an illiterate tech noob, you should stay out of the grown-up pool, kiddie.
Why do you rip and edit audio?
>It's not like those roads were effectively impassable in wet weather
Funding arises out of necessity. Funding through force only means that the asphalt was never truly necessary.
To increase the availability of the software. Seems pretty obvious.
Take a trip to the darkside, youngling:
>ITT: Leecher kiddies with -100000 ratio try to justify why they are thieves and provide nothing for their community
Never change, Sup Forums
Are you talking about converting lossless audio to lossy?
The problem is even if you do seed, there are no leechers. Used to be just the amount of gb/tb you have to share counted.
>Expects that just because you have something to offer, you deserve to be rewarded despite no one wanting it.
You can offer me a pile of shit, but that does not make you worth more than your shit, friend. The best results of any system come out when people have to out compete each other. Grow up and learn provide something that people will want to leech. Think about what people want and you will be rewarded or do not. Either way, it does not affect my ratio and purges dumb leechers like you from the system.
>complaining about people being thieves because they doesn't illegally distributing media as much as others
At least on private trackers, you have to give back to the tracker community. Leechers like you provide nothing. Sorry, kiddo. Your white-knighting will not work here.
There are very few actual necessities. People can get by on very little. Missing out on the good things in life because they're not absolute necessities isn't a good thing.
It's subject to dispute? I'm sure a simple name isn't hard to determine.
eh the hard to seed thing is only true on certain trackers. I have a PTP account and don't worry much about seeding because I can buy bonus upload.
That is because PTP is a shit tracker filled with pooloos.
go back to Sup Forums you butthurt newfag
private trackers exist specifically to keep people like you out
wtf does that have to do with torrents?
>make your own private tracker
>VPN the shit out
>call other (cracka) niggers to your tracker
>stole their girlfriends
Uhh, profit somehow?
How does this make you feel?