/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
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Previous thread: If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

>What distro should I choose?

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first for Arch is a stepping stone

>This much shit in the OP
Why the hell do you people do this?
Who actually reads that shit?

how do I edit what comes up on the GRUB display on boot?

I'm trying to install arch, but I don't feel like using wifi and can't use Ethernet.
Is my phone's USB tethering going to just werk?

The names of the entries, their default parameters, the theme and the background can all be changed by editing grub.cfg in /boot.
Grub-customiser is a good GUI for the same stuff

What are some cool terminal commands?

cmatrix | sudo rm -r ~/

convert 1489280556637.png -rotate -90 out.png
When too lazy to fire up GIMP for simple tasks.
ImageMagick is really powerful, check the large documentations on their website. imagemagick.org/Usage/


It's asking for my password, why?

Anyone know how to fix this? Running i3 and if I download something in firefox the dl window blows past the screen borders

Arch Linux is just a cool terminal command for daily use.

it's required because cmatrix is a root-command.

hold alt + click window -> resize

got lost on your way to 9gag?

Don't use meme WMs.

doesn't seem to be working


I like i3.

Arch Linux is just a stepping stone.

i3 is good in theory, garbage in practice. i3fags are too blinded by their sense of superiority (in the same way as emacstards) so i3 is sure to never be less buggy or less dysfunctional. Quit it or accept the fact it's shit.

well that's like you opinion man
works for me :^)

Default for window resize is $mod+r then hjkl

works for resizing horizontally, but how about vertically?

Someone knows how to change the firefox scrollbar colors?

I mean, I'm new to i3 so I guess I haven't experienced the problems you say there is, but for what I do I haven't experienced any problems besides little learning curves from my lack of experience.

Why was Linux 4.9 so long, and went up to 4.9.13, but Linux 4.10 is less than a month old and they're already working on 4.11?

how do I make my desktop look like this?

Thoughts on alpine? The site says it supports building from source in a way similar to gentoo, but it's never correctly described. Are there USE flags, CFLAGS, LICENSE, etc.? What about package count? Can it easily deal with arbitrary tarballs with proper package management hooks? Are packages stable in the sense of gentoo, as opposed to debian? Are upgrades painless?

What's a good use for a athlon desktop for linux?

pic related: I already have a homeserver, teamspeak server and a mumble server

just hide them completly


>Get autism
>Get free time

I actually use it a lot specially for Sup Forums.
Anyways do you know what class or id I have to edit with stylish to change it?

open 5 terminals, done
theres nothing special

i3-gaps + urxvt-unicode + autism

scrollbar thumb,
scrollbar thumb:active,
scrollbar thumb:hover,

maybe check the dom

this just made me remember, seeing cool desktops like that in the desktop threads made me realize how much power a user can have over his system
that's the sole reason I started using GNU/Linux in the first place

I'm sure that's true for a lot of other people

rip desktop threads

In this era of the smooth and polished Apple operating systems, and remarkably stable and secure choices in the Windows world, who the hell wants to run Linux and why?

can anyone recognize the font there?

>realize how much power a user can have over his system
user, that's very shallow exercise of control that only impresses idiots

Moving them to /wg/ was a bad move.
/wg/ is for wallpapers. I realized that when I made a /wg/ parser to get some random wallpapers from /wg/ and was presented with a desktop screenshot. ;_;

desktop threads are Sup Forums related and should come back. I srsly miss checking nice desktops and sharing configs...

thanks for reading my blog

still, it impressed me when I was a winfag enough to make the switch

>reddit doesn't like anime
>people had lots of anime on their desktops
>reddit doesn't like desktop threads
>desktop threads get banned
>we did it reddit

idk user, just create one?

>desktop threads
>being Sup Forums-like in any way, shape, or form

in a couple of years at most, when those gay pedophile mods fuck off, we'll definetely see desktop threads return

Check out /r/unixporn, it's nice, sadly you'll have to deal with stupid people and macfagging.

desktop thread were a part of Sup Forums since the beginning, newfag

Thanks for demonstrating the fact that you are a recent-wave tumblr invader.

lmao, someone used my ansi rms
>tfw nice

>replacing Sup Forums desktop threads with unixporn

I think desktop threads and /fglt/ are the only reasons why I come back to this dump.

well fug :DD

Tumblr hates loli.

Desktop threads were banned because some fag some day spammed like 50 desktop threads, then mods put desktop threads on autopurge.

They weren't removed because any other reasons, so it's time to ask our fellow mods to re-allow them.

this, there were 2 threads I was coming here for, now there's just one sadly


>reallow threads that are not allowed by the rules of the board AND the site but were tolerated because helping shills do their job is more important than maintaining the rules of the site $$$$$$

Anyone wanna help me get Debian installed on my old Powermac G4?

It's pretty much already installed, I can boot into a terminal and use everything normally in that aspect.

However, when I try to start gdm, lightdm, or just X in general, I get a black screen.

It has a nvidia card. I have the nouveau driver installed...

If Sup Forums would follow the sticky, /fglt/ wouldn't exist too. Basically all current Sup Forums threads are against the rules.

>comparing desktop threads with unixporn
end yourself you aids infested cunt

Exactly, and that's a huge, huge fucking problem because there hasn't been a single relevant Sup Forums threads in YEARS. FUCKING YEARS.

where does it say that desktop threads aren't allowed?

which rule forbids posting desktops and sharing software configurations?



Sage negated

what the fuck are you on about?
where does it say that desktop threads are not allowed?

meant for , not

it doesn't, it's just that some faggots would keep posting new desktop threads before the other ones bumped out and it must have annoyed the mods

shit for desktops
okay for embeded devices

How so?

Does she want to fug?

>on a desktop
>how so

anyone using audacious knows how to stop it from reading .cue files as a playlist? When I play an album that has a .cue file it adds duplicates of all songs.

Please refrain from chiming in since you know nothing about the topic.

>bedroom eyes

More freedom-tan
For research purposes


Two things.

Using nano here. Got the syntax coloring working, but I want to change the numbering color from white to it's default (background color of nano) and the color of indentation back to what it was, default (like numbering).

Managed to get into the nanorc.nanorc file but I can't understand the syntax.

why would you use busybox on a desktop?

Settings belong in ~/.nanorc do you have that file?

its a dude you homo piece of human garbage

I thought it was a loli

at least I'm not you I suppose

Yeah, I have it.

Open that, That's your user settings for nano. Find a line that says color.


i use busybox on my desktop in my initramfs for a small recovery shell

nice blogpost

I found a block that's commented out (above the blocked out section on syntax coloring), that says "Paint the interface elements of nano." Is this the right place?


Forgot source.
convert hackerman.png -duplicate 23 -distort SRT %[fx:t*360/n] -set delay 10 -loop 0 -resize 50% hackerman.gif

Got the indentation fixed, but now I'm not sure on numbers.

how2fix this transparency glitch?

Update with pic. To reitterate, I need the color of the line numbers to be the background color

Does anyone know hoe to enablemultiarch on debian? I added i386 using this:
dpkg --add-architecture i386

but when I try to install anything i386 it shows me that it conflicts witht he same amd64 package and recommends removing half my system.


i installed libstdc++5:i386 for sopcast, i did by doing the command you did there then

sudo apt-get update


sudo apt-get install package:i386