Name a better language

Name a better language.

Protip: you can't

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Ruby + FFI. Best of both worlds. You can use Ruby for all your high level code and C for all your low level code. C++ is a shitty compromise between low and high level.

Except it's faster than all of those.

>Faster than C
Yeah, GTFO

im proud this is the first reply.

But it's true.

Go away Terry you samefag

literally any modern language

C++ is a fucking shtheap and any language with such a piss poor preprocessor and lack of module system.


some C++ compilers are much better at optimizing for certain cases because of the helpful abstractions in C++

get fucked C're language is even worse than C++ which honestly is sad.

How do you guys rate your C++ skills.
I would say I m 5/10 .
Job never made me improve my skills but own project for hobbies did.
Also what is best way to improve C++ or any programming skill?

>makes assertion
>provides no supporting evidence


also helps that template metaprogramming prevents certain iterative build bullshit, so more OPTIMALIZASHUNS can occur.

>Job never made me improve my skills but own project for hobbies did.
Well then you have a shitty job. I practiced on my own for 10 years before I worked up the courage to start applying for jobs (I should have done it about 6-8 years earlier desu). I have been learning far more rapidly since getting a job than I ever did working on personal projects (although at a certain point you hit a plateau if you don't switch things up)

If you think you know C++ ... you don't know C++.
That's all I'm going to say.

Every language has its applications. There're applications where C++ isn't the best option.


also helps that various companies have their own "standards" that limit how you're even suppose to use it.

but I don't think anyone can claim to be higher than maybe 7/10 with modern sepples standards.

Sure, templates would be the only example of a useful C++ feature. That doesn't make the binary executables execute faster though. It just means it requires less code when you want to apply the same logic to different data types

Ada is genuinely better

it does mean faster though because you can't do iterative builds with templates.

iterative builds = OPTIMALIZASHUN cancer

>only example of a useful C++ feature

give me a specific benchmark example that I can look at and verify for myself.

>Also what is best way to improve C++ or any programming skill?
Contribute to open sores

Prove it faggots



>not using mono

why though?

C and C++ speeds are 100% dependent on the compiler and how closely they follow the spec or not.

I mean older fortran use to have performance advantages over C purely because older compilers and language specs assumed aliasing wasn't going to be a problem.

anyhow. C is shit. fucking upgrade to C++ already.

built-in multitasking
developed for general and safety critical applications and is therefore much safer and more reliable than C and C++
not caps sensitive fuck that retarded kikery
compiler is faster in many cases see pic related

Enjoy your VM based programs

> wants to discuss programming languages
> only states opinions and no facts
> tfw initiated noob thread

Found your problem

VM Based?

it changes nothing, Ada is superior to C++

What do you think Mono is?

isn't it an open source reimplementation of .NET?

>anyhow. C is shit. fucking upgrade to C++ already.
I've been using C++ for 11-12 years already. Ruby + FFI is still my preferred choice nowadays. Do rapid prototyping in Ruby. Identify bottlenecks. Implement those parts in C.

What do you think .NET is?

C# Library from Microsoft?


then what is it? It's a framework, which is like a library.

>An actual type system
>Robust tasking system
>Option of runtime checks or not
>More readable genetics system

>It's a framework, which is like a library.
No, a framework is a loose bullshit term which can contain pretty much everything, altough some say that it tends to go along with inversion of control.
In .Nets case, it's a standard library, some compilers and the CLR, but also some additional libraries, depending on the edition.

Everything that doesn't screw up that bad for the inclusion of other files is automatically better by default.

Lets say I make network softwares that is used by cable operator, telecommunication, netflix.
That is not enough.
When I first did my openGL project my rendering was stupiditly slow. If I had learned anything good from that job I would have optimized my game better but I guess job enabled me to apply C++/C in one particular are not overall programming skills.

Can anyone write down the compilation pipeling of .NET. I kind of forgot.


I wonder if you are trolling or just clueless
all languages has its use, speed is irrelevant most of the time
There might be speed differences in small to medium projects due to implementations
But in big projects difference is negligible

I mean why not use java


Myself here. Let me remember.
>Text file
C# Compiler, C++ compiler, etc
>Common intermediate language
.NET object file
>Common language runtime
Run the fucking program

So basically a java design port.


compile to native binary directly
use some IL to native compiler
compile to Papyrus bytecode
compile to JavaScript
compile to whatever else is there, like other shitty language targets

>speed is irrelevant most of the time
Depends on what you're working with. Some of us value efficiency above everything else. For some use cases I agree though, efficiency isn't the most important thing.

>speed is relevant most of the time

C++ is fucking garbage though.

I don't think you should take a hardware and kernel designers word for that.


I think you mean overhead. OOP languages produce overhead in order to make programming easier.
Speed is a VERY important factor in any program. Don't tell me you'd rather use bogosort than quicksort.

His reasoning is decent but he throws a tantrum like a 5 year old child.

I'm the guy who is arguing in favor of Ruby + FFI over C++, but I stopped reading that when it got to the part where it says:
>boost is bad because boost is bad mmkay

>idiotic "object model" crap
What did he mean by this?

>Speed is a VERY important factor in any program.
no. speed is only a factor for very few programs. programming time is more important. who cares if the user has to wait 2 instead of 1 second when time to market or development cost are a concern.

t. Atom programmer

I think he means that grouping variables and/or methods together using a class is bad because "real" programmers use ed and have no use for IDE features like autocomplete.


Gotta love the man.

t. jobless neet

nice argument, feggit

nice argument fejeet

nice argument kiddo


no you

No. Speed becomes a factor once lots of people use your shit and you need to implement stupid features your boss wants even though you told him it was a bad idea, and now the program becomes an unusable cluster fuck of load times and synchronisation failures because the original concept wasn't made to support all this bullshit.

Multiply those 2 seconds by a million users. Multiply that number by 365 days.

protip: things scale

>let's disregard hardware achievement so we can all use javascript

fuck your kind

more like
>let's disregard hardware achievements so we can all use low level garbage languages like ASM and C/C++
Hardware achievements are what make javascript feasible.

>it's either js or asm
yes, fuck your kind

>moving goalposts

Easy, English.

What's wrong with making it easier to write reliable and reusable software thanks to encapsulation?

>bogosort than quicksort.
Choosing good algorithms is much more important than language choice. OOP overhead is only a constant factor.

Additionally, you shouldn't equate CPU time with speed.
Something like a web server will spent most of its time doing I/O.

Probably that OOP is a meme and trying to fit everything into a class hierarchy to satisfy a world view is both masturbation and a poor design choice.

>I don't get OOP
Despite retarded beginner examples with animals and shit, OOP isn't about creating hierarchical models of the world.

but js is shit in every metric



what you described has nothing to do with putting priorities into speed - on the contrary, speed-optimizing code often makes it less readable and more obscured.

Oh yeah? Explain why every OOP project does that, then? I like OOP, but inheritance is overused 99% of the time and overhyped.


Because retards.

Most OOP design books teach "Composition over inheritance".



I'm the best C++ programmer that has ever lived.
Rate my FizzBuzz:


In action:

lisp is the one true language


C++ is pretty decent, particularly the C++11/14 version.
However Common Lisp is way closer to "the right thing" than C++ ever will be.
And especially once you add types, it becomes lighning fast. In some occasions faster than C

I was truly stumped until I read this. fpbp

I've not seen FizzBuzz done as string literal building via templates before.
