This is FreeBSD

This is FreeBSD.

Say something nice about it.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's free as in freedom

it's an entire os so the entire environment works well together.

thank you, we try very hard!

It's looks like a yummy lollipop

I've heard it's network is pretty fast. Or at least was when it was more common as a server, befor linux.

what flavor do you think?

spicy or cherry?

What nice DE is available for FreeBSD? I dislike KDE. Is cinnamon available?

It is protected by the CIA.

Install Gentoo

easy to set up a system with:

full disk encryption
filesystem snapshots
full source of base system

v nice, devs are doing a great job with a fraction of the resources of linux

Definitely cinnamon. Look at those horns, screams spiciness

I feel it. Let's take a bite out of FreeBSD

pkg install cinnamon

It isn't GNU/linux


Great for systems research.

Using it right now. Love it.

It doesn't use systemd.

actually usable and functional as main OS?

>not trying to bait or trigger anyone, please, genuinely curious, might try in a VM later

Try it out. If you're too lazy you can try GhostBSD

should I start with free, open or netbsd?

>cd /
>rm -rf

That's nice

insecure piece of fuming trash

install openbsd

Yup. I normally use OpenBSD, and occasionally use FreeBSD.
As long as you don't use closed-source software, you're fine.

FreeBSD has the most beginner documentation.

Nice name, it has free in it.

My work here is done

It's not Windows.

how many meme points do I get using it?

always has the coolest logos

unlimited and beyond

FreeBSD I'll use you everyday until you like it.

Hope you don't want to simple put in a USB and have it read.

That used to be true. Not so much anymore. Of course, it still depends on what's on the USB, but it will see a file system right away.

BSD helped make Nintendo Switch

Dont use it, CIA niggers hacked it. Use openbsd

Suck a blowfish.

Wrong thread boy

It helps power my $400 Zelda machine.
(Too bad its not OpenBSD)

It's not Windows Vista

matt dillon was right, and that's why freebsd sucks and dragonfly bsd is awesome.

I prefer the puffyBSD

Pwned by the CIA.


It makes up a nice chunk of my OS.