/tosg/ - TempleOS General

>What is TempleOS?
See youtube.com/watch?v=MT7yvaGN0ZU --TempleOS (formerly J Operating System, SparrowOS and LoseThos) is a biblical themed lightweight operating system created over the span of a decade by programmer Terry A. Davis.
>How did TempleOS start?
Development for TempleOS began in 2003 after Davis suffered from a series of manic episodes that left him briefly hospitalized for mental health issues.
Davis is a former atheist who believes that he can "talk with God" and that God told him the operating system he built was God's official temple. According to Davis TempleOS is of 'Divine' intellect due to the inspired nature of the code. According to Davis, God said to create the operating system with 640x480, 16 colors display and a single audio voice. The operating system was coded in a programming language developed by Davis in C/C++ called "HolyC". The OS runs a file system called "Red Sea".
>What can TempleOS do?
TempleOS deliberately has no network support. It runs 8-bit ASCII with graphics in source code and has a 2D and 3D graphics library, which run at 640x480 VGA with 16 colors. The OS contains numerous embedded biblical references including a program called AfterEgypt which allows users to "communicate with God" through an oracle.

Official website: templeos.org/
Download TempleOS: templeos.org/Wb/Home/Web/DownloadOS.html#l1
Extended History: motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/gods-lonely-programmer

>I wrote a fucken compiler. Linus has not finished his compiler yet and suffers humilation from Stallman.
>Yeah, I killed a CIA nigger with my car in 1999. Score one for the good guys.
>My job is to hunt CIA niggers.
>Bill gates and the illuminati got a herd of nigger cattle
>I don't know why the liberals don't allow beastiality
>I liked the previous bird, I hated this bird

Other urls found in this thread:


consult your schizophrenic to


Nice silent movie you made there

Thank you! I worked very hard on it. I am hoping it will lead to a blooming career in film one day. Right now, most of my films are just meager documentary portraits I do at my local orphanage.

I am hoping this latest creation will be my ticket to a better life. Cheers, for wanting to help recognize my talent! :D


I tried to find this when it was live and you bragged about it, but couldn't.

Well done, user.


Anyone got timestamp link to that 15 minute rant he had a few days ago on random numbers and mexican jumping beans?

Danke. I'm not sure what you mean by "bragged about it", though. I didn't speak in the chat tonight. Last time I did anything was two nights ago when I sent him a photo of Megumin and a bible verse about explosions

Not the chat, but the thread.
>two nights ago
I must be referring to that then. Sounds about right.

This happened 1 hour and 31 minutes ago.

>When physics girl doesn't reply to your emails


Bumping in hopes of somebody finding this.

>Moses Stick

fucking faggot

playing terry like that. God's going to slap your shit you little shithead

Asking for his PW

Your a fucking piece of shit

wat happen?
Has Terry talked about the recent CIA leaks?

someone is playing into his delusion( made a fake physics girl account account) and he made them a mod, and is asking for terrys account info

Got Terry's info.

Sweeties, I didn't ask for PW, it what was that one edgy little bad boy.

We will see the damage soon...

This is the end.

fake dianna has never interacted with a real woman (although that unconvincing portrayal was still good enough for terry)

We need to defend Terry!!! What's the best course of action???

Now I really think that it is the Art project

This nigga's delusional.

Can someone clue me into what's happening

Someone started emailing Terry pretending to be physicsgirl. Continued to email him and get moderator status on his chat.. then proceeded to email and get the account login/pass info for youtube and god knows what else as Terry sent a .dd file

faggots larping and fucking with Terry.

Go dammit they're going to fuck this guy up more than he already is

I really want to see where his crazy creations go

>terry up for several days
>last few streams have been him emailing people and people emailing him
>someone starts emailing him as dianna (physics girl for those who arent caught up)
>harmlessly playing around
>asking about his OS and things like that
>asking about dick size
>asking to ban people
>he actually banned someone
>asking to become mod
>chat starts getting worried
>terry mods the fake dianna (in his disillusioned state, he doesnt think too hard)
>the fake dianna's only sub is terry and zero videos)
>he doesnt really get it
>"oh thats me"
>proceeds to make the fake dianna a mod
>starts banning people for "mean words"
>bans regulars
>at this point now others are "dianna"
>more people asking for mod
>people trying to tell terry that isnt the real dianna
>he mods both real and fake dianna anyways
>both fake and real
>out of no where asks for account information
>several times
>he doesnt do it on stream
>but supposedly sends a file with ALL his info
>youtube, ebay, other sites as well.
were about here right now
were not sure if he actually gave it away to that troll

Whoever he is, it is a disgusting beast! Never seen so much evil in my life.

Sup Forums we MUST do something !!!!!!!!!

I'll get started on the logo

We can't do shit. None of us actually are elite hackers or anything. All we can do is see this poor schizophrenic man have his life ruined in its entirety.

I already tried emailing him a couple of times that the dianna's were fake but he would just scroll past them and read the dianna emails.


i dont think he will remember this tomorrow
or whenever his tomorrow is

not to mention that terry didn't stop streaming and go to sleep until fake dianna told him to

Yeah he was obviously awake for at least 2 days, some in chat were saying 5 days. He's gonna be sleeping for a while.

>He's gonna be sleeping for a while.
You don't know how sleep works, do you.

I do but Terry doesn't abide by normal laws. He used to / still is on a 36/16 sleep cycle so he very well could be asleep for a while. Defined as "a period of time."

His youtube profile pic is deleted now

chat says he tried to update his photo and deleted it

he deleted it himself during the stream. he was trying to change it but couldn't figure out how

I'm fairly certain that happened mid stream. He wanted to update it to his new pic on his "blog" but failed so he had no profile pic


Who knows what he sent 'her'.

we don't need a general for this shit

It's so incredibly strange seeing how he's acting in that video. He doesn't even react to that guy calling him an idiot.

That's what happens somewhere in between thousands of emails, URL clicks, and obsession.

Possibly on new meds, awake for 3+ days can fuck with you. He was emailing himself for at least 30 minutes before he noticed.

It also looks like it's taking him way longer to read stuff compared to his normal self.
>He was emailing himself for at least 30 minutes before he noticed.

for now (since the video doesnt load the full 6 hours)
check at 5:00
my apologies if it updates to the full video

Not exactly sure. I think it was about 3 - 4 am for me and he stopped streaming at 7:20 ish so like 4ish hours from the end of the stream

Why does this shit needs a general?
Stop shilling it.

Go back your your cell phone and desktop environment threads.

Linux has a general, I don't see the problem with a templeOS general.

Can we replace that fucking jew on the sticky with Terry already?

What distinguishes HolyC from regular C/C++?

Who is the son of a bitch that keep emailing Terrry as Diana Cowern?
Doesn't he knows that maybe he's slowing the development of TempleOS and that's because we don't have internet connection yet?


What distinguishes looking for information instead of asking other people to do your work for you?



right, this is any better...

>>proceeds to make the fake dianna a mod
>>starts banning people for "mean words"
>>bans regulars
The worst thing is that he can't unban them unless he knows their channel URL because YouTube doesn't show who you've banned from chat. You can see people you've banned from comments and unban them, but for comments only, not chat.

One of the Dianna larpers should tell him to add networking to tempos so she could talk to terry

they tried that. i dont think he even read en email from on of them

whoa now let's not get too hasty

That would be cool, but whenever I go online, I would feel bad.

How to get this feature?

>The worst thing is that he can't unban them unless he knows their channel URL because YouTube doesn't show who you've banned from chat. You can see people you've banned from comments and unban them, but for comments only, not chat.
How is YouTube this bad?

Guess I shouldn't be surprised considering comment fields fail to sort after "most liked" and it's impossible to find all the comments you've made unless you've saved the URLs and shit.

You guys should start download his videos and stuff, if that troll actually got his accounts all of his accounts will soon be deleted/banned.

I bet the first thing that troll will do is post Gore on his accounts or shit like that

After you 'delete' a video it is only removed from their servers 30 days later. So hopefully he would be able to get it back.

nothing will be deleted; I never asked for his personal data. Although I am glad he didn't send it to the other nigger because he was going to take all of his money and leak data.
His data will not be pubically, I've said it over and over again. The lack of any mentioning on a leak will be proof enough of my testament.

did he send u a .dd file? and if so, why? what u do?

>never asked for his personal data
apart from his password

I did nothing; some nigger asked him for his personal data. He was about to send it to him, but he switched the precipitant to me. The faggot kept begging me for it, calling me an asshole for not giving out someone's identity like it's a fucking reward. I won't make it public under any circumstance.

watch the video, retard. I wasn't the one who asked for it. Look real closely at who he is emailing.


Sorry, I've been staying up all night and I'm wiped.

I have a weird curiosity wanting to know how that file was organized. Also, what's with the .dd filetype?


= DolDoc, his own hypertext formatting system

you chose to use this word because??? ...ur a cia nigga???

It's just a text document.

>proof enough of my testament
cia nigger confirmed

lol what a dork

That answers my second question. How was the actual file organized?

Site: ebay
Username: niggerkiller
Password: fuckcianiggers

Site: youtube...

Something like this? I don't know why I want to know I just do.

Okay. Which one of you faggot CIA niggers is responsible for this???????

lol he didn't store his passwords in the TOSNotes.DD file

".dd" stands for DolDoc. It's Terry's Text Processor.
It can be read like any standard txt file as long as it's uncompressed. (Not DD.Z)
The asshole who kept asking for Fake Dianna to give him the passwords was called "sam disgusting". Just saying ;)

What did he store there then? And how did someone get his passwords? Now I'm getting really confused.

anyone else triggered by the bad grammer , spelling, or other mistakes present in all the fake emails? lulz

No one got his passwords.

what he's downloading?


[email protected] got his passwords but he promised not to do anything with it

God says...
Zap you_should_be_so_lucky virtue do_I_have_to you're_wonderful choose_one ice_cream oil middle_class yuck how_do_I_put_this I_love_you hi I'll_be_back What conservative you're_no_fun when_hell_freezes_over sess_me Japan I_had_a_crazy_dream praise absolutely I'm_feeling_nice_today adjusted_for_inflation I_pity_the_fool mocking birds hooah don't_mention_it praying never_happy

>how_do_I_put_this I_love_you