What's the best antivirus currently? I don't really trust the ones that are shilled on most websites.
Free would be preferred.
What's the best antivirus currently? I don't really trust the ones that are shilled on most websites.
Free would be preferred.
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't have to pay?
Do you need a daemon?
windows defender
>What's the best antivirus currently?
Not using windows
Common Sense 2017 Platinum
Free antiviruses are garbage and are more of viruses themselves.
Either pay for a good one or don't be a retard on the internet and actually use common sense while downloading files. I reccomend the latter.
and what pray tell is a good one?
I've noticed that Security Essentials will now automatically delete/quarantine "suspected" files by default now. Back then, it would prompt you first before doing any actions. If you are using things like activators then you will have to change Essential's settings first.
Our Father who is in Heaven
>Implying people have enough ram to run this.
What exactly are you doing that makes you think you need aftermarket virus protection?
If your doing basic enterprise operations that aren't monitored daily, a cloud-based heuristic solution with local IPS will handle everything a civilian can throw at you.
People like kaspersky but it's resource heavy. Not an anti-virus but people also love to mention malwarebytes since it can detect shit for you if you've downloaded it but it won't actively work as an antivirus.
I've heard panda and comodo are good but I don't use them. I currently have bitdefender but I don't really like it and have malwarebytes but running it now is lame because the ui doesn't open up and it's been taxing my cpu lately.
You sure buddy?
>implying malware writers don't scan their own viruses
Cheeky breeki хaхaхaхaх
Nsa and ghco (whatever the Uk's version of the Nsa is) already came out in 2015 and said they could get through kaspersky anyway. It's spyware now but average joes will still enjoy anti-virus capabilities. Regardless, most AV are shit anyways and are parasites themselves, coиstantly asking you to upgrade or get a full version.
>came out in 2015
I mean they made an announcement after it was leaked that they could get past it and use it as spyware. They would never admit to this shit unless it was leaked beforehand.
GNU Common Sense
Most banks provide premium subscriptions for antivirus software for free. Unless you have a poverty-tier bank
ClamAV if you dont trust yourself enough to not be a sperglord while you browse loli
Install Gentoo
windows defender is better even than the paid ones
pick one
unless you love being spammed
the best one is free though (windows defender)
Free: Windows Defender or Bitdefender.
Paid: ESET or Kapersky
Yeah, it's very meh
most minimal, unintrusive, out-of-the-way, light-weight one I've used in years
Don't Be Fucking Stupid(tm)
The free plan is actually alright.
Usually i'd shitpost for Common Sense $CURRENT_YEAR but here you go.
Avast! Free and always shoved into gaming mode
Windows Defender
Malware AntiBytes (a pain in the ass really, just use it occasionally to check for virus')
Adware Remover
GNU/Linux distro
>pay for a good one
Peter Norton would never had said this. Well he might have, but it would have been an exercise in irony
Malwarebytes is bloatware now.
Don't download that piece of shit.
Any alternatives or is adblockers and common sense good enough? I've needed it before for my mom's work laptop but never on my own builds.
>Avast used to be alright (imo at least)
>starts fucking displaying literal clickbait popups in the corner of your screen overtop everything (except fullscreen applications) and begging for "bls ubgraybe :((((" pretty regularly
fucking hell
it's shit
it's all goddamn shit
I'm not very religious, no.
no such thing.
av is a meme
>Unironically not running an OS that automatically downloads more RAM.
av is a lie. it gives you a false sense of security and most of all it gives you the feeling you took charge of your PC's security.
In fact you did nothing at best but probably you installed an application that runs as administrator that scans every file on your PC and reports anything it finds to it's creator.
Only files? Oh, also your emails and everything you type in websites including CC info.
I used AVG for years until they started adding popups that just got worse and worse. Now I use Avira, which seems ok. Still some popups but it doesn't close games like AVG and they only happen to me like once every other day.
Your brain if you have one.
malware bytes is bretty gud
if you need an antivirus you dont belong here.
Using a free antivirus is the most retarded thing you can do. Nothing is free, Sup Forums
Also using avira for 2 years. The Luke firewalker shit is driving me insane.
Avast with Malwarebytes hasn't failed me yet [spoiler] that I know about [/spoiler]
here you go. avira free. sage.
Windows Defender + Malwarebytes if your using W10
Not being retarded is pretty good.
Bitdefender free.
Install Mcafee
Avira + popup blocker
Haven't seen one of those in a couple of years.
Thought they went extinct desu.
I'm disappointed in Sup Forums from this thread. Best AV is literally any adblocker.