Wake up

>wake up
>there are trillion of gazillions js frameworks
holy shet, what happened to webdev? I need some serious redpilling Sup Forums

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Just use react (and redux).

If you use anything more than JQuery your website is shit and need to get noscripted the fuck out.

Don't listen to him. Use Vue.js

The jews did this

underscore.js is the objective winner

You're not making this easier

Angular has proven itself to be the future.

Abandon frameworks, just use restone

>Not using jqueery.com/

What about MobX instead of Redux?



Fucking web programming

>Do PHP course in w3schools
>Hey, I don't love this but is not hard and can be kinda fun go get a job for a while meanwhile I study something actually worthwhile
>See job offer asking a Junior PHP developer
>Can't be so bad, apply, go to interview, they prove my skills with basic plain PHP problems
>Get the job, yey!
>It's object oriented PHP with some disgusting framework programming extensions for shitty stores
>1 year there and want to end myself everyday, but good money and I need it for now

My p5. Matter libraries do not have this problem.

PHP frameworks are pure abominations.

Chose one that helps to earn shekels, React and React Native.

wether we like it or not , js and php are not going anywhere, at least not for our lifetime

You should've done your research on said framework. Magento? Prestashop?

People started using JS for shit it was maybe not meant for, and as it's use expanded people started writing more and more libraries to accomplish different specific things, and you get redundancy and overlap because group X thinks one paradigm should be followed and group Y thinks a different one should be used
So you have a huge fractured community that is fighting itself because the language was designed, well, kinda shittily and maybe without a strict ideology, at least compared to some other languages. Then again this may be considered typical of these dynamic typed scripting languages which are developed with a loose scope on purpose

Just don't use none of the MVC frameworks unless you really need that.

Meh, PHP is sorta dying... and JS is quite good

I should have.

Magento, I didn't think it would be so horrible tbqh.

I rejected a job at a casino repairing slot machines for this, it was only for a couple of months, but far more interesting and with possibilities of getting a better position if I did well, I regret it every day not taking it and I haven't been able to find another job so far, I'll just have to continue studying at night for now :(

Well, at least you are not dealing with dozens of undocumented abstraction layers created by an unknown person over the framework :/
