Need to get internships so when i finish comp sci degree getting a job isn't that much of a bitch

>need to get internships so when i finish comp sci degree getting a job isn't that much of a bitch

>every fucking internship is expecting me to have experience already

What is the point of this shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

Welcome to the job market in 2017.

I'm sure some call center will hire you.

>You mean you can come every day for however long except for Tuesday? But we need you here every day!
Well, I'm not dropping out of university to work at your shitty company for slightly more than a minimum wage.

this is just a test my dude. They know you are a student but ofc their ideal candidate can do everyhting already.

Keep in mind - HR departments are fucking stupid and have no clue what they are doing.

They will never reject you cause of a lack of experience (as a student) - never ever. This is just a meme spouted by people who got rejected cause their applications are shit.

Just put in effort and display what you actually can do and have learned to stand out in between all the other neet student fucks with no experience that apply.

t. HR Department Amazon

If you work for free or shit payment, then most of companies will hire you. I had similar situation but had chance to have my "first job experience" in start-up. It was terrible, but you gotta do what you need to do. Maybe some remote work ? Try mobile stuff they always look for "new talents".

Alternatively if you can't find internship then go for normal job offer. If you pick normal business, then they gonna test your skills. Additionally there are lots of summer internship programs, how come you didn't finish one?

Just graduated as a Mechanical Engineer with a 3.42 GPA and couldn't find an internship for shit. Now I can't find a job for shit. Been 2 months since I graduated and no job, about to start looking for some bullshit retail job.

Why did I go to college again?

they just want you to bow down, lick their foot and say you'll work pro bono

you didnt do any during your studies? this is really bad!

what about friends from college? any connections? get out there .. virtually impossible to end up in retail with such a degree user ...

>Additionally there are lots of summer internship programs

These are the ones I've basically settled for and even they're asking for "previous experience"

Like man. Guess i have to wiggle my way of finding zero pay ones

>Keep in mind - HR departments are fucking stupid and have no clue what they are doing.
Not OP, but I've had interview that also had Team Leader involved, and he was very surprised that I had no prior experience worth mentioning in C#. I was applying to "Java Developer" position. After month and a half they sent me email thanking me for my interest bullshit. It was so poorly paid that I'm kind of glad.

>you didnt do any during your studies? this is really bad!

Yes it's terrible and now I am fucked.

>what about friends from college? any connections? get out there .. virtually impossible to end up in retail with such a degree user ...

Some friends tried getting me a job at Lockheed and it's been 3 weeks and no call so that's not happening. Pretty depressing.

What shit universities do you goys all go to because in my school every summer there were high paid internships available either on campus working for research building some in-memory dbms or off campus at dozens of companies. I had my pick of internship.

If you can't find anything go on and keyword search INTERNS or make a post in the monthly 'who wants to be hired' thread and say you're looking for internship, you will be hired.

Oops forgot link:

well its generally isn't an issue. Companies are ran by individuals and sure it might matter to some to a certain degree. Im talking in general - which applies when you apply to multiple companies.

yeah well Lockheed dude. Don't reach for the stars immediately - those are high competition entry level jobs. Only a fraction of graduates get in - be it through connections and whatever. Just apply to many many companies and see whats going to happen. Don't settle for the Top 5, Top 10 in your field. This is fucking retarded.

Don't fall for the

>fresh grad
>150k salary
>every benefit i want

memes on the Internet. Some people are lucky - some have to do it the hard way.

A COMMON problem i see among fresh grads is that they are so deluded and brain washed by their university/college and think they literally DESERVE to get into the best companies on the market but that evidently isn't the case.

Hey, some of my friends got job by doing well at entry test. You don't need commercial experience to be able to grasp the meaning of things. If you want to go into programming start with something easy like HTML5 + CSS + JS basics or you can for for c#/Java

I've applied to maybe 50 places so far. Lockheed was the only one where I had connections though. I'd take bottom of the barrel as long as it will help me develop my resume with practical engineering skills.

No one wants to hire a fresh grad with no internship experience. I fucked myself hard. The only thing I have going for me is GPA and that is practically irrelevant.

Most jobs I come across want 8+ years of experience, some request 2-5. I find very few that specify entry level.

doesn't make any sense seriously. Not a single interview? something must be SERIOUSLY wrong with your CV. What in the world are you doing!?

What about linkedin? Are you present there? This is a must have. What about big career expos in your area? What about your university, college?!

>Most jobs I come across want 8+ years of experience, some request 2-5. I find very few that specify entry level.
Not really on topic, but I also really "enjoy" companies which call their positions very generically and require everything from HTML to Assembler, CCNA and Unix expertise. And pay like shit.

>tfw been taking summer quarter for the past 3 years
There's a lot of classes I want to take, rip me.

I don't have a linkedin. I went to make one and it requires I put a job title and the company I'm working for. Is this for people who are already employed and searching? If I censor my contact info is it safe to post a screenshot my resume here for a critique?

Something is not right. Don't tell me you are a scrub.
Don't apply for a job that needs 8+ years of experience because you don't have that much. I bet those were ment for senior something. If you want to succeed then take it slow. If you can't then I bid you best of luck.

>TFW didn't go to college
>TFW making $60,000 in upstate NY doing help desk work

>Is this for people who are already employed and searching?

no its for everyone. Most HR Departments do their initial search for potential candidates on linkedin actually. Its the #1 spot. Basically the FB for Work.

Research on what you should put in as a fresh grad who is looking for emplyoment. Im sure there are many articles on this already.

I wouldnt put up a CV on Sup Forums. There are places on reddit that aren't terrible for this type of shit

>If I censor my contact info is it safe to post a screenshot my resume here for a critique?
Not him but yes, your location would also help. Some countries and regions are just shit to get a decent job. If I was willing to drop university and move, I could get better paying job than those shitty internships even without having a degree. But I would rather finish it and get a better paying job later somewhere else.

This is what I have. I change up the relevant courses a bit depending on where I am applying and what they are looking for. How can I fix this?

I'm in Florida btw.

>Academic Honors and Awards

I'm sorry, but you sound like a child. Noone gives a shit about your academic honors or your awards. Jesus. Its a huge red flag on a resume.

Advisors on my campus told me to put it there. Should I remove it and put more coursework? What about the skills section, you didn't say what was wrong there.

ok pal ... Amazon Wagecuck here. I look at thousands of resumes.

This is pure cancer. Its barely readable. Tbqh i'd just click that shit away instantly.

Dear LORD! ... I know you are an engineer but man try to make that thing readable.

There are so many templates out there.

Who told you to put "relevant courses" on your CV anyway? I know you have an degree in mechanical engineering.

What i want to know is why i should hire you.

this is b8. Academics, Honors, Awards are highly relevant TL;DR:

>too much text
>hard to read
>irrelevant information

It wouldn't hurt you if you acutally pay someone to do a professional resume if you CBA. Its wort hit and can make the difference between finding a 50k or 80k entry level position (as a mechanical engineer) - so think about it.

He doesn't have any related experience, what else would he put?

Do you think its okay if I list my participation trophies from Junior High on my resume?

Perhaps he's hoping for a job from Noone?

In his case its fine though because he doesn't have much other experience. Once he gets relevant experience, the academic honors needs to go asap to make space

If I don't put relevant coursework then what do I put? I don't have experience so without that I really have nothing else to put there.

Note: is a different poster.

That is pretty substantial for helpdesk work, congratulations user. I grew up in central/western NY and I think about going back everyday I miss it there, but I'm making well over 6 figures where I am and the money is difficult to walk away from.

I'm not happy here, but I couldn't be happy there knowing how much I'm passing up even if the cost of living is lower. I sort of envy your situation even though I don't want to be anywhere near helpdesk.

not a good idea and irrelevant. It'll be better

Regarding the course shit - i'd say KEEP this too a bare minimum.

Again .. like i said initially. Its not really about your experience my dude. There are HUMAN beings on the other side you know. Its not like we don't know that some fresh grad necessarily doesn't have epic work experience. Thats why its an entry-level position. Most companies usually reserve around 2-3 months of training for fresh grads or have programs for that anyway.

What you need to do is show a company why it should invest into you.

this is a good video actually.

Just start building wells in Africa for UNICEF. That should count as experience.

Im not suggesting user should make up a story about how he helped to build wells somewhere in Africa but it would really really help. Im also not suggesting that there isnt any paper work involved usually because villages and help organizations aren't there to help you with your career ;). Im also not suggesting that user should fill in some potential gaps like a summer with a fake africa trip to boost his CV. ;)!

>too much text
I don't know, some companies required that my CV has at least 2 pages. To be fair, they actually required that it is informal and that I should write about stuff I do in my free time.

I'm in Europe, I don't know if stating what courses you did is really relevant. Here it really isn't. If they want to know, they are going to ask. Also, when referring to skills, you are expected to describe how much you know. Advanced - worked on some projects (even if it was only part of your course), beginner - I used it in my free time a bit. Expert - I already worked at position that required it (and I didn't fail miserably). Expect to be asked a few questions to prove that you are what you claim to be.

Nobody gives a shit about your MS Office experience, some idiots claim to be experts in it and never heard of macros, so it kind of lost value to even state it. If they want to know, they will end up asking.

CV of 2 Pages is retarded.

If anything that would include a cover letter/motivational letter. I absolutely hate CVs that are longer than 1 page.

If you can't condense information on 1 page you are most likely a pain in the ass to work with and overcomplicate things.

There are always outliers like yourself, friend. My brother is making over 65k and he does not even have a GED (he dropped out when he had a blood clot go to his head and was in the ER). You sometimes just get lucky. The thing about getting lucky is, by definition, some people have to be less lucky.

I agree, but I was recommended to do it, so I did.

anyway ... what i can also add is the following:

>treat writing resumes, CV's, cover letters, motivational letters as some important skill to learn

most faggots on Sup Forums would invent a time machine if they had to to post on her

so why not invest some time into actually learning how to go about in the recruitment process?!

read articles, watch "tutorials", suck up all the relevant information.

Treat it as if its a programming language you want to learn and you desperately want to be knowledgable about it to shitpost on Sup Forums. I dont know. Make something up. Treat it as if its a new video game you have to master bcause you want to be good at it.

Im saying this because this is an area thats usually heavily neglected. Nobody really talks about this openly and universities/colleges are really bad at this aswell mostly because they pretend that all of their grads are super high in demand and basically get auto employed anyway. It'll be kind of bad for them if theyd guide people through all the effort behind it.

Soo with that being said just fucking LEARN HOW TO GET A JOB. Get good at it. You will need it. You have to apply for jobs multiple times in your life and its only going to become more important down the road because then its about more money, more important decisions (family etc).

If everything fails and oyu are just too dumb please apply to the nearest amazon warehouse - you will get hired for sure and the pay will be shit, the work will be hard, the people that work there fucking suck but at least its a job user ;)!!

This. A resume says a lot about someone if you read into it enough.

Is it over a page?
The person is probably cocky and full of themselves. They think their accomplishments can make up for their terrible personality.

Is it overly frilly with their name being the biggest text on the fucking page?

They are a terrible worker that thinks their "creativity" will make up for their lack of knowledge.

Is it overly wordy?

Same basic problem of the 2 page person, but the person may also be a very terrible team player and will come in thinking they can do everything day one.

Is there any color?

Future office shooter. Into the trash it goes.

Is there academic information from high school?

They are trapped in the past and are trying too hard to justify why they should be hired. Into the trash it goes immediately.

They also want to pay you nothing.

color isnt that bad if its nicely themed imo. Stands out and makes it readable more often than not.

Why would you expect high pay when you have no experience? Fuck off.

No. Color is always a bad idea. Period. You are applying to work, not to be a feminist colorist.

calm down son. Many companies use colors in their own marketing. Its a vital part of business and signalling.


HR Department = FEMINISTS

The application basically never ends up on the desk of some grumpy oldschool tech fag code monkeys desk lol.

You have to get past the eyes of some 20 soemthing qt feminist who never does anything in this shitty office but judge people on things she has no clue about.

>anything above 0 is "high pay"

>shit that never happened: the post

you fucking nerds prove yet again none of you are old enough to be out of high school

I just realized.
The reason nobody wants to fucking hire me for shitty low tier jobs is because I keep putting my education on them. I should just redact that holy shit

It is an internship. You are there to learn and get experience, not to get paid, dumbass.

What about pic related?
Is it a readable and nice looking cv or mental illness tier?

>A graphic of your skills
Holy shit! I knew feminism was infecting the world, but this is a whole new level of mental illness I did not even think was possible.

Hello fellow amazonian.

Yeah, I finally managed to get my first job as a cart pusher after I stopped putting my degree on my applications.

Work Hard. Have Fun. Make History.


The bars are pretty wince-worthy, but is the general aesthetic alright or 'throw it in the bin' tier?

y-you too

i want to get off this ride

u 2 frend?!?!

The colors are distracting and pull the eye to the dates rather than the content. It is garbage.

Yeah, alright, but I didn't mean this specific CV example, I mean are CVs that use graphics, colors, etc. viewed as childish or something

Is a CV that doesn't look like a joke?

rate my resume , i have it as a pdf so the document looks better(much bigger white page) the top black square is my name.What should i change? add? change the document look? im going to appply for a web dev job

It depends on the job, obviously, but as a general rule of thumb, yes, graphics are for morons and people with no understanding of the concept of "content over presentation." If you are going for an animator job, sure, make it flashy, but since you are on Sup Forums, you are most likely going for something in the computing / coding / engineering fields, where it is about what you know rather than your artistic skill.

tl;dr Make your CV design reflect the type of job you want. If it is flashy, expect people to think you are more flash than know-how.

What the fuck?! My eyes are bleeding! Who the fuck taught you to use that shitty layout? You also have a shit ton of typing errors in there and the mixed cases makes me think you are illiterate. Please be bait.

I don't mind it. Been really good for the resume and my bank/investment accounts and opened a lot of doors and I have learned a ton.

I'm pretty exhausted though.

>be in undergrad 4 years ago
>apply for co-op, REU, work study
>get offers out the wazoo
>pick REU over the other offers because "I should do something I love!!11 xdd"
>now I'm a poor grad student

I think I am going to be sick. Overly wordy and tons of errors. Into the trash it goes!

Relevant courses should either be absent or 1 line of text. The biggest chunks should be personal projects and work experience. I don't see any personal projects right now. Remove soft skills from your 'skills'. Academic honors is a-OK but squeeze it into 'education' and just take the highlights.

>grad school meme student
Why are you being redundant here?

>relevant courses
>vague "skills"
>"academic awards" on a resume intended for the private sector

Why would you put a skill on your resume then immediately walk it back by admitting you aren't great at it

what about this, just the layout not what is written

I know a grad student in security dev that easily makes 70k-80k annually. Me on the other hand struggle to make 45k.
>be math phd
>any job I want
>300k starting

Should I bother mentioning my GPA if it's not good, or is that a bigger red flag? I have a 2.9 : /

i dont think it matters in our field, unless u have a high gpa n r a recent grad

Are you at UCF my dude?

Math degrees are a meme. Unless you are a professor, you will be unemployed unless you learn an actual skill along with it.

There are still errors everywhere! Fix that shit! English better not be your first language because I really think your grammar school should be shut down if it is.

Why do you think I'm on Sup Forums?

its a quick sketch in illustrator, i ddnt fix the typos its lorem ipsum, I just want to know if this is better or should i change it more like the header and stuff.

This is actually a really solid layout. I'd call it 90% perfect assuming your actual text for the projects/work experience are concise and well outlined

I would drop the soft skills (word, photoshop) and probably drop spanish/english.
Education is usually a minimum requirement recruiters look at, i've had good luck compressing it to ~2 lines and making it the first section

yea after the first roast I thought of that.

>Who told you to put "relevant courses" on your CV anyway?
This. That's intern-teir shit so they have an idea of what you've learned. You have a degree so it implies you know what an ME graduate would know. Put some projects on their.

>built mechanical dildo into my chair to stimulate my prostrate while browsing the internet


>This is just a meme spouted by people who got rejected cause their applications are shit.
You mean like "doesn't have prior experience"?
I got in a pissing match with my professor once over this, turned in his resume with all the actual job titles taken out so it was all just "self study" and his bacherlors with some kind of portfolio he made.
Point is he got told "oh we'll let you know". Didn't even call him in for an interview. Of course in hindsight I should have copied his portfolio, but I wasn't thinking then.

>You are there to learn and get experience

And yet these same "interships" are asking for experience beforehand

It is a weeding mechanism. Go in and show you are willing to learn and assert you are not seeking any pay at all and you are fine. If you are going for paid internships, it is you that is the problem.

Not him and I know this isn't for an internship, but I got yelled at from a manager at a best buy because I was pushing for an application in person instead of just doing it online.
Specifically I asked what positions were open, he told me to go online like everyone else, I was like "well you already know what positions you need filled so how about we talk what position I would best fill for you", and the guy yelled something about me not getting a job there at all and stormed off.
Like sure thank goodness I didn't end up working at a best buy but still a job is a job.


You need 2 PhDs, and 15 years of experience to even think about being considered for an internship.

it works in ny, my friend went in person n got the job but i think its because those old timers like that old fashion(company was a hedge fund firm)

>tfw got an internship at the place my dad works because he recommended me to his boss
>stayed as a part time intern through the rest of my undergrad
>got hired there after my degree was finished
Wew, sure feels good to be part of the fun percent. Maybe if you stupid mongs didn't alienate yourself from your family you'd have more support in this ebil and unfair world.

He sounds like a lazy piece of shit that wants others to manage his applications. I would go on and submit 100 applications with tons of buzzwords to get the application flagged for review and then name-drop the cunt in the fake resumes.

Tfw got internship at a fortune 500 company developing software this summer. I'm a Computer Engineering Major but most of my electives are CS related and I have a 4 projects (2 by myself and 2 in a classes) that are decent and caught their eye. No prior work experience and I only have a 3.48 GPA. I think the personal projects caught their eye. I did apply to like 40 positions though but I met a recruiter at my uni fair. She was a graduate of the school and I talked to her about a project I was working on and I think that caught her eye. It seems most people do 2-3 interviews (one phone and 1-2 on site) but I got mine after just one on site interview

Did you still apply or give up and shitpost here

He is a Sup Forums NEET. What do you think?

Resume thread now?

I've applied to a bunch of places and got jack shit. What the fuck I'm I doing wrong

>work experience

>applied to a bunch of places
Which places?