>all websites should look like this
>all websites should look like this
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd be happy if we could return to the time where web sites were web sites and not power point slides.
actually it would be kind of nice if the content was presented in some sort of standardized format, and you could either use your browser's presets or your own custom rules to choose how the data was displayed. maybe every websight could be JSON? just an idea
they would if retarded women didnt have to shit up the computing world with their fancy flat-design UIs. FUCK i hate women
>tfw your pc and internet 100 times faster than 15 years ago but every site now loads for an hour
Yes, so I can actually use my lynx web browser for efficient navigation without having to deal with any of you Gen Y graphic design majors and your spastic fucking jQuery blobs.
I'm starting to think Sup Forums is just the "born in le wrong generation" types of the tech world.
This. The government should have an agency to regulate this standard, and people who refused to comply should be imprisoned.
God bless America.
fuck css
JRPG level scaling
>get to an area
>enemies are difficult
>get stronger
>can one-shot all enemies
>move on to new area
>enemies are difficult again
>would be kind of nice if the content was presented in some sort of standardized format
We already have standards, user. No one follows them (or rather, very few organizations follow them).
>you could either use your browser's presets or your own custom rules to choose how the data was displayed.
We already have the ability to do that. The problem is it requires a lot of work because no one follows any standards. I use Scriptish, and if I wanted to I could make my own css/addons for the sites I use. But that would be a hassle.
This has nothing to do with "le wrong generation" since every single "improvement" to the internet has made problems that used to never exist. It's common now for sites to not load and just be a white screen (though it has "loaded") because one JS didn't come down right.
Loading a web page never used to be a problem.
well of course, i use stylish to make website i use a lot look the way i want them to. the point is that if all content was delivered in an interchange format, you could write ONE style and have everything obey it
it certainly did when they were using flash instead. there was a time when it was not uncommon for a website to contain nothing but an embedded flash player, so nothing obeyed your system's ui standards and it was incredibly slow to load
Standards should have been enforced harder from the start.
The best thing about standards is there are so many to choose from...
>Putting your website's '""""""""""source code"""""""""""""" on github
when will this meme end?
>it certainly did when they were using flash instead.
I know. And I thought that we learned our lesson from that. It was wrong then and it's wrong now.
Almost, though should have a centered viewport of a sane width by default and lists and hyperlinks should look ok by default.
Do you guys miss Flash?
> should have a centered viewport of a sane width
80 characters.
gopher is what you a looking for.
Sup Forums is probably the most basic looking popular website there is, besides wikipedia
Anyone have that image that showed that the JS on wikipedia is twice as large as the content?
this is a website
>Uses google analytics JavaScript
It absolutely is. A huge part of the user base here wants the wild west of the 90s back even though the internet is objectively better now.
>the internet is objectively better now
JavaShit web artisan detected
>on a website with "infinite scrolling"
>scroll down by a fair amount
>websites becomes laggy and sluggish because of all the shit that's loaded
>end up having to reload
>back at the beginning having no idea how far down I ended
>no way to get back down there without scrolling for 5 minutes straight and loading all that shit again
this triggers me so much
You're not meant to actually care what you're seeing when it comes to the modern web, user.
>some sort of standardized format
Like HTML?
>you could either use your browser's presets or your own custom rules to choose how the data was displayed
Like CSS?
>that font rendering
>Linux is ready for the desktop
yeah, something like that
But why do I have to allow scripts to be able to read text on a site?
I don't write any code mate, I have no interest in that shit.
lol how else will you be able to read a simple pure html file
You want craigslist?
Firecucks has a reader mode which strips out all the bullshit and gives sites a uniform style, makes Wikipedia actually readable.
>removing features is now a feature
How did we let it get so bad?
It became this bad when we forced women into STEM, which they haven't even interested in the first place, under the promise to make them equal to men, which was fucking true when they were working on things they were truly good at. Now we have blue haired landwhales that got the idea that they are somehow inferior to men if they don't smear shit all over the code. This is why you fucking shouldn't fix things if they ain't broken.
>i am webdev hear me roar
>he is a crosshosted jquery applet for menu animations that weighs 4mb
This reminds me a successful company
yeah. The biggest problem caused by HTML is that data and presentation were conflated.
That boat sailed 25 years ago though.
Every site I've built was done with orgmode exporting to html. Works perfect on mobile and desktop browser, was dead simple to make, no reader mode needed, ect.
90% of sites could easily be static like this with some css finesse like a restaurant site, hotel booking site ect instead of piles of fucking JQuery abortion
You're literally talking about Gopher
Developers need to stop relying on js and jquery for everything they want to achieve on a website. They use that shit for basic things that css could achieve.
Should really be left to dress up a website a bit on top of a solid presentable website not to be the backbone.
I like the look of some "modern" website but usually the viewing performance is just shit as a result of all the junk they put in.
I know almost nothing about web development.
I think there are a lot of Javascript "libraries" out there that anyone can use for their own websites. How many websites today consist of a bunch of these random libraries slammed together? What happens to a website once someone decides to stop maintaining one of these libraries that's used in a bunch of websites?
they also need to stop doing this shit
EFF would like to have a word with you, you koolaid-drinking millenial piece of shit. I guess having your data stolen, ransomed, and used against you is an acceptable price to pay for the insipid snapchats you send to strangers.
They just keep making new libraries, JQuery, Vue.js, React.js ect.
Now we have webassembly which means you can make these sites in C/C++ and a binary is pushed through your browser and run client side in the java virtual machine.
>First letters of sentences not capitalized
No, thanks.
>makes Wikipedia actually readable.
In what world is Wikipedia not readable? Wew.
>Now we have webassembly which means you can make these sites in C/C++ and a binary is pushed through your browser and run client side in the java virtual machine.
Isn't that what Java applets were supposed to accomplish?
Font is tiny with long lines and the brightness rapes my eyes. Here's a comparison.
Font size is not an excuse bruh, you can raise their size.
I want to read, not look at fancy blinking buttons on my screen, kill yourself.
This and floating social media links
Looks pretty crappy pham.
There's nothing wrong with having a few lines of CSS you fucking autists.
I certainly do.
Yeah, hopefully webassembly is competently implemented this time
At least it won't require an oracle plugin
Just so you know- if someone is using Tor, and they aren't an Iranian political dissident, I immediately assume that they are either accessing illegal pornography or buying drugs. I dislike surveillance and censorship but there is very little legitimate use for Tor in the first world.
I'm making a tool like that.
It's basically a browser with specific code to handle spscific web sites. It scrapes their HTML, gets the data and presents it to me in a file system-like interface. Uses JSON API endpoints too if available.
Most recently, I integrated Sup Forums's JSON API. I now get this hierarchy:
Sup Forums/
I can choose to view information at any level of detail. For example, my interface allows to get all threads from all boards or from just one specific board or from a specific set of boards. It allows to view unstructured posts with similar constraints.
>xe doesn't use AOT-compiled HTML
>the internet is objectively better now
>the internet is objectively better now
>the internet is objectively better now
Lolno. There isn't even any original content on the internet anymore, now it's just procedurally generated clickspam as far as the eye can see. And it's nearly as slow as the dial-up days, because of all the needless bloat they put everywhere.
Maybe you shouldn't use a ``gaming monitor", then.
>the internet is objectively better now
Others have already picked on you for this, but I'm going to greentext it again to hammer home what a stupid thing it was that you wrote.
I would love it if every website was like the GNU documentation and every web app had minimalist text only design
Or we could develop a browser that strip down modern websites to the bare minimum. Something like w3m or elinks does.
Flat design is actually a good thing, way better than that old trend, skeumorphism. I don't know why you blame woman for that. That makes absolutelly no sense.
flat design is disgusting
thus ending up with broken websites, there needs be a standard
Ok, a little css isn't a bad thing. The human brain evolved to distinguish things by color and contrast. a little css can make a webpage easy to navigate through. Don't be soo extremist.
This but unironically
I didn't notice that before, but this sucks...
Why not 64 or 128 characters?
A power of 2 should be the standard.
>It was wrong then
It depended on what you wanted. If you wanted a simple way to make something consistent between computers, it was fine. If you wanted something lightweight and good for search engines, it wasn't.
A little bit of client-side logic doesn't hurt nobody. C programmer here.
Power of 2 for a UX decision? C'mon man.
Buy a book
Blame those front-end engineers with their colorful t-shirts and laptops covered with stickers.
This is the pinnacle of the web.
I think the problem is this libraries being soo monolotic.
If the library is small enough, you can maintain it yourself. The problem is that they're huge.
The problem with modern web development isn't styling, it's javascript. I know CSS doesn't display the same across every browser, but there are only about 5 different browsers that are commonly used and there aren't a huge number of issues if you haven't overdesigned your page.
Javascript is not needed in at least 90% of the cases that it's used in.
If you're making an interactive message board like Sup Forums, the settings menu and the update button are nice features.
If you're making a web interface for something like an email client, the only thing you need javascript for is an auto-refresh feature. When you go to outlook or gmail, you download an enormous amount of JS which does almost nothing to improve your experience an hurts your experience in a lot of cases.
Just use Wikipedia in mobile mode by going to the bottom of an article and clicking mobile or adding an "m" to the URL like this: en.m.wikipedia.org
There's a lot of papers and researches that says, shorter lines are easier and more confortable to read than longer ones. And too much contrast and light harms your eyes.
>lat design is disgusting
This is a matter of taste. I like minimalism.
>thus ending up with broken websites
I believe that the servers should only deliever API's. The front-end should be replaceable.
I know a guy who makes $144 a day by writing JS for a website. JS is a language taught to 7 y/o's during the mandatory "hour of code" initiative. Modern "web devs" are con artists who are too lazy to learn how to properly code.
>Power of 2 for a UX decision? C'mon man.
Why not? So you're one of those golden-ratio-lovers?
a website should be like a virtual reality where you design an open world map. you place houses and they're like webpages with different content. it could be a consultant that tells you about services and products offered, shows you some of them in a simulation, and another can be a snapshot of the creators backstory seeing them build the business up with their own virtues, and it's all interactive. that's what i want the internet to be honestly. it would be so awesome.
what kills me inside is that you would all still argue about it using javascript or not, completely ignorant of the stride.
Alright but what about:
Can we go back to good old javascript? Fuck jquery
Flat design are painfully overused and cliché, but they're good if done right and aren't just Bootstrap/Wordpress templates gussied up. Blame idiots tying absolutely everything to JavaScript with poor programming practices (Such as not waiting for the DOM to load before executing the script or tying absolutely everything to AJAX.) and overextending everything to the client-side.
A lot of that has to do with browser back-compat, (ie: Grandma/Governments/Businesses who won't leave IE) which is a bitch depending on how far back you have to support it. Firefox and Chrome are border-line the same when it comes to compatible features, but everything else is a crapshoot on what you can and can't do with it.
IMO, a website should look more like a book. Pure and simple.
>Flat design are painfully overused and cliché
And so are user interfaces on Android and iPhone, and I don't see people complaining. If each website make their UI different, it's a new learning curve for the user, each time he/she browse that site for the 1st time, specially if he/she is old an doesn't have much familiarity with the internet. If we make every UI the same, the user doesn't need to learn everything from scratch and if you use a template, you saves time and money. And navigate through a website is a common thing that DOESN'T NEED to be different on every single website!
>A lot of that has to do with browser back-compat
a lot of what has to do with compatibility? An enormous amount of javascript or the hatred of CSS?
Both. Good luck doing something like async functions right now outside of Chrome, FF, and Opera.
A lot of the complaints come from bitter designers and Sup Forums, and while I can understand the necessity for a common language when it comes to website design, a lot of it comes off as creatively bankrupt at the lower levels with no attempts at really trying something new. There's a difference between making things similar for new users and not even bothering to try.