Why do android browsers suck so much? Chrome can't even handle a week's worth of tabs and I find myself having to constantly close all tabs without the option to at least save the addresses.
Why do android browsers suck so much...
use opera
Installed it. How many tabs have you opened and kept opened on it?
Use Samsung's browser, it now works on Nexus devices too. I've been using it & it's better than chrome that's for sure.
Why would you leave tabs open like its the browser history? Not sure if this is bait
>4.8k tabs open on a phone
Get Naked Browser or Lightening if the GUI is too spartan for you.
I just love the NB's developer. Fucker is one of us for sure
>a week worth of tabs
commit suicide
fuck off then.
no, fuck off.
fuck off normalfag, the only ones who don't close tabs are your mother and retards like you
You aren't supposed to use a browser like that. If you were any normal you would've known that. Commit suicide.
You are using tabs wrong. That's what bookmarks are for.
*you* are the problem.
Bookmarking 4k sites is annoying.
Fuck off.
>Bookmarking 4k sites is annoying.
And having 4k tabs open isn't?
I didn't know this many retards who keep million tabs open existed before I started coming on Sup Forums. What sort of trend is this? Why are you all so retarded?
With tabs, it's just there. The extra steps with bookmarking is annoying.
This. It boggles the mind.
I simply don't understand how having such an obscene amount of tabs open could be comfortable, easy, efficient, or useful at all. Especially on a mobile platform.
Yeah, but then you have to swift through thousands of tabs, how is that good?
I keep a few tabs open that I currently use (which is the way they should be used, btw). And I don't use bookmarks either unless it's a website I know I'm going to forget.
For everything else, I just type in first few letters in an address bar. Just remember a part of the title, part of the address, anything. I do "g te" to go on Sup Forums for example and then just press enter.
Couldn't be quicker. It would take me longer to swift through million of tabs to find one fucking website I want to visit.
Sorry, I just can't understand what goes in your head and why do so many people do this. It just seems incredibly stupid to me.
Fuck off. I'll bet you don't even view a tenth of those tabs a day after opening them.
That's the problem, I'd forget every site. I'd have a million bookmarks, and it's very inconvenient.
>4886 tabs
>a week's worth
Your use case is that you're retarded.
And spending ten minutes swiping through 4800 tabs isn't inconvinient?
What the fuck
Fuck off you would. I bet you leave every single site you ever visited open in one tab, so your open tabs equate to your history. There's no difference.
I opened a thread on one forum and wanted to come back to it later. Forgot the site name, remembered it was in hardware category and had my graphic's tablet name. So I type in an address bar "hardware genius". Bish bash bosh, first result autocomplete.
My way = good. Your way = shite. And all you're giving are excuses. Close those fucking tabs.
>I'd forget every site
Is it that hard to remember Sup Forums, facebook and youtube?
See History is also annoying.
I want a browser that can handle my tabs.
If it's just those 3, I wouldn't have thousands of tabs open.
>History is also annoying.
Yeah, but what happens when your open tabs = history? That isn't annoying?
Like I said, with tabs, it's just there.
Those sites have millions of different pages on them, so you easily could.
Take a picture of your 4000 tabs open then, I can't imagine all of them being easily accessible on your screen instead of having to scroll through them to find that one site you want.
I just realized I don't use Sup Forums, YouTube or Facebook on browser. I have clover, the YouTube app and the Facebook app.
It's impossible to have all of the tabs in one screen. Plus it's inconvenient since the tabs increase very quickly.
How is it just there then?
"Oh, it's just there, let me just scroll for 6 minutes, I'm sure it's somewhere around here"
There's a preview so it's easier.
Ok, share that preview with me, I really want to see how easier it is.
Oh yeah, it looks so convenient to swift through thousands of those, I'm sorry I doubted you.
Having that said, Chrome on Android must be pretty amazing if it can handle you.
So, do you have a browser recommendation or not?
So every time this autist launches his browser it loads 5k websites?
I have truly seen everything by now
I'm afraid that no software will allow you to have an infinite number of tabs open, browsers are just not compatible with you. They will all shit the bed sooner or later.
Oh well I'll take your advice then
Nobody does since your usage of web browsers is completely inane and not accounted for by any browser's developlent team
This should be in /sqt/...