This is the best phone ever made. Prove me wrong

This is the best phone ever made. Prove me wrong.

>Pro. tip, you can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just read today there's a new File System coming in iOS 10.3 - Normally I don't read Apple news.

>Normally I don't read Apple news.
Somebody finally wrote something you could understand, eh?

you got to be autistic to actually read apple news on a regular basis.
unless if you're a investor or tech-review-nignog

iOS now has the copy and paste function!

I couldn't even distinguish what phone this was from the thumbnail. Design is dead.

i could

from the camera bump
fucking get it together apple

Apple has a fancy gayish appearance for a starbucks for a hipster and nothing more that can beat Linux/Android in efficiency and flexibility for a techie.

I've got one. It's beautiful.

>dogshit battery life
>dogshit real world performance
>dogshit camera
>dogshit display
>dogshit charging time


Let's run down the list

Android phones let you:
>have real encryption with no backdoors
>download over 100MB over mobile data
>install a third party app launcher and icons
>use it as a flash drive
>share any kind of file over wifi/bluetooth
>torrent via torrent clients in the playstore
>install apps outside the playstore
>modify a few system settings to increase performance and decrease battery drain
>manually control complex camera functions via third party apps
>natively browse files
>view better colors via amoled displays
>browse Sup Forums and natively open webms inside them via third party apps
>extract/browse archives
>add additional phone storage via a micro SD card
>replace the stock battery with a bigger one
>add widgets to your home screen
>access important functions by swiping down


You can spout all the "lagdroid XDddd---" memes you want but Android phones truly are more advanced than itoddler phones and the reason why they hold over 90% of the global smartphone market share right now.