You have 26 seconds to explain why you don't have an emoji on your SSID

You have 26 seconds to explain why you don't have an emoji on your SSID.

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because you can make wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy cuter kahway faces using ascii borg edition

I don't live in a mental hospital.

because old router

because not every device can input emojis and I certainly don't publicly broadcast my ssid

>Visible SSID
wew lad

>people actually hide their SSIDs as though it means anything

in english please

>not having code injection syntax as your SSID so devices written in interpreted code get fucked over

>sudo airodump-ng -w cap --file-format pcap wlan0mon
>Aw shoot, a hidden network!

thanks to your suggestion, i do

madman of the day award goes to you sir

>Now I decided to set the 2.4ghz Wi-Fi to not include an emoji because apparently some machines can’t handle emojis. Who knew!

>dat congestion
>not hardwiring everything with a physica port and using a hidden AP with mac filtering/

I bet your router even uses the default login credentials

because you don't want your wifi to attract attention

I just realized I still have the default one on this stupid thing.

But I'm the kind of person who doesn't want problems with the neighbors (not that they ever give me trouble either) so I'm not putting something weird.

>illegal characters

How did Mexicans get into your SSID

but it provides some security for the router while fucking up the clients


wat ui is that?

Try some XSS in your SSID, it can be pretty amusing