How can Winfags even compete?
by banging those roasties
why do successful, super-attractive men and women prefer Macs?
who are these ayy lmaos?
>Plastic MacBook
Shit, I didn't realize Taylor Swift has been a celebrity for that long.
Because they're shameless conformists that appeal to the widest possible demographic to avoid any actual criticism.
They can't. Wincuck permavirgin losers eternally BTFO
Father of Internet.
ps: WWW itself was written on a predecessor of macOS.. Steve Jobs' NeXT machine.
But Apple has less than 7% market share. If they were conformists, they'd be using Windows, probably on a Lenovo laptop (Lenovo has the largest market share).
I rewatched Evangelion the other day... noticed this.
You finally noticed that nips can't into realism? The command key has always been next to the space bar (on both sides).
>global market
>not specifically US
she's the best.
Paprika got it right. Ti PowerBook.
>roasties using macs
>affects anyone
The thread was about MacOS vs Windows, OP didn't post a picture of a celebrity using an iPhone, he posted a pic of a celebrity using a MacBook. MacOS has a tiny minority of the market, even in the US.
They cant.
Stupid people are tech illiterate. They don't fuck the girls because they have an iphone, they have an iphone because they fuck the girls. They don't have to try.