Words for "shit" in the Romance languages

Italian: merda
Portuguese: merda
Catalan: merda
French: merde
Spanish: mierda
Romanian: rahat

What the FUCK Romania.

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are they mudslims ?

do italians even make bad music?



But Romanian is a gypsy language, not Romance

Maybe it's because they are half Slavic.

Well, Spaniards are half-arabs too.

You mean half MOORS. Don't insult them.

I was assured by a Frenchman like a week ago that nobody used this expression since the 1800's

Why was I lied to?

Ha ha nah, he was absolutely true. It's just that make me laugh when strangers think we use it all the time, so I writed it here. It's a very old expression indeed. Nobody use it seriously right now.



Oups sorry, my English is rusted.


fugg :DDDDD

it's not rahat,rahat is something like sweets that ended up being slag for shit.

căcat is more appropiate

In French, "caca" mean poop.

now we're talking

Caca has the same meaning here as well. Not to be confused with Cacá, the footballer.

Isn't it "Kaka" ?

>Not to be confused with Cacá, the footballer
Well so we aren't the only who make fun about his name. I wonder from what Latin word "caca" is btw. It seems to be spread in Latin languages.


You're right. I forgot it was written with K.
From the verb "caco": en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/caco#Latin
In fact we also have this verb in Portuguese: eu cago, tu cagas, etc...

From Italian(latin) verb "cacare", to defecate

>From the verb "caco"
Oh, thanx for the link. Yeah I understand know.
We also have it in french "chier", from the same root obviously. Funny how our languages are close to eachother. (It's logical I know, but still)

Well, Italian is very near to Latin.

That's why if you know one Romance you can learn any other pretty quick. Except maybe Romanian, since it's pretty different.

You aren't much far either apart from the pronounce.

We also gave caca here