I hate fucking renewable mouth breathers so much
Go nuclear or fuck off
I hate fucking renewable mouth breathers so much
Go nuclear or fuck off
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Iran and North Korea got the right idea. Go nuclear or go home.
>go nuclear
and how do you plan to insure such operations?
government owned insurance companies and limited liability laws?
and who will pay for them? the tax payers?
Also completely ignoring the other political problems of nuclear proliferation.
>Also completely ignoring the other political problems of nuclear proliferation.
This. And also, uranium ain't free. Even moreso when there is no uranium in your country. Disastrous diplomatic and geopolitical consequences.
can't we use thorium now?
would you believe me if I told you that price of uranium plays absolutely no role in decision making about nuclear power plants?
its like 0.0X of the total price
nucular energy could be safe, but instead it won't be, because a nanogram benisium could leak into water
doesn't matter if wind turbines chop up millions of people, as long as it doesn't leak I'm ok with that
that's a great idea, instead of using the abundant energy the sun shits all over the place, let's dig some poisonous rocks out of the ground, refine them and use that
anyone who thinks nuclear is anything more than a bridging solution to solar is a fucking moron
Come up with a good method to provide solar power to the entire world at a reasonable cost within limited confined spaces.
nucular is renewable
checkmate OP
>and how do you plan to insure such operations?
insurances are in place, usually around few billions
yes, in real event in might cost more and the government would need to step in and spend money of taxpayers to deal with the situation.
>Also completely ignoring the other political problems of nuclear proliferation.
Like what political problems?
anyone who thinks the humanity will stick with solar for extended period of time is delusional uneducated naive moron
you imagine future of human race to be wind turbines and solar panels everywhere you look?
to have few MWh for the cost of space and view? And then to build huge storage capacity batteries to bridge us over the night or when the sun shines just at that bad angle.
did you even looked at the comics?
Solar is for some 3rd world shitholes that need some energy cheaply and dont need reliablity, dont need to power hundreds million of vehicles, heating, air conditioning,...
just because inefective intermitent sun is free does not mean its the best way
Future generations of nuclear reactors is what we will have for a long time before fusion or something else comes.
>Future generations of nuclear reactors is what we will have for a long time before fusion or something else comes.
What will actually happen:
>energy companies being energy companies will ignore perfectly safe, maintenance free designs and will continue buying spare parts for plants with 50s design from ebay
>eventually, all water will be radioactive
>can't clean it
>everybody gets thyroid cancer and leukemia and dies
solar panels batteries and pumped hydro. and what's this limited space bullshit? have you seen how big a nuclear plant is?
fusion is 30 years away, and has been for the last 50 years.
>mfw breeder reactors produce more fuel than they consume
1 sure fire sign solar is overrated....
You don't see people putting solar panels on houses in Chernobyl, do you?
>solar panels batteries
extremely, EXTREMELY inefficient
we just really really suck at storing energy at the moment
>pumped hydro
where available, which is mostly nowhere
thats why germans use scandivaians pumped hydro
>limited space bullshit? have you seen how big a nuclear plant is?
nuclear plant even with the safety zones(to prevent attacks and movement around)
is one km squared
for example solar farm in california is 25 km squred and has cappacity 550MW
FYI single small reactor has 500MW, typical power, any modern one building now is 800-1200MW
plants usually have 4-8 reactors
and again comes the cappacity factor, those 550MW times 0.3
those ~4GW times 0.9
and remember that one solar farm is actually build in deser lol
Yes, but it takes money. Uranium was commissioned for weapons so it was available and research on it actually happened.
>mfw we built an inherently safe nuclear reactor 50 years ago
>physically impossible for a meltdown or pressure explosion to occur
>treecucks won't let us use the technology
They shut off the cooling pumps when the reactor was running at full capacity. It self-arrested it's nuclear reaction in five minutes. there wasn't even damage to the reactor or fuel.
Honestly the navy kind of cucked us with water-cooled reactors.
lets not get all retarded over molten salt
its so overhyped at this point that its hard to distinguish truth from the lengend
but it should suffice that 11 companies are building at the moment their prototypes
if its viable, it will be cracked in next 50 years
its design would be fucking awesome
working at the atmospheric pressure
and the fact that fuel melts during operation and solidify when off..
thats such a huge safety features that if it gets popular and widespread, I suspect that small nuclear incidents will happen cuz everyone forgets how scared we are suppose to be of nuclear.
Anyway, what we need is actually a factory that builds nuclear reactors that are assembled at site.
So that costs go dramatically down, in to fractions of current ones
I produce electricity with my penis.
>if its viable, it will be cracked in next 50 years
Nigger, molten salt reactors aren't new. They were the original cooling method until the Navy fucked everything up by demanding water-cooled reactors for their submarines.
The link I posted is a sodium cooled reactor built 50 years ago that was operational for 30 years. They deliberately shut off it's cooling systems and did not intervene whatsoever to test it's safety. The expansion of the sodium coolant shut the reaction down in five minutes without doing any damage to the reactor or fuel. The reactor also produced it's own fuel.
We already have the technology. We've built inherently safe molten salt reactors. We've built breeder reactors (including the one mention above) that produce more nuclear fuel than they consume. We're able to recycle uranium out of spent rods into new rods viable for use, leaving what's left of the rods radioactive for only 300 years. We have all of the technology we need. The ONLY issues are political.
Those all are highly theoretical statements, because will inevitably happen anyway, since energy companies are criminals, no exception.
>The ONLY issues are political.
no its not
china and india are building their thorium reactors
china even real LIFTR breeder
if it was easy they would already have 12 construction sites
its not easy, its not only political
there are real technological, engineering issues
when I said cracked in 50 years I meant commercial building of them routinely
providing petawatts of energy worldwide
not a concept or a protype reactor
>china and india
Cost is an issue, nuclear plants cost about 2 billion, and I know in Australia we would have to set up refinement and transport operations. that's a lot of economic inertia to overcome for something that isn't very popular
But they're cost effective, so the issue is capital. America has capital, every other country can go fuck itself.
change solar to nuclear in this sentence desu
>not using both nuclear and renewables, with nuclear for base load and solar for daytime peak power
Why do people insist on putting solar panels in dark-ass Northern Europe, when you could just put them in the Southwestern US or Australia?
Nuclear is awesome because of the sheer number of engineering jobs it provides. I worked in a plant for a few years and the money was excellent, just a shame it's so fucking boring with all the health and safety bullshit you have to deal with every day.
australia is actually one of the places I see solar as being pretty good option
huge desert with huge space that no one cares for
small population along shores
>2 billion
£18 billion estimated cost Hinkley Point C in UK 2 × 1600 MW
€6 billion is estimated cost of currently building 1 x 1200 MW in finland
€4 billion cost Temelin in czech republic 2 x 1000 in 2002 year and eastern europe prices
lifetime for these is projected to be 60 years btw
Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.
Without googling, is this a Trump quote?
I swear if I read one more smug asshole parroting this shitty sentence one more fucking time...
no, I guarantee trump never said that. It's just another buttblasted libfag cuck making fun of the way he talks, or trying to trick everyone.
fuck off
Did one of them hurt your fee-fees OP?
as much as I love nuclear in theory, when you're done with a solar panel, the waste isn't going to shoot ionizing radiation everywhere for millions of years
user. We're allergic to reasonable scientific advancement
>being an american cuckold