Whats the best way to learn to program from scratch, with no prior knowledge?
Whats the best way to learn to program from scratch, with no prior knowledge?
First, you'll need some programming socks
Obviously, you should start at the "bottom", and work your way up.
First, you will need to understand some physics, then transistor logic, then digital logic, then CPU state machine design, microcode, machine code, assembly code, then you can move onto a programming language like C.
By choping your dick off?
go take some shitty edx course
can we just add like CS50 or MITX 6.00.1x to the sticky
do some pleb shit like khan academy or codecademy. then go read books and learn how to actually program. wiki.installgentoo.com
codeacademy, python
Download an IDE for which ever language you want to learn
Google "learn "x" language"
After learning the basics, start small and program small little projects to get the hang of the apis and ide interface. Grow from there, study, practice study practice.
Literally this, OP, don't fall for the abstraction layer jew, start at the bottom.
Ignore anyone in this thread who suggests starting off with Python. Learning a dynamically typed, interpreted language as your first is unacceptable and should never happen.
Learn something like C or C++ first to get to grips with data types and how "lower-level" coding works (note: C++ is not really lower-level these days but that's just semantics).
read the wiki you faggot
Find a decent book and read it properly (don't just skim it), don't forget to do the exercises. If you don't understand a part then keep trying until you do.
Afterwards post in /dpt/ threads and realize you know literally nothing and no one would ever hire a shitter like you when there are so many people better. That's about the point where the depression kicks in.
The hard part's finding a decent book.
> program from scratch
You asked, and I delivered
You guys are just memeing right? Yes learning the lower levels in the layers of abstraction is very important, but is it good for a complete newbie starting from scratch?
>C or C++ first
One reasons why its probably better for a complete newbie to learn C first is because C++ is a absolutely massive language.
Read, practice, and repeat. Once you've reached critical mass, nothing can stop you.
It's somewhat a meme.
It's good to understand the lower level stuff but you don't have to do everything they just said. If you care about learning the low-level stuff "Hacking: The art of exploitation" is a good book.
If you wanna learn programming so you can start a career in it, the best way to know whay language to learn is by looking at local job offers. If a job isn't important to you it doesn't matter a whole lot what language you learn.
Python is a really easy starter language but it's limited in more complex applications and you'll learn nothing even close to low level.
C is about as low as you can go without using assembly. As such, it's harder to pick up but you'll really learn how a computer works as you learn the language.
As for me I started with the middle ground: Java. People hate it around here and honestly it's not that great but it's a good middle ground. It'll help you learn some essentials of programming and develop your logical thinking. Once you can program in one language programming in another is usually only as difficult as learning the syntax.
As to what to program, you can use resources like project euler to give you ideas.
Good luck!
Jarva Script.
I was in the same position a few months ago. I tried reading SICP and K&R, but those were too hard. Instead, I bought thigh-high striped socks and got on Grindr to take dicks. Now I know how linux works, get lost in narcissism of small differences debates and write angry things about normies
If you're serious, buy a book. Doesn't need to be the most indepth or comprehensive guide in the world, just something to teach basic skills and make sure you're really interested in learning to program. My first book was Python Programming by John Zelle (Pretty common intro to CS book), but I'm sure lots of books could fill this role just as well.
>tfw probably genuinely have autism but not the kind that's helpful for learning
>tfw shit at learning in general but honestly want to learn
help me
posting threads like this forever is a really great way to never learn. google a tutorial and do it, or keep up delaying by asking on here a couple more times and you'll never learn
haha gl
we're in this together user, I'm the same type of human garbage as you
nobody with any real credibility has answered that question yet.
Most people still have problems learning how to fucking read train timetables.
what time of autism is there thats helpful for learning....?
>self conscious about possibility of autism
got good news buddy, you don't have autism
Whats this book like for learning?
Reading train timetables has nothing to do with programming.
I was gonna say something like this, just that not starting from physics. Instead, start with Boolean logic, then transistor logic, some discrete mathematics, computer architecture, computer organization, study a little bit the Von Neumann architecture, then maybe assembly, then C++, and after that, any programming language should be easy to start using.
Besides those, more practical things such as software engineering and software design are also needed.
I recommend searching for a common computer design book (Google can help you), such as Computer Organization and Architecture, by William Stallings, that's a good start.
Even then, it's hard to just go by and learn the theory, because it can become somewhat boring and you will lose interest, therefore, trying some higher level programming languages like Java or Python can help you keep interest. Maybe even trying to do some simple projects.
Read The C Programming Language. Do *ALL* the exercises.
A meme, I just read the first chapters tho.
>One reasons why its probably better for a complete newbie to learn C first is because C++ is a absolutely massive language.
My college's intro (well, they have an optional 101 course in Python for total dipshits) CS course is a procedural programming in "C++" class. They use C++, but only the procedural (read: C) parts, but rely on other parts of the language and just explain it as "magic." If they had used C they could cover the entire language in a semester, with no magic explanations bullshit, and everything would be consistent.
The type Carmack has.
It depends on your goals, there are quicker paths if you stated what you wanted to accomplish. However, I recommend this book without much of your background information besides no knowledge.