
nintendo under-estimated their manchild fan base again.

Thank you manchildren, you make the Switch finnally worth purchasing for everyone.

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Wow, now I can play supertuxkart on my switch... right?!

is this fail0verflow?

There's no question that the consoles will get broken. There are people who buy nintendo consoles just to break them and don't play a single game on it.

Oh how UNUSUAL a nintendo console being fucking open wide like a slut.

Do these niggers even try?

It doesn't run FreeBSD. Sup Forums BSD shills have been landed in the trash.

Another Nintendo console that only has Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby and Zelda games. N64 was the last good console they produced, since then they've been milking the same game franchises from the SNES.

The fanbase is fucking atrocious also, goddamn.

Yeah, why don't they have unmilkable games like Counter Strike, Final Fantasy, FIFA, Metal Gear, Street Fighter (again), Megaman X, etc.., huh?

still not worth purchasing with all the dead pixels crashing and self scratching, wait for the upgraded version thatll end up having perks in first party games

I remember when breaking a console on launch meant people standing in line for hours to get a new console then smash it on camera.

At least now it's actually useful

>Still no Xbox One vulnerabilities

Freetards BTFO

The GameCube was good

Too bad after that they decided to focus exclusively on gimmicks and killing third party support

>Megaman X
>mfw there won't be another megaman game ever again

lol who gives a shit

Gamecube was also pretty good

Switch homebrew would be incredible
>mfw gzdoom on the switch

Who gives a fuck? You can already play the chronicles of link super 64 at 4K res (and above 20 FPS) on the PC with CEMU.

Can't wait until Todd Howard ports Skyrim to the switch. Maybe Nintendo will start making Skyrim amiboos.

I don't like Zelda game very much, it's basically mountain scaling simulator 2017

Whoops forgot link (tehee)


If it's an update followed-up with an essay on how it's their moral duty to withold the exploit due to not wanting to harm Nintendo over ancient feats they are no longer capable of, then you know it's fail

There were so many promising Wii U hacks early on that were never released because of GBAtemp moralfagging hardcore, I hope the Switch is the exact opposite and causes untold amounts of asspain

I'd say at least half of the capable groups at the time thought Nintendo hired like the FBI/NSA and imagined a scenario where snitching on potential hacks for future updates would land them a job


Fake news, it's just a webkit exploit

Yeah me neither desu senpai. That was pretty much all cucktendo had to offer for the gender switch 64 though. Can't wait until we get cheap snapdragon 835 chips and CEMU for android so I can see more nintendofag tears.

Nice, make the map not blurry and the game playable without NPCs falling through the floor like in Fallout 3 and I'll pay for that shit.

hahaha wow

I thought I filtered you

Oh you must have temporarily disabled your safe space by accident r3ddit, you should make sure it's enabled at least every 5 minutes.


Tripfag implying people should gb2 Reddit

Top laughs.

It's sad that nintendo probably got bribed to used TX1 housefires too.

No one in their right minds would have used anything but Merlin Falcon APUs for a handheld console or the snapdragon 835.

lmao this, what a bunch of attentionwhores

Is the Pascal based Tegra any good?

Probably though most are probably going to be afraid to use it after the TX1 fiasco and raven ridge from AMD coming at the end of this year.

Is a Merlin Falcon noticeably better than a Tegra X1?

Asking because, well, I have preordered a 6-inch "console" with RX-421BD and a Radeon R7 inside as the damn thing can actually run Windows games.

>the exploit is fake, I know how they did it!
root access you numbskull.

Fuck yeah especially since it uses excavator cpu cores. TX1 is stuck with some ancient ARM cpu housefire to add to the already maxwell gpu housefire.

N64 is God awful except for its handful of classics. The majority of 3rd party games are unplayable garbage.

GameCube was infinitely better.

>Resident Evil 2 N64
>64MB Cartridge

what are you getting at?

also, RE2 is available on the gamecube, too

I heard that thing runs some sodomized version of Android.
If that's the case, LineageOS+EfiDroid when?

>Nintendo console that only has Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby and Zelda games
that would haven N64 if it wasnt for rare

Old, userland only.

I doubt it, I don't think there's any android code in it whatsoever.

I really hope it gets ports of tegra android games though. I'd love to be able to play Portal and Warband on it

>It's real


Webkit strikes again lel

It runs FreeBSD, you'll know that if you read the licence agreement.


It runs a modified and improved version of the 3DS os, the FreeBSD license is in there because it's apparently using some specific network code from BSD, not the whole thing.


And also >Nintendo for poor quality software QA, as always. They'd rather scrap the browser entirely instead.

>Nintendo for poor quality software QA
Its just old, that webkit version is from August 2016

playstations have still not been hacked. (i dont mean 1 and 2 but all models after those)

Is this bait?

you cant install custom firmware on ps3. its only possible on the portable psp consoles.

I must be tripping balls, because I bought a ps3 last month for the sole purpose of installing cfw and pirating the entire ps3 catalog. I must have imagined all of the demons souls I've been playing.

The Switch is horrible hardware for the cost and not worth jailbreaking.
It's like a 4core 1ghz ARM and a GTX 270.


You can do a jail break on a ps3 if it is on 3.55 or buy a usb dongle.

The vita got split open, however they have not yet made a true vita cfw, but that thing is basically dead.

I remember back around black friday people where talking about a rumored hack for the ps4 for systems on 4.07?(might be wrong)

not them but i do wish to point out that there are issues with making them run unsigned code still and making that change requires a lot more effort.

the amd co-processor that handles encryption is the main one (SAMU). once it is exploited then we will be able to make a loader of sorts for games, but this also means we need a way to fuck with it more

essentially without a vita henkaku-like environment running, theres not much going on to speak about

Isn't that the PS4, not PS3...?

No duh the PS4 is easy to hack when it's just an AMD APU.

So your reply works for the one guy, but not the other who just said "PS3".

please read the post right above yours

What you've described there is very much the N64 era though. That was the whole issue with them using cartridges over CDs. The GameCube era was an attempt to fix that with promises of people developing on the GameCube, and to be fair that era did see a lot more third party titles on the GameCube as well as the PS2 when they weren't that dependent on the extra storage space of a DVD.

I would murder a small child to have a proper good MMX game again. Why does Capcom ruin everything that I love?

Nostalgia sells to man children. A simpler time where mommy didn't yell at them for being in the house and all they had to do in life was beat Bowser.

Not the person talking to you before, but I think they're trying to talk about how impressive it was that Nintendo managed to fit what was a two disc game onto one cartridge in a way that didn't make the game unplayable garbage. Compromises were made of course, sound quality among them but still pretty cool.

Also, not remotely impressive that the game was also on the GameCube. Of course it was.

>megaman x9
>axl goes apeshit from the shit that happened
>now gotta stop him from becoming sigma 12.5
>literally cannot stop that fucker because of copy ability
>frequently swaps between good and bad because his system doesnt have maverick potential, but sigma's shit is trying to take over
>quite literally has to stop himself
>but in the process kills zero (again)
>x loses his fucking mind and just destroys the shit out of him
>we could literally have such a game
>but we will never get such a game
axl is a cool dude

thank god for minecraft because otherwise my kids wouldn't have any actual kid-oriented games to play without me dusting off my old consoles. thanks a lot you fucking neckbearded manchildren

i miss 1.3 that was the patch minecraft was in it's prime

I mean ignoring some of the community (The game doesn't even have built in voice chat at least you don't HAVE to listen to squeakers like in other games) Minecraft still isn't that bad on occasion for me to play. A lot of interesting mods/mod packs are around but yeah sucks that it has such a bad rap now because of the kids.


I don't give a fuck.

no way, beta 1.7.3 was the best
also 1.2.5 when they added jungles and shit that was sweet

That was literally my first version of it, and I didn't play anything after it with the same joy.