>Want to share this link with my friends
>open facebook on my phone to message message them a link to it
>can't do it
>see pic related
I want to punch this little fucker in the face more than anyone else in the world, fuck this manlet faggot
Want to share this link with my friends
Other urls found in this thread:
who are you quoting?
>using facebook
Well that fucking sucks cause I'm using a blackberry and there's no such thing as facebook messenger there.
Use Facebook Lite, it still has messaging
>on Sup Forums
>Using facebook
>Using facebook on your phone
>using google
Sup Forums is for technology, not normalfag culture.
>using kikebook
neck urself my dude
Fuck off, trash, you're not wanted here.
>using youtube
Hi Canadá
>request desktop site
>messenger works now
doesn't it feel great not being retarded?
>not using XMPP
Wtf you are doing here?
I don't use this. What is "messaging" and what is "Messenger"? I don't understand the difference.
fuck off phoners
>I want to punch this little fucker in the face
please take a number and get in line
your number: 3,179,402,931
he's a jew, op
Maybe you should stop using Facebook.
chill user, OP's using green text story mode
GNU/Social doesn't have this problem.