Which is the highest technology vape?

Which is the highest technology vape?

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Storz & Bickel Volcano Digit

The most effective is to not vape at all.
Fag Level: %-100

But what if I want to be a fag by means of high end tech?

Then get a Mac.

i just smoke cigs

too expensive

my mom got that vape recently

android phone. or get your vape to run android on it.

android: by fags for fags.

post pictures of your mom vaping in the nude

Transdermal nicotine patches.

Forget the faggotry. Does the idiot on the right have a fucking Google neck tattoo? Does he expect to work there for life?

What's a good vape that's not too expensive and small if possible?

So what are the latest news on how dangerous vaping is?

He'll die of AIDS soon enough.

Okay, in that case a Google tattoo is acceptable, though a Google Reader or a Google Wave one would have been even more fitting.

i actually use the one in your pic (smok alien 220w) you don't need anything better than that.

Google employs the higgest number of gays in Silcon Valley. Thats why the whole company's so pro-SJW.

that explains why they keep pushing so much shit


Google's developing AI to fight Sup Forums.


He said high end tech.

wtf is going on here?????

dipshits carrying spare batteries without a case in their pockets with other metal shit like keys

I got the eLeaf iJust 2 mini for $26 recently. It doesn't have temp control like the fancier box mods but it does the job and fits well in a pocket with other things.


>Hot story: Miami lawyer’s pants erupt in flames during arson trial in court

Some retard carried a loose battery in their pocket and it shorted out on keys/coins/etc.

Pic related is a battery used in a typical vape mod. Note the power rating. If you short this thing out, you're gonna have a bad time.

E-cig battery going horribly wrong, cheap e-cig shit from china will do this if the battery doesn't have the proper protection.

High current unprotected 18650s would do alot worst, if they where protected it wouldn't do anything

i've only seen 18650 and 18350's used in vapourisers
they don't go up to 5000mA (each)



oh, unless you're talking about the 45A, then yea, some even go higher than that

45A is pretty tame for a lithium battery
RC lipos of the same size (5000mah) can do 100A to 200A

I know that but why the fuck would need a battery like that in a vape pen?

Vapes can still use 100w-200w of power and with a 3.7 volt battery thats like 26-60 amps

most of them don't need that much, the battery types they use are just common

What are they using to measure their voltage, resistance, and current? It's typically to not be on the money but those numbers are just off. What's the tolerance on the electronics inside those things?

I've got a 18650 in mine. Still don't want to short it out. Would still burn the fucking house down if it popped.

just don't cheap out on them or their chargers, and don't carry spares loose

You only really need to measure the voltage and ohms which is pretty trivial to measure accurately with just a microcontroller, Amps you can calculate on the fly.
With the box mod on that particular vape you can adjust the voltage going to the coil to get the desired temp and wattage, its not off its just regulating itself to not go over temp

I already have an iPhone 7, a Surface Pro 4, and take dick on the regular.

I'm not really worried about how gay putting a vape in my purse makes me.

really basic ones just have a voltage setting
next up have a wattage setting, where it measures the coil resistance at room temp and calculated the voltage needed to hit a set wattage
then there's ones that hit a set temperature, which measure the coil resistance repeatedly during use and uses known properties of the coil's metal to estimate its' temperature, adjusting voltage to keep it steady (the resistance of the coil changes depending on temperature)

What's a mod that makes me look like a stealthy faggot?

That's a mechanical unregulated chinese mod




American what? Name one American regulated mod.

Have you experimented with batteries at all? I've got a couple of LGs that are well along their lifespan and I've been curious as to how others might compare. I'd like a longer lasting battery but without compromising driving power.


you're welcome

Get off those cancer sticks bro

Not really - I've got the 18650s in an iStick Pico and a Dripbox that has dual 26650s. The latter lasts a helluvalot longer.

Really I'm satisfied enough with the battery life that I never thought to experiment.

Show me one that looks cyberpunk.

Go to bed Caden. Sup Forums is not for your shitposting!


Fuck off, you loser fedorafaggots.
>Oh but quitting smoking!
>Just wants to still look cool with a plastic dick in their mouth all day

I will cut your throat

god that looks faggot af

why would you want to rot your teeth with food additives and be addicted to a substance that gives almost no high?

Aliens are solid except for the paint, G-Privs have a good touch screen, Predators are badass, or you could jump your car with an RX-300.

Hebe Titan II
>not using herb vapes

I have this vape and tank. 10/10

very meme trash but it gets the job down
rueleaux is pretty god tier with a smok tank


Advanced robot penis

Millennials. They have no idea.

yeah just get a mac that's it

Use this. It's the most advanced.

tfw boyfriend vapes too much

or some ghost rider blowjob joke

t-t-this girl has a mans penis in her mouth