Tfw no gf

>tfw no gf

tfw unable to do this

Absolute faggot

>implying sucking your own dick is gay

> Average Australian men

good thread

>letting a guy suck your dick
>sticking a dick in your mouth

At least 200% gay

How is it different from jerking off?

>being so insecure about your sexuality that you can't even do things to your own body

i n s e c u r e

That's what happens when you dont have a girlfriend for too long.

ebic thread


How the fuck is this even possible?

chronic autism

die, you fucking barneyfag

It is actually possible.

when I was younger, I did gymnastics and theoretically could suck my own cock. But now, I would break my back.

is this you?



Do we even have mods?

shift+click to hide threads in the catalog

this is some next level of wizardry

FUCKing Australians

That's fucked up.

self-made man



The most prestigious man to grace this site.

Ponyfags BTFO