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Previous thread: If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine. 1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
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Can someone explain why the kernel refuses to keep the resolution I set for grub? I'm trying out qemu+kvm, using Arch as both host and guest. Both are up to date. Here's the relevant part of my /etc/default/grub on the guest: ... # Uncomment to use basic console # GRUB_TERMINAL_INPUT=console
# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal # GRUB_TERMINAL_OUTPUT=console
# The resolution used on graphical terminal # note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE # you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo' GRUB_GFXMODE=800x600x32
# Uncomment to allow the kernel use the same resolution used by grub # GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=keep GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=800x600x32 ...
When I use virtio as the gfx option for qemu, the resolution always drops to 640x480 when the kernel is loaded. When I use std, it always becomes 1024x768. As you can from my grub file, the resolution should be 800x600 (I've checked vbeinfo and it is listed).
Can someone provide me link where is explained how to install .deb on arch? I see you need to create "pkbuild" but that is all i can find, i need like tutorial
when i try with dpkg i get dependencies error, problem is that lib that is required i have it installed but still it is not working.
Nathan Bell
>comics are memes leave idiot
Elijah Parker
idk user, unpack it and repackage it yourself or try this
Austin Torres
doing that already >==> Creating final package...
Colton Lee
check if you have the required version of that lib
Charles Thompson
Jayden Adams
Arch is just a stepping stone.
Hunter Hernandez
You take the source and you make a pkgbuild for it...
Thomas Cook
Austin Fisher
I dont use gnu
Anthony Brown
Sometimes you need to take a few steps back to see the bigger picture.
Hudson Harris
How do you compile your kernel, dipshit?
Leo Jones
Arch is like a single stepping stone in the middle of a large lake
Joshua Fisher
>feeding the troll
Jonathan Morales
I use LLVM clang
Elijah Wilson
lmao, you just REKT yourself
Lucas Phillips
It is done with debtap ty my nigga
Lucas Lewis
how can I completly de-linux my system?
Xavier Peterson
Freeing my self from the cesspool that is gcc? Nah son Go molest some parrots or fap at the local middle school like your god does
Jonathan Gonzalez
Uninstall linux-image*
Julian Moore
>lying on the internet
replace it with kFreeBSD
Jeremiah Reed
I feel like ditching Linux and installing Windows
Easton Roberts
Asher White
I want to upgrade 'screenfetch', and already added functions to detect gentoo release and detectIntelGPU from my dash-script. github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch/issues/442 The sad thing is I can't add new lines to screenfetch, it's not well-readable.
Lucas Ramirez
why the hassele? just sed it
Gabriel Morris
how are you, kde shill?
Gavin Sanchez
stop namefagging
Charles Reyes
Carter Jones
deprecated. emerge neofetch with USE="-X" (bloat)
Gabriel Jenkins
Isaac Carter
I just replaced a battery for my hp laptop. It is draining at a rate similar to my old one. could there be any otther issues on a laptop that could explain it?
Thomas Adams
he's probably one of those microsoft shills
David Gonzalez
Joshua Jackson
I need to add lines to output, not just print them. It's not KDE, its dwm. Never used KDE.
Caleb Collins
Guys I have problems installing Gentoo: I downloaded the lice cd, and can't connect to WPA2 wifi... Is it easier to install it from a stage3 tarball??? I have a running Arch system and know howto chroot...
Jackson Williams
Yes. Just install it from Arch. Make the partitions, mount, chroot and unpack stage3.
Julian Garcia
Great Do you have a link or something for more detailed instructions?
Logan Robinson
wiki.gentoo.org amd65 handbook
Colton Lopez
this is my auth.log
It's 300,000 lines line dating back a week and nearly every other line is a failed attempt on my root from various IPs.
is someone trying to brute force me, or are these just web crawlers scanning the entire web for weak/commonly used root passwords? What should I do?
Elijah Torres
Pretty fast in bash, in dash looks like it's slow. Output not good. screenfetch-c is much better.
Matthew Collins
how secure is aescrypt?
Bentley Baker
try use systemrescuecd as livecd.
Elijah Evans
hello ivan.
Carter Wright
Also the 116 IPs trace back to China. My other server (entirely different VPS provider than this one) has trying to get in while this one has trying to get in, which seems like it's multiple machine from the same location attempting to get in. I never used SSH Keys before because I wasn't tied to one single machine, but my situation is more permanent now so I'll be switching over to SSH keys.
Isaiah Ross
Web crawlers disable root login for ssh and use a sudo user with a name other than admin/root for ssh ing
Jack Evans
Root is disabled, it turns out, and my sudo-er account is also a complex name, but I'll feel better using SSH keys from now on.
Landon Barnes
Liam James
sry I confused you with another namefag known as `Dr KDE Shill`
Bentley Lewis
You need to block china use this DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed.
#create the set echo "Generating the blocking set..." ipset create china hash:net
for i in $(cat /tmp/cn.zone); do ipset add china $i done
iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set china src -j DROP
echo "China is blocked!" rm /tmp/cn.zone
Eli Reed
how can i add text at the end of a file with echo >
Elijah Brown
echo 'fuxk' >> /path/to/file.txt echo 'fucc' | tee -a /path/to/file.txt
John Rivera
apt-get install fail2ban, no passwords, keys only, final destination
Brandon Parker
Excuse my stupidity but how do I get thumbnails for my file picker?
Justin Parker
I'm torn between awesomewm and i3 - I like how i3 does containers with the option to tile and stack - I like awesomewm lua scripting and fixed layouts Is there a way to get the best of both worlds?
Jordan Gray
Is there some tool I can use for zooming in around the cursor?
Zachary Allen
Hi, I'm trying to install Chrome on mint 18 with the following script:
When I run it, I get the following: OK E: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/additional-repositories.list (Component) E: The list of sources could not be read
This repeats 3 times. Can anyone tell me what is causing this?
Jack Rogers
I guess first you'll want to open chrome.list and make sure it actually contains the line.
Gabriel Hernandez
It does.
Levi Wood
Anyone here have experience with Debian stable as well as Arch as a daily driver? Which do you prefer and why?
Liam Green
Arch newer stuff, nice and well documented packaging system, AUR, easier to maintain
Samuel Cox
What's curl’s equivalent to wget’s -i option? Or is there no such thing?
Dylan Gonzalez
Ok, I tried clearing additional-repositories and it runs, but says it fails to find the package at the very end.
Jaxon Myers
Krita and gimp is great, you just aren't used to using it yet. and yes it takes getting used to try going to window>single-window mode.
Kevin Lopez
with the recent vault 7 leaks in mind, you might wanna use software that is up to date you could use debian unstable, but it's not really supported by the community arch forums are very active and if something breaks, it'll get fixed right away
Ryan Davis
I need a magnifying glass for my desktop, somethink like GNOME has, where Alt+scroll zooms in and out. I'm using openbox.
Justin Gray
What is /fglt/'s beverage of choice when installing Gentoo?
Ayden Bennett
So i have app that i run with ./appname what i need to do to run it like apps that i installed via terminal, i want to search for app name and just click on it
Carson Jenkins
>i want to search for app name and just click on it No idea what you mean by this
Are you talking about running it in a terminal with just "appname" rather than "./appname"?
Or are you talking about having some kind of launcher for it, like a menu item or a desktop shortcut that you click on?
Aiden Wood
Bumping this. If "google-chrome-stable" isn't the right package, what is?
Luis Flores
try apt-cache search
Kayden Green
I have a 150 IQ and I use gentoo
Thomas Bell
Answer please. It's not like I can't do it with some shell trickery, but is there another way? I RTFM'd and can't find it.
Wyatt Ortiz
>launcher something like that, i use "rofi"
Levi Diaz
Henry Green
Sorry, but what do you mean?
Tyler Perry
What's the difference between rofi and dmenu?
Wyatt King
rofi looks nicer
Evan Hughes
It talks a good one but it don't do what it's supposed to do.
Nathan Hughes
What do you mean? it can switch windows, run programs like a launcher, and act as an interactive filter for scripts.
Jace Scott
Yuor the mint guy, right? Go to google chrome stable download page. Download deb file. clicky click deb file. The additional software source and signing key will be added automagically.