The last thread didn't convince me.
/mpv/ - is it still the Sup Forumsreatest one?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a cheap knockoff of madVR; purely a loonix meme; they can't run madVR or BlueskyFRC there.
>LAV Filters Megamix:
> no BlueskyFRC
when will people learn how this meme works?! i guess you can always spot a fucking brainlet when he does it wrong
>motion vector interpolation
First time i've read of this. Is it another interpolation meme? SVP already works on mpv so whatever
> watching a slideshow
> not realizing if there is an artifacting, your source is shit to begin with!
get your cancer out of Sup Forums
>SVP already works
enjoy your 100% CPU usage and delays faggot
Fluid Motion is nearly 0% CPU.
>not downloading native 60fps source
>talks about shit sources
> he is literally retarded not realizing there is no 60FPS source most of the time at all
enjoy your slideshow faggot
> using vector interpolation in the first place
>he isn't part of elite 60 fps video sharing communities
> he is literally retarded not realizing if the interpolation has artifacts, THE SOURCE IS DISCONNECTED SLIDESHOW SHIT TO BEGIN WITH
enjoy your slideshow faggot.
> muh slideshow
Are you going to continue with that? lol
> he is literally retarded using re-encoded lossy shit from chinese pirates
>mathlet doesn't realize interpolation always creates artifacs
look and laugh at this git lol
if you are retarded not realizing if a source will produce interpolated artifacts, is in itself a disconnected pile of shit, then someone has to tell you retard if he is charitable.
that's ok, user. Go on with your slideshows
>moron can only think about mainstream shitty wood flicks and chink cartoons
>not natively shot high quality art
comedy gold
are you literally mentally challenged? If your eyes can distinguish 150FPS and you watch 24FPS slideshows, your experience is already absolute shit. having some "motion blurring" once in a while is nothing compared to the torture retards like you endure with slideshows.
then you are even more mentally challenged you autistic shit. we know what sources have no 60FPS. are you going to pull out of your arse and manboobs that everything that exists, exists in 60FPS.
jesus fucking christ you are stupid.
not even 12 year olds believe you.
> is it "still"
it was never great.
I'm not into modern art
>i-idon't know about native 60fps sources
>so it doesn't exist
You MADshi?
Not him, but are stupid. Interpolation is a best-attempt technology. If your source would create a big artifact like that, it means your source is shit to begin with, and it would look shit even on low FPS.
We all know you are mad your shill thread got called out sooner faggot .Don't you think we know you come here every day to shill your shitty knock-off software. Fucking faggot, go back to loonix, with the other knockoff software.
Fuck off back to doom9 with your false flagging foozor :^)
fuck that mpv shill
copy pastaing every single day the same shit pretending to "ask a question" about it.
>retarded mad fangay is assblasted
>admitting he is a shill that has literal autistic asperger's syndrome, coming here every day pretending to "ask a question" about mpv, only to shill for hours about it.
don't you know it's illegal to lie to kids fat man?
So Bluesky can only convert 24fps or 30fps sources to 60? No 25 to 60? or any X to any Y, basically?
It's what the AMD hardware supports.
I understand the 60fps limitation, but not being able to interplate anything between 24 and 30 is midly retarded
Maybe it would increase hardware cost. GPUs are very simplistic machines per core. It might need special circuitry for each different FPS mode.
hahaha, you are so fucking retarded, at least learn the basics of gpu processing, monkey.
> he knows more than the BlueskyFRC programmer
shut it child
You are a BlueskyFRC programmer? No wonder AMD is such dog shit.