Is our brain really "ours"?

Is our brain really "ours"?
We can't use all of it, and some memories seems to be encrypted over time since they are still there but we can't access them freely, like when we forget something and start questioning if it really happened.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is our hard drive really ours?
We can't use all of it, and some data seems to be encrypted over time since they are still there but we can't access them freely, like when we accidentally delete something and start questioning if it really happened.

And the answers is no, it's not "ours." Only a portion of the brain processes higher thinking and reasoning (frontal cortex), the rest is either for sensory input processing or other rudimentary tasks, which you cannot override.

>pic related

Try to override your brain from activating your pleasure centers.

>pro tip you can't

>tfw the brain is fucking shit
>tfw Inside Out was a documentary

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, I have used all drugs, except abusing opiates, it really is not entirely yours, there is no way to "think" that it is entirely yours without constant alterations through chemicals. The frontal lobe is actually a great detriment to survival, the ability to reason, but also the ability to deviate from what will actually help in to survive or lie to yourself. So it can be made so that we don't really even know anything, like in the Socrates way of knowing only that you know nothing, only not even knowing what is real. It is programmed mostly by evolutionary adaptations, built on scaffolding of previous organisms, I'm sure it is also heavily influenced by then environment.

How do I decrypt my old memories Sup Forums?
Brute force?

>tfw proprietary, closed source brain

why dont they kill the sad blue one?

Cause sometimes you need to be sad.

but why? if they were to kill it it would never be sad

I want this thread to stay up and people writing more brain/technology related bullshit in it.
I find it an interisting and entertaining subject.
I also can't remember shit and I think I'm going insane, so there is that.

>brain is built from discrete cells, molecules, atoms which are all subject to the laws of the universe
>Free will doesn't exist
>There is only one course the universe will go through and it's fixed
>Milliseconds after the big bang, Sup Forums was already predestined to exist

that's bullshit, it's more like, the brain constantly strives to define the real world and adapt to it by generating some sort of interpretation of the real world while taking into account the kolmogorov complexity of that information, basically if some information doesn't help with adapting or deciphering the real world it gets discarded, old memories may seem useful to you but they really arent, so the brain discards them and tries to keep the inside representation of the outside world compressed, as highly compressed as it can, with the lowest kolmogorov complexity it can achieve

it's a really efficient piece of shit, relative to what humans can achieve

but I agree, it's sad that you can't have control

there's like, 2 parts of you, the logical, rational, lucid one and the animal, atavistic part of you that constantly needs satisfying, or else the rational part is punished and you become insane, depressed, full of anxiety, etc

think about it, if you don't socialize, if you don't fuck, if you aren't surrounded with people you become insane, first it starts with something related to anxiety, the world feels strange, then you become depressed, after that, in the late stages, you become a full blown schizophrenic, possibly paranoid as well

you auto-destruct if you're becoming an evolutionary failure

sacrificing short-term happiness / pleasure (drinking, fucking, being a hedonistic normalfag) for long term, abstract happiness (reading, doing research, having abstract, strange goals, strange for an animal) leads you to insanity, you become derranged, strange, and it's harder and harder to become happy and fulfilled

it's all evolutionary, these are built in, atavistic mechanisms that punish autists and deviants

look at that faggot terry, he was a genius, clearly superior to most normalfags, but due to isolation and genetics his brain just shut off, he self-destructed, his genes won't get passed anymore, the animal part of his brain, the evolutionary aspect of his organism stepped in and said "nigga, fuck this computer shit, this shit is too abstract, you aren't having sex, you aren't living normally, you are dedicating your life to some abstract, logical long term goal while forgetting about short term comfort and pleasure, this shit is unacceptable, imma flip the madness switch, enjoy living on social aid from now on you CIA nigger"

just kidding, in reality it's more like, the primitive part of the brain is simply incompatible with that way of living, but you get the point

most problems in the modern worn arise from the incompatibility of the average normalfag human brain with the rapidly advancing modern society

society, technology, politics, etc our collective culture and knowledge advances too fast for the average brain to keep up with it

this results in stress, insanity, riots, illogical shit like voting for trump, creating and supporting feminism, muslim bombers, etc

it's all fucked up, but you have to be in a constant process of adapting to all this


we all want to think of ourselves as being advanced, logical, rational but muh feels will always be a factor, pussy, socializing, having powers over other humans, wanting to be loved, fear, appreciated, listened to, acknowledged, etc all this irrational shit that doesn't always lead to rewards has to be satisfied and taken into account when living as a human

i mean, it worked for a long time, but right now in our society it doesn't work no more, but the human brain can't adapt so fast

these safety mechanisms need to go away if society wants to continue existing and evolving at the current pace

i mean, what does needless socializing and fucking and other shit give me, nothing, you can be successful without them, you can treat it all as being purely mathematical, statistical, probabilistic and you can create abstract goals that deviate from those primitive things

but actually, in reality, you can't, you aren't in control, you're still an animal shackled by its instincts and evolutionary safety mechanisms and other primitive ass shit

>we can't use all of it
Why do people STILL perpetuate this myth in 2017?

gib root access pl0x

IMO i think society would evolve like this

it will reach a point where technological advancement is not desired anymore, because the irrational, primitive side of humans will not desire it no longer, if capitalism, if greed, if "muh feels" and politics and all that will not want advancement any more then it won't happen, humanity will reach a limit, it will hit the ceiling and crash, everything would crash and burn

unless something happens that will cause humans to evolve towards wanting that sort of abstract, technological and scientific advancement

this needs to happen, in my opinion, because the average human is too primitive at this point, we still live around the same types of people that are still very similar to the ones who allowed Stalin, Hitler, Pol-Pot, Sukarno, Kim Jong-Un, etc to climb to power, the average human is pure shit and it was only pure luck that caused us to have this level of scientific development that we have today

this only happened because it somehow made socializing (smartphones, social networks, fast servers that deliver content to normalfags), fucking, shit like thee need for high social status (popularity), etc and other shit easier and more pleasurable, it increased their quality, quantity, etc but technology can only do this for a short while until resources and humans will not be able to support its evolution no more

Every molecule in your body is property of the universe. You're just borrowing it.

What is ours then?

arguing semantics

Well spoken

>Try to override your brain from activating your pleasure centers.
>he's never used drugs b4
top kek.

also it is possible to trick your brain into releasing endorphins
the mind is a powerful thing user

As long as there's money involved technology will find a way.

Or do you think google does all their stuff just for shits and giggles?

true, but normalfags, AKA the people who dictate how society evolves because they're the majority, are irrational, dumb, primitive, they yell and moan and get angry about shit like genetic engineering, stem cell research, virotherapy, population control, contraceptives, true gender equality, eugenics

even though they will be essential for our survival on long term

but normalfags love to prioritize short term pleasure over long term happiness

they'd rather fuck a hooker and get aids and get drunk and do drugs than think about their lives and decide what really is best for them on long term (years, decades)

normalfags don't understand that sacrifices must be made on short term in order to ensure a long period of happiness

so this shit will only last for a short while, until resource scarcity and primitive normalfags will fuck everything up

just think about the idea of slim phones to see what a normalfag-driven society can lead to

slim phones with shit battery, shit specs, fragility and full of planned obsolence bs that satisfies the normalfag's need of a constant series of rewards and status upgrades and dick-comparison with their friends

there are some zero-days for the brain that let you do that

schizophrenia, LSD, shrooms, DMT, amphetamine, etc

would it be possible to make a brain helmet to hear your inner voice? or music or see things

>tries to prove he's intellectual on an imageboard by saying he uses caps unlike other posters
>in a post where he criticizes another user for trying to appear intellectual on an imageboard

this sounds a bit hypocritical to me

and I wasn't trying to appear intellectual, I just wrote random shit, I don't give a shit about you having a hard-on for caps, you do that, I won't

>Please use caps properly next time if you want to be intellectual next time though.

you just learned the expression "next time" and now you're trying to impress us? stop repeating yourself you tiny sperg child

ah defective brains. we should not let them breed in any way.

In the 1980s, I, along with my associates, first identified a condition that we termed mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which is generally characterized by measurable memory loss beyond the personal experiences of forgetfulness that can be associated with normal aging. With MCI, memory problems, such as forgetting recent events and frequently repeating yourself in conversations, usually are noticeable to family members and/or friends.


you're legally retarded

>properly next time
>next time
>ending a proposition with "though"

>In the mental health field, schizophasia or word salad is language that is confused and often repetitious, symptomatic of various mental illnesses.[1]

sounds like you

I can, because I'm only attracted to 2dqts

Sorry for not being a native English speaker. I really appreciated the post but the lack of caps makes it hard to read for me. It's funny how you guys get stirred up by something that wasn't meant to be offending at all.

that is kind-of 2d though

Is the brain more like an SQL or more like a NOSQL database?

and I don't see the point in calling a tech-related post pseudointellectual even though I made myself clear in that post that I was just expressing my stupid-ass opinion ("IMO") and not trying to shove pseudointellectual bs down anyone's throat

If you are serious then it's because you need all of your emotions in order to cope with things properly. Without sadness, would Riley always be happy no matter what? What about when something bag happens? She would have no way of coping with it and wouldnt be capable of responding appropriately. She'd become unbalanced. It would also affect her empathy and understanding. She become sociopathic.

>We can't use all of it

This is a stupid meme from the past.

The brain is fuckinbg awesome, it's a self organising thinga that does a gorillion things at the same time and we are far away of having something remotely powerful in computers.

You can make specialized AI's that excel at certain tasks, but a self learning network that does language AND chess AND sensomotoric AND ... ? Nope.

For example it's incredibly difficult to check wether soemthing is meant as a Joke. AI's in the past tried to mimic this, i.e. Tai AI repeated stereotypical answer on jokes. But that's like a small child repeating phreases withou getting the the content. Understanding the finer nuances of Jokes is incredibly difficult.

>there's like, 2 parts of you, the logical, rational, lucid one and the animal, atavistic part of you that constantly needs satisfying, or else the rational part is punished and you become insane, depressed, full of anxiety, etc

It's more the other way around, you have one part that carries hundreds of thousands of years of evolution with you, think of it as "best practices" that saved your grand grand (...) fathers hairy ass from the bears. If people would only reproduce if they would think it's appropriate we would have been extinct, if we wouldn't carry the ability to murder if we are forced to, we were weak and useless.

But it's a typical scientist attitude to thing we got it all figured out when we learned some details. We still don't know jack shit about a lot of things, especially psychology is freaking complex and whenever somebody came up with a theory in the past, it was only a tiny part of the equation. We have a multi-layer psyche that is difficult to understand and very powerful. Nothing conscious thoughts could ever hope to manage, no fucking way.

But that's wrong.

Your thought is called "Laplace's Demon" and it's not how things go down.

We do have a free will, because even though deterministic chaos is somehow deterministic, it's not like we could hope to understand or predict anything.

Think of a "Double pendulum" - it's dead simple, yet it's impossible to predict it's movement, no matter how accurate we measure. Now the complexity of our brain is incredibly higher.

There are patterns that emerge, though. There are certain assumptions that lead to certain events. There are tendencies, so things like the "homo economicus" kinda work.

But in the end this is all just statistics, we can only talk about mean values. An individual is always a black box (to some extend) and will never figure out why people really shitpost.

But that's wrong. The original statement of Sup Forums being destined to be moments after the big bang, is necessarily true. Yes it isn't predictable, but its still essentially 'set in stone'.

No, it belongs to CIA

is sleep different than death
it isn't
so all your garbage is really garbage
at the end of the day takes a new meaning
fuck you
in a day, your really have to mix short term and long term to not go suicidal, it just is
fuck you
you are just human like the rest of us
fuck you

>We can't use all of it
he's saying he doesn't have full control over what the brain does not that his brain is running at below max power

Half of the anons in this thread are running below max power

Let me tell you a story : the thought about the brain being ours is bias by default since it's created by that said brain.

I know it's not a story but i put everything in the first sentence then i lost the trail to the story.

>is sleep different than death
>it isn't
Yes, it very much is.
When you're sleeping, your brain is still on, you're still alive, everything's still working upstairs, you just gradually become really cozy for a couple hours. You feel how cozy you are, even when you're not dreaming. When you're dead, or close to dead(like in a coma), there's none of that. One second you're there, the next second you're gone. That might sound similar to sleep for someone's who's never been close to death, but believe me, there's nothing farther from the truth. It was a traumatising experience, but there's no memory to supress. One moment you're there, right before there's nothing your eyes give out with only ink splots of vision you can see through, with green tints at the edge of the splots where you can still see, and then they grow smaller rapidly. That lasts for less than an eigth of a second, and then you're gone. Poof, nothing. There's no thoughts, no dreams, no emotions, no you. It's gone. Sleep is far, far, far more comfier than death. There's nothing after this life. I used to think there was, but there's nothing there. I'd rather feel terrible pain every moment of this life than have another heart attack. At least I would still be here, and alive.
t. man who was revived by a defibrillator.

>illogical shit like voting for trump
>implying there were more rational choices.

The sad truth. I keep telling myself I'll find a way to extend my life indefinitely but I know I'm lying to myself to get through life without thinking about the end that I burn closer to every second

>illogical shit like voting for trump

Politics is ultimately about self-interest.

So you flat lined, yet you're here on Sup Forums ATM. Cool.