Best answer

>best answer
Is he right, Sup Forums?

>let's see how many replies I can get - OP

I'm serious. You get to access the websites for free, skipping ads is like not giving them money for all their hard work and to maintain those servers.

youtube promotes channels that make videos with a high Time watched per viewer. They will get better Ads that pay more.

Its the channels job to convince you their content is worth sitting through Ads, and their job to make content that is worth your time. If they do their job people might be compelled to watch an add or contribute to their patreon. until their worth is proven I skip their ads.

skipping or blocking a video means they dont get paid the 2cents they would have gotten.

Here you go OP, I'll pay you this (you) this one time to satisfy your addiction.

>You get to access the websites for free.

That's exactly right. No compensation in any shape or form. I ow them nothing. End of discussion.

Same old vintage whine since 1994


HTTP is a pull medium, not a push medium. I pick what I get to look at, not you.

This blogpost probably came from some dude who's numbers are mediocre, and has content that's too niche to reach out to more people, therefore shitposting about "muh ads" and how he quit his dayjob to pursue a false dream.

People with adblockers are a minority.
People who skip ads are also a minority.

Normies still make you the same amount they would anyways.

Whining about blocking ads will just make people research such things more likely.

Normies = Money
Anonymous = A little less, but still enough

If could walk out of a grocery store with a gallon of milk without paying for it and not be bothered about it the same way I block ads I'd fucking do it every single fucking time.

What a stupid fucking comparison

>dude why arent u letting us plant thoughts in ur head lmao
>dude its just products lmao

>closing your eyes or turning your head away when ads come on TV is the same thing as stealing milk from a store

Sure looks legit

wait what? are you saying there are people that don't skip ads? they get paid if you watch the 5 seconds duh. no one does not skip, if they don't have adblock. people press the [X] button on popups too. okay, half of the normies does not want to install an adblocker, but they sure as fuck skip and close ads.


honestly anyone who skips ads is a complete retard, because they're not blocking ads in the first place

he's a fucking advertiser shill.
the user pays with his attention.
counter question: why should i waste a part of my uptime to watch your stupid video?
that guy believes his answer was smart but smartguy forget that he pays twice (pay attention to the video plus attention to the ad).

Woow! I am a female VLOGGER and the attitude of this content creater is really pissing me off!

I make quite a bit of money from Ads and Promotions!

It is not the clicks that count its the quality of the video and content. People shouldnt just randomly click on ads because that doesn't do anything. It only costs the advertisers money!! They won't bid on your videos anymore when all your clicks simply don't convert!

I much rather have 1 click that converts and makes the advertiser money than 10 that don't do anything!!

Amazing how many douchebags there are in the YouTube scene! Really surprises me on a daily basis!!

Cr1TiKaL has been making videos for YouTube for just over 10 years now. The only reason he partnered with YouTube was to donate the money to charity. He makes the videos because it makes him happy to make the videos. Anyone who produces content purely to make money doesn't deserve the attention.


By putting a website up these assholes are fishing you you, the viewer, to read it. Advertisements on top of it are nothing more than insult added to injury.

Why should on click on your ads when the viewer is already kind enough to read some neurotic third-grade level writing?

Face it, if the advertisements were actually useful and not insulting people wouldn't skip over them.

Many people already have a monthly bandwidth cap. Why should they allow some insulting and worthless ad use up that bandwidth?

If people want someone to read the ads, they'll get better/useful ads and/or more worthwhile content.

>Is he right, Sup Forums?

That's an interesting question to ask, because the answer is that I honestly don't care.

I have found that the internet is filled with a ton of content produced by amateurs and people who volunteer their time, and do it just for the fun of it, or do it because they already earned money doing it so it doesn't hurt for them to distribute it for free.

Now, of course, 99% of that amateur content is not very good. But there's such a gargantuan amount of it that the good 1% is actually a huge amount of content. Even the very best 0.01% of it is a huge amount -- more than I could ever consume in a lifetime.

So I simply don't need internet content that has to be paid for. It can all go away, and I'll be perfectly happy with what's left.

I am not responsible for propping up a failed business model. I block ads wherever possible, and if ads become too intrusive, I eventually just stop using whatever website or service implements them. This is a fact of life. I have no sympathy for the out-of-touch baby boomers and Jews running these companies.

>buy an American car!
>s-s-stop blocking ads!
fucking boomers lol

People have access to my website for free and nobody would disable their adblocker if I would put ads there and said "please dont use ur adblocker nigga i need to pay this vps and domain to run this shit they arent free you know"

why would i give other money from ads either? get a job or shutdown your website if you cant afford it

You wouldn'r download a car


>Kilometers squared
>Giga dollar
What the actual fuck

I have YouTube Red, so I don't see any ads anyway, and I also get Google Play Music All Access included.

Being a youtuber should not be a job in the first place.
I study video and other cool shit that may in a sense be called "art", and I know if I post something on the internet for free that's for free.
If I want money I have to find a job and get payed or find a way to create a service someone would pay for.
I can't just post something people are not supposed to pay and then complain that they don't use the service in a way they're not supposed to.
Adblocker exist, I will continue use them, that's part of the game, it is stupid to complain about rules of the free market. A trade is something accepted by both parts, nobody asked me to stare at ads in order to stare at someone playing videogames.

t. minecraft lets plays

He's a shill, goy

He is.
That being said, give me a way to pay for services with my credit card instead of my privacy (cramming 80 trackers in a webpage) and I'll gladly hand you over a few bucks.

If the DLC is at a good price, I just might.

>For free
You stupid piece of shit, I pay my electricity bill, and my internet bill, and taxes, going to a fucking page is not free you dumb faggot.

It's about half and half for Youtube viewership. Half of the viewers have adblock and the other half don't.

I pay for my bandwidth.
Advertisers do not get to use my bandwidth for free. Skipping ads, or blocking ads, is simply preventing these advertisers from using my bandwidth without my permission.
Advertisers have to pay me if they want to use my bandwidth. Internet connection ain't free.

I don't read mongolian

I'm entitled to groceries I work to purchase. Why am I obligated to give my views and clicks indiscriminately? This is why I install uBlock Origin and uMatrix so that I can support only those I choose to support.

even if a single click would give like a dollar to video creator, even without ads, I still wouldn't bother to do it

no. people shouldn't make videos on yt for a living. but because they love doing so.

> needing money to host websites

You are literally retarded.

According to above analogy, that's like getting milk and only paying for it if it satisfied you after you drink it.

I never signed a contract saying I want (((better))) content and in return I will watch their (((ads))). Fuck them. If I had it my way I'd have the web back to the 90's where the only ads were popups andbanners. The only people who make that argument are people who want to make money off of you.

add a paywall or stop whining

its like giving away free samples and then expecting a fucking tip

you can't put up content for free then suggest people are stealing it

If people hate ads it's because they're intrusive. You're missing the point of ads. They're not meant as a short torture to make you pay the content producer with your time, they're supposed to be a way to inform you about things that could interest you.
Ads shouldn't be forced upon users. Ads should cater to consumers.

I consider it immoral not to block ads. I am very cheap, so I can guarantee I will never buy anything because of an ad I see on Youtube. Why should the advertisers have to pay a Youtube personality for an ad that has 0% chance of success? It really isn't fair to the advertisers.

if the content creator had two brain cells to rub together they would realize that they could be running their own ads and selling their own products. But no, they run 3rd party ads and then complain cause their viewers aren't interested enough to actually watch them
what did they expect?
advertising doesn't need to suck ass, if it does suck it deserves to be ignored en masse

good logic actually

If you skip ads that means you were viewing them in the first place which means you are providing ad revenue.

Basically he doesn't know what he is talking about. It is the people who block the ads who don't provide any ad revenue, which also isn't stealing so he is still wrong.

No, I pay for it and accept the groceries. The degenerate who wants my views doesn't get that money because I must work an actual job, and they should too. Suffer you fucking nigger.

he's suggesting that a person is stealing by not actively contributing to his revenue stream

There are some places where its a crime to even falsely suggest a person is stealing

The worst thing about living in late capitalism is that the neoliberal consensus has melted everyone's brains into thinking society's supposed to be shit.

Like, you make a product, and something comes along that eliminates the inconvenience of its existence. Do you change and adapt? No, you just try to change the rules to make the new paradigm as bad as the last one.

Like, "TV and Radio make money off of advertising, right? So why shouldn't websites?" It's an easy conclusion to get to. But in traditional media, ads are always limited, from 15 second spots, to an exact square on a piece of newspaper. Internet ads are infinite, and capitalism incentives them to be as creatively unintuitive as possible. Surfing the web without an adblocker is unberable. Full-page "GIVE US YOUR EMAIL" calls to action, delayed javascript popups that make you click ads on accident with your smartphone, obnoxious audio popups that promise your 8 year old a bigger cock while he's looking for Minecraft mods...

People wouldn't want adblockers if ads were just less shit, but we don't have a "make ads less shit" movement, we have a "STOP USING ADBLOCK YOU THIEVES" movement made up of selfish projecting assholes.

It's more like going to a store that has free samples, enjoying the samples, then leaving without buying any of the over priced unhealthy shit because you had your fill of it. Then of course the store owners cry about it on social media.

A lot of advertisers are just paying for impressions.

Apple doesn't think you're gonna click that iPad Pro ad, go to their website, and spend $1000.

They want you to have in the back of your mind "iPad Pro has ms word on it, it's as good as a laptop" once you're shopping for a new laptop.

>People who skip ads are also a minority.
nigga the few times I accidentally had my adblocker turned off youtube ads were like 2 minutes. Are you telling me people willingly sit through 2 minutes of shit regularly while watching youtube videos?
Anyway I can't stand advertising and I think it should be abolished.

Try this, my friend.

If their worth is actually worth money, they should have no trouble finding alternative means of income such as donations or putting the entire thing behind a paywall.

Fuck off. I have the right to choose what software I run on the computer I own.

I will get rid of ublock only, but only when ads wll be
>static jpg, no fucking animations, no bigger than 1mb
>no tracking
>don't cover half the page
>don't interrupt me while reading an article

>1mb static image
>not covering half the page





I read CS and even there it's many who don't use ad blockers. I seriously thought it was the normie thing to do.

youtube is a pile of shit so I support blocking its ads because I think youtube going out of business would be a good thing

Youtube worked well before google bought it, if google can't make money with me blocking their kike ads then they can abandon it and let a hobbyist run it. Many people are willing to whitelist sites when they know the ad revenue is actually crucial to keeping the site up.

Leftypol detected.

some youtube ads have become freakishly long.
like if you just left youtube running in the background and never clicked away from anything you'd end up watching several hour long ads.

No, he goes to fuck himself.
Is adblocking new (((piracy))) now?

>offer access to website for free
>get mad when people access it for free


But if everyone blocked youtube ads, then the site would shut down.

Kilometers squared are a unit of area, look at the file.

No, Google is huge, they could fund youtube forever, if they started losing money they would sell the site. Their ads are making a lot more money than it costs to run the site.

The second part about advertising you missed is that for TV, radio and print media advertisers have to pay upfront for a spot in the media, usually based on the size of the audience it reaches.

They don't know how many people actually look at the ads or make a purchase based on them. For web ads they rigorously monitor clickthroughs and views to decide how much money the content provider gets. The system is the complete opposite. The advertiser is the one in control.

Content providers on the Internet are getting shafted by advertisers, not by the viewers who block ads.


>Jaguar XF
>Not F-Type R
Pleb taste my man

And nothing of value would be lost.

Their (((hard work))) and """severs""" don't deserve my money

But no one would buy youtube if everyone blocked ads. It would just get shut down.

And there would be no video hosting/streaming providers left.

Good, then a hobbyist would run it, or start up an alternative, like it used to be before google bought it, get it moron?


If your shit was really that valuable, put it behind a paywall.

Someone would host a video hosting/streaming provider even if no one would ever watch ads?

The store, if they sell me milk that's known to be bad, or unrefrigerated, or unsafe, can be held criminally liable.

Meanwhile. Joe Webmaster puts up random ads on his site and takes no responsibility if they run an ad that gets my users malware'd.

My hourly rate for cleaning up infections is multiple times more than the tenths of a penny you get for an ad impression.

I stop adblocking when you start taking responsibility for your advertising. Not one moment before.

Yes, what do you think Youtube was before google bought it? fucking christ I'm tired of being your teacher.

In the vast majority of cases, I'd rather not use the thing at all if it meant that I have to pay for it or live with obnoxious ads. Don't get me wrong, I'm paying for the shit I want; I buy all my games, even the stupidly expensive ones, I have a Netflix subscription, I fucking bought Windows 10, and I'm actually honest-to-god paying for freakin' Abby Winters. Wanna know the correct way of doing ads? Sponsorships. Podcasts do it all time - in fact, I've just recently bought a very nice (and expensive) suitcase from Away Travel because John Gruber informed me about them in The Talkshow. Also, that "stealing from stores" analogy has holes as big the Grand Canyon in it and is therefore invalid in this discussion.

I just don't give a shit. Lmao

malware wttatk vector
same 2bh

My point is if people stop watching ads, hosting money has to come from somewhere. Where is it coming from?

Your own wallet.

That's how I host my stuff.

This post is so fucking stupid that I'm not even gonna comment on it.

Such as the ones found on the EEVBlog forum. The ads there are relevant to the content (scopes, meters, etc.)


Your moral policing doesn't affect me or anyone else who blocks ads.
People are going to always do what they can get away with, and until you can stop me from blocking ads, I will always block them.

So do you have a youtube red subscription?

Or do you not use youtube?

fag detected.
your memes are shit

>But if everyone blocked youtube ads, then the site would shut down.
Who cares?

Skipping ads is more like going into a supermarket and taking a free sample but putting on headphones and listening to a podcast instead of the promotions on the speakers.
If you want to make it a product, put it on the shelves.

You failed

Maybe when ads stop being malware vectors I would at least consider it.

But probably not.

> I am a female
No good sir, hormone therapy won't change your XY chromosomes now go back to sleep.