Having a third-world economy

>Having a third-world economy

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>third-world economy
All me


also wtf, we exported more than Russia (moneywise)

The Netherlands isn't facing embargoes.

>Russian economy is massively underperfoming
How is that a surprise? Their ecomy has a similar size to Italy

Russia wasn't in 2012

Yeah that's true. I guess their economy is just shit.

Everybody is watching Eurovision now and don't care about your posts

>Watching Eurovision

>0.87 Human or Animal Blood
>6.8 Diamonds
we don't have diamond mines

It could be that you manufacture industrial diamonds.

Cropped the sum by mistake. 53.7B 2014.

You'll learn, one day.


I think you just import raw diamonds to cut and polish and then export them that way.

That's a lot of planes

Who needs hi-tech when selling oil is so easy and profitable?

but you cut them

based exports
too bad your imports are africans

That Gold is actually people selling their families heritage and jewelry

>economy is based entirely on fishery
>all political parties are anti-EU
>Republicans are cutting the economic aid from Denmark

How do we do ?

Thank you for taking our manufacturing jobs. We didn't want to do them anyways.
Now we can focus on watching anime.

Possibly the only 1st word economy


>tfw you almost import what you export


Dat diversity tho

Relatively diversified.

>exporting non-renewable resources
Why do people even do this? If it was up to me, I would hoard that shit like it literally cant be renewed.

What I don't understand is how they could keep a first world country and will recover to growth again. This isn't even 3rd world tier.

Hoarding is always a bad idea.

breddy gud desu


>unclassified transaction
what is this?

In what world would it make sense to hoard natural resources? You never know if people will pay for it in the distant future so sell it now.

Basically a miscellaneous section for things that don't fit into any of those categories.

Cite an example of a situation wherein hoarding would be advantageous.

Unclassified transactions are transactions that aren't classified. It isn't criminal activity or anything like that; non-legal exports obviously can't be tracked (except in estimations that aren't included on these infographics). Think of it more like an "other"—the accumulation of all of the smallest export categories, that aren't included in any other class.


Why hasn't Putin diversified the economy?


Money is worthless tho, cant eat it, cant build a bridge out of it, cant make cure out of it, cant make weapon out of it.........
Market keeps crashing and burning 24/7, its extremely unreliable, no one can plan or predict it, its just one giant mess.

Meanwhile resources have a constant nice predictable always reliable usage value.

Literally any situation. Look around you. Have a pencil or a keyboard or whatever? Did people need resources to make it?
Cite an example where having ton of resources wouldnt be beneficial.


Russia exports more than it imports.

US imports more than it exports.

Russia is safer.

Brazil is the asshole of the world, so please don't bully.

>Money is worthless tho, cant eat it, cant build a bridge out of it, cant make cure out of it, cant make weapon out of it.........

But you can buy food, order the construction of a bridge, buy medicine and buy weapons with it. It's the medium of exchange. There is no difference, mathematically, between having two billion dollars and two billion dollars worth of guns. The only reason you would want to get rid of all of your money is if you believe it suddenly isn't going to be worth anything tomorrow, such as if you think the market is going to totally collapse on Sunday in a scale completely without comparison. That probably isn't going to happen, so you probably don't need to worry about your money becoming worthless.

>Meanwhile resources have a constant nice predictable always reliable usage value.

No, they don't. The value of any particular resource changes over time. Old resources that were previously valuable become obsolete, and new resources that were previously worthless surge in demand.

>Cite an example where having ton of resources wouldnt be beneficial.

In the future, when they aren't worth anything. Let's say Serbia had a massive oil deposit, trillions of barrels, but your government decided not to allow for it to be exploited, because they thought (with the same lack of logic that you are currently demonstrating) that it would just keep getting more and more valuable. Then, to Serbia's dismay, it stops getting more and more valuable.

Now, instead of having used the capital from their oil industry to invest in new technologies and raise the country's standard of living, Serbia is instead exactly as poor and exactly as stagnant and underdeveloped as ever. If only they hadn't hoarded their resources.

Hoarding anything, including money, is a waste. It is always better, economically, to keep cash flowing and turn old money into new money and resources into products.

We don't import anything but useless plastic crap

I made this one for the Italian regions