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>Frontend development

>Backend development
[Gist] backendDevelopmentBookmarks.md

>Useful tools
libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment

>How to get started

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations

Other urls found in this thread:


should i use php or node.js for databases and back end shit

Node , easier, faster, more jobs are looking for node now at least in the east coast

Reminder that backend > frontend

If you work frontend you're literally a shitty scripter and not a real programmer

especially when women claim they are programmers but theyre doing just shitty html and css. Or wordpresss

This is a (broken) draft of something I'm working on:

I haven't used javascript in like 4 years so I forgot a lot of things, is [-1] valid if I want to make the variable target last or should I use lastChild instead? I'm treating it like an array (same for when I used [0] the second time, instead of firstChild).

sup guys, on my way to greatness here. Started doing cs50x at edx.org, I'm fucking addicted now, all I do all day long is code (NEET as fuck right now). If I can keep this up for one or two months, I'll make huge progress. Give me your strength, /wdg/...

You forget to mention that backend devs get paid like 3x what frontend devs do

This is another part of the project, but looks kinda FUBAR right now:
paste.ofcode.org/QQhmevvxTMEUpZeLZsXJ2M (it keeps saying it's spam when I submit here)

I don't remember how to use wildcards in js anymore. By the way, I made it so that the script searches for both hyperlinks/href and plain text URLs, am I going in the right direction with this draft?
I'm searching infos on how to use string-based wildcards now.

Why does atom suck ass so much?

Just.... use..... VS Code.........

any idea for a medium scaled project to build my portfolio a little?

Can someone recommend me a javascript reference book about the modern standard ? Like Stroustroups The C++ Programming Language.

this, literally the best text editor after notepad++

Check out the series You Don't Know JS and the book Eloquent Javascript, both free online

Interviewing with Hack Reactor tomorrow morning.
I've helped out / tutored multiple people that have been accepted (including after they were accepted) so technically speaking I'm ready, though I've choked badly in interviews.

Please wish me luck.

It's such a long journey bro, just learn to enjoy it without any time constraints.

Another easy thing to dedicate yourself to is doing algorithms on codewars and the like.
Udacity tutorials are also a relative ease motivation-wise to pump through. I suggest picking one thing at a time and sticking with it.

How common is pair programming in web dev?

The idea of it does not appeal to me at all. I am an introvert and I like to work alone. The thought of someone looking over my shoulder the whole time and having to give a running commentary of what I'm doing would render me useless I'm sure

>I am an introvert and I like to work alone
Be sure to say that in the interview, employers love to hear that

Because it tries to reinvent Emacs using HTML/CSS/JS.

Meanwhile Emacs is C + a custom lisp interpreter written in C to be fast and smooth.
Adding to this, Emacs extensions have 30+ years of experience in how to write them properly and make them feel good. Atom came out what, 3 years ago?

That's why.

How important is a picture of myself on my personal/professional site? I'm putting together a rather basic site that will have my contact information, a built-in means to email me, my resume and a way to download it, and a handful of projects to display technical skill with Javascript.

People who are interested in hiring you want to see a good image of you. That way, when you get an interview, they know how you look.

Get a haircut, shave, and make sure you look really nice when you take the image. And wear a shirt!

What do you guys say to the clients to win the freelancer rat race when making applications? I am planning to try something cocky like "pick me" and have the client hit me up and try to convince him from there

Awesome thank you for the information.

What do you guys think about FreeCodeCamp? I see it lacks in theory, but I do it anyway.

Well of course I would be more outgoing and prepared for an interview. I didn't say shy/aspie, I said introverted. I work better without distractions is all.

This desu. Unless you want a bloated Javascript Millenial meme, VS Code what Atom wanted to become.

Depends on what you are more comfortable with,

I'm using a Python backend. Say I upload to heroku how would I tell the server to run multiple Python files simultaneously?

Would I declare it in the procfile e.g. web: file1, web: file2 etc. or do I set up a 'main.py' that calls each file?

Where would you start on backend work, when I just started on HTML/CSS and a bit of JavaScript/jquery a few months ago. Should I just stop with the front end and solely focus on JS, and start learning Ruby on Rails and node and react? Im still fairly new

I ended up completing several frontend projects for local business here before moving to php and backend. Really helped to solidify learned skills in a "real world".

node isn't perfect, but it's better than php

not in my country. they're at parity. seniors get around 100k usd for either

check this article by Peter Norvig - "Teach yourself Programming in Ten Years"

it's a marathon, not a sprint

never thought I'd me using ms tech in 201, but it really is solid. and the pace of development is staggering.

why (not)?

Because it's not vim or emacs

I can't get my head around nested/multiple booleans

Does it get easier with practice?

>Does it get easier with practice?


thanks for the support, guys. I know it's not a sprint, I'd like to get a job from this in about a year's time from now, but it's not just the money that drives me, it's just the thrill of learning and being challenged intellectually. College was a long time ago, and even then, it was pretty much bullshit, but this is so much fun.

A better comparison would be node.js and ReactPHP

I need help, friendos.

I started the frontend meme html/css and i am trying to learn javascript. I saw some anons recommended both eloquent javascript and you dont know javascript- but i cant seem to grasp some of the seemingly easy concepts. Like using a function as a value to pass into another function as an argument- shit is confusing the hell out of me.

Also, when i began reading "eloquent javascript" everything was making sense and i could more or less do the practice problems at the end of the chapter- but when i hit chapter 5 its like i ran into a brick wall. I can kind of understand what is going on but i cannot write the code from scratch and get a write answer.

Is javascript just not for me? Am i too stupid? Have any of you guys ever ran into this? If so what did you do?

You won't get through it if you're starting from scratch. You'll need to hit up YouTube and work through some tuts, with a w3 tab open for quick reference.

Don't go to camp until you have a firm grip on HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript/ bootstrap/jquery

>Is javascript just not for me? Am i too stupid?
No, you just faced "functions as first class objects" concept for the first time. It can be confusing while ironically being more natural in a sense.

It you have the time I'd suggest reading a bit of sicp (like first two chapters) and doing exercises, it certainly helps. Map, filter, all that shit. js is kinda "lisp-ish" anyway. And there was a sicp js version iirc

Cool, ill try that.

gotta agree with this user here. SICP is Sup Forums's favorite meme for a reason. It does a great job at explaining the fundamental concepts, like the ones you're having trouble understanding just now. Spend a day or two on chaps 1 and 2 and you should be good to go.

How do I achieve this effect in bootstrap with CSS, IE getting the diagonal line while using columns.

Sign up for pluralsight
Take their JS courses, make sure you code along and UNDERSTAND why you are doing what

By book is so .. dry

also in OP there is a good Youtuber, funfunfunction, check his JS series, he explains shit really good

I don't really know about bootstrap, and there might be an easier way to do this even in plain CSS, but the way I would go about it would probably be using some CSS shapes and/or some matrix transforms.

Basically you would use a skew transform on each column, but then you might have to use its inverse transform on the contents so that the text/elements it contains don't get stretched. (You might also want to shift the text left so that it doesn't overflow into the next column's area.)

And then to contain the text inside the new column bounds you could use shape-inside/outside with a polygon, but that wouldn't be ideal, since only webkit supports CSS shapes, so you'd want to make sure it still looks ok without the text reflow.

What's a decent and affordable CMS?


Wtf is nested/multiple booleans?
De Morgan's laws?

What exactly are you confused about?

You evaluate the thing inside the innermost parentheses, and then you replace the expression within the parentheses with the result, and repeat outward.

Consultant web dev with 3 years of experience here, doing good work, earning well. I feel like work is getting fucking boring, like I'm just doing the same simple stuff over and over again with new frameworks every few months. I'm not even a dedicated frontender, I do backend stuff too, it's just that none of my colleagues have a clue or even want to touch JS or CSS so I end up taking all of that responsibility. Should I quit consulting and web dev and make a machine learning based startup? Or maybe learn more about graphic and UX design and work with the more human aspects?

Check out developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/encodeURIComponent

MDN is fucking boss, use it

> east coast

I don't have any experience with Python web servers, but I would guess that you want a main.py that creates and manages the threads/procedures like you say, so you maintain control of all the execution.

Just today.

Female coworker: I did some functional programming in JavaScript today and...
Me: Wow! You finally got this map and reduce thing?
FC: What? You don't understand. I passed a function in jQuery to get...
Me: Nevermind.

I started with java and assembly in college. Experimented with PHP then Python and Ruby. Node is one language I just can't get my head around.

And how old are you?

Over the past few weeks I've starting learning frontend webdev but now I want to move on to backend.
Where should I start and what framework should I learn?
I have a basic understanding of normal programming, webserver setup and sql, but backend webdev is still a complete mystery to me.
How can I make something simple like a guestbook or an image hosting site?

So much too choose from:

Python - Django, Flask
PHP - Laravel
Ruby - Rails, Sinatra

Just like to add Flask and Sinatra are both micro frameworks so there's not that much boilerplate code you need to learn to get started.

So when i search for job i check multiple languages and i have never seen someone asking for ruby developer.
Why are people learning ruby when it is useless?

I see positions for rails devs all the time. Although I'm not really actively searching, just seeing ads when using random sites.

There's still a lot of demand for ruby on rails developers.

depends on where you're located, man. If your goal is to get a web dev job, study the most popular framework in your target job market.


All i see here (for webdev) is php(laravel, drupal etc), c#.net, java Jersey


I've been searching guides on regex in javascript to learn how to use wildcards but none of the articles I see explains how to make this:

"firstword" + "I don't care what text is here between the first word and the second word" + "secondword"

Any ideas how to create a wildcard for this situation?

Are these types of animations hard to make? Specially how the item goes to the cart icon, everything else looks like it can be done with css but that one part has me puzzled.

back to codeacademy you go

Is this what you're looking for?

I don't know about regex, but * is usually used for an unknown number of any possible characters

Jquery has some functions for animations, I'm guessing it was done with those

Anyone here been sent online tests to do for an interview?

I got given one and failed miserably. desu I found it quite funny.Since the questions i had to complete were writing some kind of math functions that required multiple different operations and stuff done with like 3 - 5 minutes to complete.

In the end I just skipped since i assumed i failed and cba doing this when i probably wouldn't get the interview.

can you share the test?

it was something they register you on, and send a link.

I don't know anything about regexes, but I had a similar issue and just wrote a function using javascript's string indexOf()

function getSubstrings(searchStr, startStr, endStr, strCount = 1) {
var searchStartIndex = 0;
var results = [];
var startIndex;
var endIndex;
for (var i = 0; i < strCount; i++) {
startIndex = searchStr.indexOf(startStr, searchStartIndex);
endIndex = searchStr.indexOf(endStr, startIndex + startStr.length);
searchStartIndex = endIndex + endStr.length;
if (startIndex < 0 || endIndex

why not? I got to jquery, don't see anything difficult. Though I have done some tutorials back in the day, I forgot most of it.

0 or more characters between 1st and 2nd word:

0 or more characters between 1st and 2nd word, non-greedy:

1 or more characters between 1st and 2nd word:

1 or more characters between 1st and 2nd word, non-greedy:

Replace the dot with "(.|\n|\r)" (quotes not included) if the 1st and 2nd word are not necessarily on the same line

i had and i didnt pass
everything worked btw
later when i checked that company i saw that they didnt hired 1 new developer.
fuck those faggots

im getting this error when trying to access my network drive in my web app

GET url/here/ayy/lmao net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

wat do?

yup, jquery for sure. The resize image function, which is obviously used on that gif, is one of the first to be taught. Check out Udemy, you'll find something there for sure. The other half of that animation is a move image function, can't remember the exact name.

You know you can view-source:?

It's a gif posted in dribble you retard, it's not live yet.

btw, things like that are never good for website

Designers are faggots and they dont consider low performance PCs, this shit would probably lag a log

That solution though doesn't really fit in the script I'm making, I just want javascript to use that part of string between the 2 known words without modifying it, leaving it untouched but I can't find a way to tell it to do that.

I'm using indexOf() though in a different way:

I can't post here because it keeps saying it's spam for whatever reason, I wonder who came up with this stupid spam filter, it's destroying the purpose of [󠇦code󠇦] on this board.

The asterisks are a placeholder for the wildcard I'm searching, do you maybe know a different approach to this kind job? I wanted the script to recognize a domain name and add a prefix to the link ignoring the subdomain and the part after the domain name too.

I made a version with document.getElementsByTagName('a') too but there's still the same issue. I need to run the script for both hyperlinks and plain text links anyway.

The problem is, can I apply that to an output? maybe I shouldn't try the regex approach.

Nah, not that hard in plain CSS transitions, with JS to change its position


Stupid question here. Got web dev class this semester and teacher is using java, servlets and jsp. Every book and tutorial i see around is about php and javascript. Should i keep studying it after this class or just forget it? Are there any jobs out there that use it?

>I just want javascript to use that part of string between the 2 known words without modifying it
>can I apply that to an output?
You can use capture groups, but I don't understand what the hell you're trying to do

start the web server on your network drive server.

This is the code:

No idea why I can't post it here, it's recognized as spam for unknown reasons.

I wanted the script to recognize a domain name and add a prefix to the link ignoring the subdomain and the part after the domain name too.

idk what you mean. The app just runs locall. I'm connected to the other server and can access the files via windows explorer but when i try to access it in the web browser it doesnt worrk

First of all, stop trying to modify URLs directly when you can just use window.URL

Are you trying to do something like this?
const yourUrl = 'foo.bar.baz/wibble/wobble?wubble=wobbly';
const url = new URL(yourUrl);
url.host = url.host.replace(/[^.]+(\.bar\.baz)/, 'surprise$1');
const yourNewUrl = url.toString(); // surprise.bar.baz/wibble/wobble?wubble=wobbly
This replaces the "foo" in "foo.bar.baz" with "surprise"

so you can access them using what? samba?
http implies getting the files over http, explorer does not use http.

How do I get an absolutely positioned element to take up space?

nvm i got it i needed to use UNC naming convention

set left/right/top/bottom css style properties.

so if you position something left:0 and right:0 it'll stretch over the entire width.

I'm tyring to create an userscript to do this, but I want this script to do it only for certain domain names, not for all links. The problem with a constant is that it won't recognize variable subdomains I think, though I've never used that before so maybe there's a way?

Sorry, I mean, how do I get it to move the shit thats around it, especially when resizing.

Currently absolute makes it so every other element acts like its not there, I want that to not happen.

the point of absolute positioning is to not move any elements around it.

if you need it to move other elements then absolute is not for you.