Let's have a thread about how Sup Forums works

Let's have a thread about how Sup Forums works.

Other urls found in this thread:


It doesn't.

there are multiple filtered words on Sup Forums which change into different phrases.

among these -
t bh - desu
f am - senpai

Is it possible to make a post larger than the 2000 character limit due to this? What's the longest possible post you could make?


another thing I just discovered which I think is pretty interesting

If you bump a thread at page 11, sometimes it will bump back to page 1, and if you are VERY late, it will archive, even if you bumped it.

is the archival code and the page number code separate from each other? why does that happen?

Captcha: centre centro

I think something about bump order changed recently ( like within the past 6 months)

Before, the time the last reply in a thread was posted and the time it hit page 10 on /r9k/ was VERY consistent.

It was roughly 55 minutes, any time of day, any day of the week. If I posted a reply to some thread at 3:00, around 3:50 I could go back to bump it and it would reliably be on page 9 or 10.

Now, it works more like the way you would expect it to work, where the more threads are posted the more threads are bumped off the board. The time from last reply to archival varies anywhere from ~38 minutes to 2 HOURS and 20ish minutes now

What changed? Am I just imagining things? I don't think so. How could they make something where the number of threads is constant AND the time till archival is constant?

Do all boards have 150 threads at all times? Actually come to think of it, I do remember something about this changing semi-recently, right?

Sup Forums.org/security
what did they find????

did the cloudflare bug affect Sup Forums pass users

I'm (slowly) building a chan to find out



you basically create a thread and others call you a faggot

Basically anyone who asks a stupid question just gets insulted, and anyone who asks an average or abstract yet good question gets an answer if and only if there's an insult inside the answer as well.

Sup Forums is hosted on Macs, how can Sup Forums ever recover?

>you basically create a thread and others call you a faggot
ok thanks

easy way to check.

After attempting, the system concludes that it is spam and will not post if the char count overflows.

>Sup Forums is hosted on Macs, how can Sup Forums ever recover?
it's not anymore

>easy way to check.
what's the longest possible post though

I just copy-pasted from wikipedia to the char limit and then when I added a word that triggered the filter it got marked as spam.

>I just copy-pasted from wikipedia to the char limit and then when I added a word that triggered the filter it got marked as spam.
on this board?

lemme try on /qa/ or something

I know for a fact that you can go over 2000 characters

I've done it before on /r9k/

so there was probably some other reason why your text from Wikipedia wasn't allowed, maybe too many diacriticals or something made it trigger the spam filter

try running it through here

