there's two cop cars outside
its pretty late
If I don't reply I got v&
There's two cop cars outside
Other urls found in this thread:
keep that asshole tight son
I don't have cp wtf
Start encrypting everything fucking now user
I may have visited a Sup Forums kik no rulez rooms
Wipe phone all zeros pass
use the ol' microwave encryption algorithm if you catch my drift
seems like the most appropriate technique in this scenario
I don't have thermite
I also may have visted m. as ter chan
my laptop?
Fire, lots of fire, light your devices on fire and run out the backdoor
if they knock, microwave it is
post pic
Just remember, almost all forms of encryption can be broken. How?
Burn your drives to hell
remove hard drive
place in microwave
bombard hard drive with high-frequency waves
Quick delete your Pizza son! Hurry!
Put it in the microwave and set it to cook and if you hear them bust in press start
Otherwise you might just be ruining hardware out of paranoia
$30 vs 30 years
quick, where is the chrombook harddrive
toshiba chromebook 2
OP we need some details to determine how likely it is they're coming for you
how long have they been there?
do you live in a shitty neighborhood?
give any other info you think is pertinent
Quick! Burn everything!
After everything has been destroyed, make sure they are looking for you, or not.
It's over, user. All the proofs that they need is already on google servers.
this may be useful, too lazy to watch the entire thing
i live in shitty neightboorhood
my gf told me, i'll have her check again
i installed arch on it
Its too late, user
You're fucked
>I don't have cp wtf
>I may have visited a Sup Forums kik no rulez rooms
probably just there to harass some innocent minority family then, I wouldn't worry
the're still around, but parked in a spot
i got spooked because my gf said they were looking around for something, probably a house
If anything they would have already busted in on you rather then bumble around like that
Still, get you shit ready to fry in a moments notice if they do come
Did you even Vault 7? I would not be impressed if someone finds a low-level backdoor on chromebook.
lel, but why tho?
for the freedom of speech
i do have a questionable video from motherless
>for the freedom of speech
Yeah.....freedom of """"""""""speech""""""""""
Just snap a broomstick in half, then again, then hold the two pieces in a way to your head that looks like a two-bit jamal pistol and threaten your brains all over their faces if they don't step the fuck back
>I do have a questionable video from motherless
Literally no waiting around asking niggers on Sup Forums about what you should do fucking fry all drives and get you and your gf out the backdoor
but it doesn't look like cp because her vagina is mature looking
except you're basically admitting to it being cp right now on a public forum
you aren't very bright
questionable != cp
questionable is that i looks like cp
her face is very young looking, but I saved because her vagina was very roastie and mature looking
probably not a good idea seeing that jessie had a roastie
>her vagina is mature looking
Just delete it anyways man. That kind of porn does you no good at all. And besides, no file no evidence. They may get you on access logs and shit, but courts have, in the past, ruled that IP addresses are not people.
If you don't have the file, they have a very weak case against you.
even replying to you is guaranteed to get us raided
stop it
Are you fucking retarded?
In the case of not wanting to get fucking v& questionable ALWAYS = CP
At this point I think you almost fucking deserve to get v&
>but I saved because her vagina was very roastie and mature looking
>no file
rm'ing it doesn't delete it from the sdd
here is title: look_at_my_super_tight_pussy_daddy-E52232B.mp4
Whoever specified SSD? And yeah, I know all about the little hidden areas that SSD's store garbage files.
How do you even ensure that gets deleted anyways?
Wtf I have no screwdrivers, gonna have to ripe the bottom off, with my bare hands
does cache even count
also, does kik store thumbnails in the filesystem?
You v& yet user? Take a pic of the cops for posterity and upvotes when Reddit steals it.
I'm afraid to go outside.
Also, I live in a garage that I blocked the views with a towel.
I only know about this because my gf brought me a bowl of scrambled eggs and happened to see them nearby.
Cache is a strange thing regarding the law. it isn't "possession" but can be used as "attempting to acsess" which are basically the same fucking thing, aka cops and jail.
But really though, if your cache/cookies/ FBI logs/botnet says you downloaded pics, and your done.
>Gf egg bowl
Maybe they are there for something worst. user, tell me how you met your gf?
>my gf brought me a bowl of scrambled eggs
she's a neet like me, I live in her house's garage
>I live in her house's garage
Is your gf actually your carer or your mother?
Oh boy, it gets even better.
Is there an app for copying a file over and over until the storage is full?
I don't have root access.
Make bootable media with a Linux distro. Format everything. Boot to Linux by loading into RAM. Keep us updated.
Wait so like her parents house? Or she make you sleep in the garage?
>I'm a talking to a dog?
Why does this thread keep on getting better?
Also, why isn't your neet garage on fire, OP? I thought we told you to send your drives to hell.
Yeah, her paren'ts house.
It's over user, you've already confessed at this point. Just practice stretching your anus for Jamal.
How do I do that?
recommend me a small usable iso
What's the name
And they are ok with a neet living in their garage?
user, they could be trying to kick you out and got cops to tell you to leave. Do you guys get along?
>I need to know more about this crazy life of yours.
Do they even fucking know your there?
Man, this thread is comedy gold. I sure hope OP isn't making this entire thing up
sticky this, mods
Why do you fap to cp if you have a gf?
What a fucking waste
Tails. If on Windows, use Rufus to put the image on an ISO. If you're on Linux or Mac OS, use dd. When booting from the flash drive you'll have an option to load the OS into RAM. Choose that. Then use a built in program called GParted to format the hard drives.
alright, I can do that
i'll do danm small linux
Be skeptical, just in case this is bait
Enjoy your vacation with Tyrone OP
post pic of cop cars or it didnt happen
Yeah, they support me.
I get along with them.
I don't fap to cp.
I don't thin van is going to come, or maybe they're waiting until 2am, I hear that's when they bust.
fucking pedo
You there OP?
Guys, I managed to take this pic, give me a sec.
I think they went away.
I do live next to the hood
boy, theyre stalking you like prey.
You fucking idiot
See You're making it easy for them
Just like how OP stalks those kids at the playground for his screepshots.
Please don't tell me you had the flash on
Why not.
you damn right.
C.J. student, Theyre waiting for you to settle down, and when the least amount of danger will occur at the time the raid will be carried about. (scoping out)
Might want to post another photo of what's happening outside, OP.
The lights were on, so this makes me think they're not doing a raid, otherwise they would've been quiet.
Well OP are you going to change your ways and stay off Kik?
You already deleted everything bad, right?
Yeah, I deleted kik months ago.
I never saved them either.
But I think I was in a room that got reported.
> the lights were on while driving down my street
>Lights on
Okay numb nuts let me explain this. Suppose you were in the war. Would you wear reflective gear while the enemy is hunting you down with lights and bozzo, your crotch is glowing. Youre asking for a 3 finger blister scorching your bunghole. Now, they have their lights on to not draw your eyes to the oddity. The oddity would be the lights were OFF, which will make you think they are raiding you. Dig?
Oh Jesus Christ, you never had anything worth raiding did you? You were just nervous about the cops, and being a white neet living in someones garage, you went to ... Our stereotypical fear of cops, the questionable age porn pic you saw months ago on Sup Forums.
Well, let me welcome you to the club, now go get a job or something geez.
>I'm in community collage, the last bastion of doing nothing.
>it doesn't look like cp because her vagina is mature looking
Sup Forums - technology
>itt: Sup Forums supports an actual criminal
Get v&
>Be me
>Live on farm
>Every time i hear something resembling a car i grab my AK
>They cant put you in prison if you're already dead.
You make it seem like youre not packing heat OP
>Live on farm
>grab my AK
>not a double barreled shotgun
Something isn't adding up here...