/csg/ - chink shit general

In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

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* Anons hydrobeads arrived * user links a new clive video * user is not amused by Gearbest charging for shipping * Anons MP3 player arrved and is very pleased with the product * user gets calls and texts from an Ali seller in the middle of the night * Anons Jinhao x750 pen arrived * user shills an 8$ bluetooth controller Previous thread

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Fat sow

Will ebay get pissy if I request too many refunds from chinks? I've had some stuff not arrive and even chinks playing dumb to get me to close disputes.


Do the tablets normally come with a sim slot or is it uncommon?

Best in ear headphone for bass heavy listeners?

Just got the wooden DZAT DF-10 and the bass is pretty weak, otherwise pretty decent headphones.

Why not use one of the many csg Mitu or Danbo OP pics? You keep using pictures that are either not related or vaguely.

Shopping from china and a chinese ship full of chink shit aren't related?

>bass heavy listeners
Have you considered pic related?


techno interests me

If it doesn't list it as a feature, it's not there.

>autistically complaining about a picture of a Chinese ship on a Chinese shopping thread

m8 you didn't even expend the minimal effort to shop it into "CHINK SHIT LINE"

Our chink shit doesn't get shipped on ships.

im not op, fucko

Where is the best place to buy Chinese printer ink

Stop false flagging yourself, Lithu.


Rock Zircons have decent bass.


I kinda regret getting a cuck z2 now. By having a snapdragon CPU I thought it'd have some decent custom ROMs by now.
>home button - none have long tap working, some have delay on tap, some have problems with long pressing/pressing activating both tap and press actions, some don't have enough customization
>camera - none support camera2 API, some have freezing issues and crashing when recording for more than 30 seconds
>battery life - some have wakelock issues and doze not working, android 7 ROMs have worse battery life than 6 in general
I'd stay with stock ROM but it doesn't have a way to access Google Settings (no option for it in settings) and to change display scaling.

>posting in a low-effort shit-thread

Any of you cycle? Any gear/parts worth getting from the chinks?

seriously don't cling to one board just because you're familiar with it.

You can get carbon frames from aliexpress, I had a look a while back.
As for lights and safety equipment- you gonna trust the chinks with your safety equipment?

ROCK Zircon or choose yourself:

my brother do, he got a carbon fiber frame, very cheap, it's pretty good so far.

this is what the local shitposting autist wanted all along. Whenever RegOP goes on vacation the only threads are low effort shit threads that the autist rushes to shit out before anybody else. He wants to ruin /csg/ with shit low effort memes like every other general on Sup Forums.

I go there too but afaik there are no dedicated chink shit threads, so I figured I might find more experienced buyers here.

Lights and reflectors maybe. Nothing I would want to protect me though.

Yeah, that pic I posted is apparently a Chinese carbon build.

What the fuck is wrong with you?


Make no mistakes, there are two of them: the awful reviews nigger and the "/csg/ x edition" autist. One is just lazy, the other one is the cancer you're talking about.

eiaosi x6

Anyone got a chink backpack?

>carbon fiber
>not scandium

I've had luck with accessories (pump, reflective gear, top, backpack, seat bag, hex keys, patch kit) but nothing else except maybe the pedals looked worth gambling on.

Nope this is pretty cancerous as well
Kys faggot

I bought a left hand crank from aliexpress
arrived fairly quickly like after 2 weeks. Been using it on my bike for past week or so.

Pretty good for 10 bucks

whoa those look pretty nice

Where would be the best place to ask about chink fitness trackers/smart watches? Here, /spg/ (do they even talk about those kinds of things) or new thread/sqt?

reminder that if you brought a zuk you got cucked
Redmeme 4 prime battery is immense, even with spyware

Why not double-dip, friendo? :^)

Good. This general is about Chinese Shopping, not racism.

There's clearly room for both.
Understanding how chinese commerce works is you should think of them as firengi. Buyer beware, they are after your gwailo money.
They look down on you because they think you're stupid, so don't prove them right by actually trusting them.

I always assumed that awful reviews was a self aware parody of comfy

>So says the Kike

Awful Reviews started making videos before Comfy.

I'm getting messages from chinks as well.

Delete this

By posting this you are harming the life of a chinese person that did nothing wrong. It's you who have a problem, Zuk Z2 is fine.

>Road bike
You're a faggot

Sup Forums is about racism.

Calm down nigga. That is the first result when I googled chink carbon bike.

No no, Zuk is terrible, it is Xiaomi phones that are perfect in every way, a masterpiece of flawlessness.

Well they are better than Zuk in pretty much every way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ deal with it.

carbon have better vibration absorption and is much lighter that some aluminium-scandium alloy


why don't you have a chink gf yet

>* user shills an 8$ bluetooth controller
...rude... i didn't shill. i really like that controller, if you think i'm shilling prove it.

>38 days
>Still no package
>It's been "leaving" since February 7th
>Only 12 hours till I can no longer open a dispute
>Don't want a refund, just want my fucking microphone

Has this happened to anyone else? Did it eventually arrive?

Because I'm not a sexpat loser who can't even fare well in their own country.

I have a superior white one.

I own a xiaomeme redmi note 3 pro Kate and I think it's a solid chink phone. I lurk around here a lot and i keep reading about the xiaomeme - cuck z2 war.
Today I finally decided to torture myself by checking what's this drama all about and i found out that the zuk looks superior on paper.
What's this shit talk all about? Is it just on paper?

Because 3D women are disgusting.

The only superior race is the Ashkenazi Jew.

Trump banned importing from China

Becuz I am not a LBH who couldn't get a white girl


Bought one of these mini pcs for use as a low power torrent box. Celeron N3150, 32 GB mSata SSD, 4 GB RAM, has space for a 2.5 inch HDD.

>falling for the home server meme

>This sort of machine
>"Home server"
What third world shithole do you live in that this qualifies as a server?

you seem mighty triggered

My gf says if I buy her a pair of cute stockings she'll give me a footjob wearing it.

Please help /csg/

>What third world shithole do you live in that this qualifies as a server?

tfw running an old SFF optiplex with a single core celeron and 4gb ram as a home server

I already have a superior quality Korean gf.

Nice deals!

>Superior anything

>tfw taking your gf outside
>her face melts due to direct sunlight

Oh my god that's just asking to be chinked.

Grew up in the west though, no plastic.

>0 PCs Left

Can someone link to a good DW replica?

Is the Redmi Note 3 still a good phone? It's one of the only chinkphones that work on my carrier

look on dhgate

get a new carrier

the 4 has a worse performing cpu and the cuck z2 doesn't have a microsd slot in 2017

Xiaomi shill spotted

>recommending 28nm cpu phone in 2017

What carrier is that? Also what country you in.

Xiaomi redmi 4 pro arrived today, what are my room options?

A raspberry pi clone would be sufficient for that desu

If I buy one of these cheapo USB sticks and it's shit I can get a refund easily, right?



LineageOS 13


Yes, just send h2testw results in the dispute.

Five days in and the first of my 35 packages has reached the US. Can't wait to deal with no-shows.

Wew lad. Look at my experience here and tell me you have it bad.

Why hasn't the Zuk shill been banned?

if it was a condenser mic the chinks did you a favor

What's a condenser mic?