
quiz time,

name all 19 applications and you get a 'reward' ;)

Other urls found in this thread:




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8. a botnet
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17. a botnet
18. a botnet
19. a botnet

I'm not gay, so no thanks.

1. MacOS
4. Safari
5. Skype
6. Microsoft Word icon on MacOS
8. iMovie
9. Garage Band
10. Calendar
12. iMessage
13. Facetime
14. iMaps (Apple Maps?)
16. iTunes
17. Apple App Store
18. Steam
19. iOS settings

The only reward I expect is a shitpost from Op saying
>If Sup Forums hates Apple so much how do you nerds know all of these Apple apps?

first one is Finder you noob

1. Mac face.
2. Rocket ship.
3. Notes.
4. Safari.
S. Skype
6. Wordpad.
7. Movie Maker.
8. Movies?
9. Garbage Band.
1Q. Calendar.
,|. Minecraft.
12. Messenger.
13. Facecam.
14. Ruler and something.
15. Chrome.
1C. iTunes.
17. Application store.
18. Steam.
19. Settings.

11 : busybox distro for Android

Fucking this.
/thread and prize you faggot OP

1. Finder
2. Launchpad
3. Dashboard
4. Safari
5. Skype
6. Microsoft Word
7. Screenflow
8. iMovie
9. Garageband
10. iCal/Calender
11. Minecraft
12. iMessage
13. Photo Booth?
14. No idea, but there's a ruler so maybe Sketchup?
15. Chrome
16. iTunes
17. App Store
18. Steam
19. System Preferences

i win

01. Finder
02. LauchPad
03. Mission Control
04. Safari
05. Skype
06. Microsoft Word
07. ScreenFlow
08. iMovie
09. Garage Band
10. Calendar
11. Minecraft
12. iMessage
13. FaceTime
14. PhotoBooth
15. Chrome
16. iTunes
17. App Store
18. Steam
19. System Preferences

i'll take that reward now please

>14. No idea, but there's a ruler so maybe Sketchup?
That's PhotoBooth, it's a curtain



It's kind of gay that you know all that bro

well, considering it's leith nothing suprises me

The reward is a cock in your face nasty macfaggots

MacOS is based on Gentoo

You mean UNIX right?


1 - mac
2 - blender
3 - windows
4 - ios 6 compass app
5 - skype
6 - wordpress
7 - windows movie maker
8 - starfish
9 - rock band
10 - calendar
11 - virtualbox
12 - whatsapp
13 - ios camera app
14 - book
15 - helicopter
16 - pair of footie pajamas in a circle
17 - ms paint
18 - search
19 - gaming pc with transparent viewport panel