What does Sup Forums think of 5770?

What does Sup Forums think of 5770?

$40 price tag

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it can barely play modern games with it's 1gb vram limitation

Yeah I don't expect much, other than the three mainstream Dota, Overwatch, CS:GO and league. I wonder how this card performs

If you want to play LoL and WoW it works.

Otherwise pretty shit today.


but in my defense I count like
one two 2+ three

I was under the impression that i'd be condemned and nailed to a cross if i mentioned that game.

LoL on high setting at 1080p works? how about Overwatch?

How about you consider the fact that this is an 8 year old GPU? I used to own one and it was fine while it worked, but god damn son it's 2017. You'd be better off buying a cheap ass RX460 or something.

Shit like LoL will work, no idea on framerate or settings though.
CS:GO - will work but there will be dips in fps.
Overwatch - basically fuck no.

AMD dropped support for this gen a long-ass time ago.

I'll be honest, I was offered this GPU by my friend and being a roody-poo I am, I want to set up a PC with parts I got for cheap/free.

..okay bad excuse..
let's see..
umm, how about I got myself AM3 motherboard with 8 gb of ram on it for free, and i'm just looking for cheap gpu to make it run again and hopefully play games also to satisfy my pc building desire

I would like to know how relevant it is.

it's shit compared to todays standards, just suck some dude off on craigslist for a HD7970/R290/R80 or something

Not worth it. You can get better for a few more sheckels.

could use this as a general reference, or could've looked it up on jewtube yourself
however, as this faggot above me said, you could get better for a few more, or if lucky, a similar amount

>suck some dude off

shame that my country doesnt have craiglist equivalent of dick sucking paradise

i see, i'll try to haggle him, see how low can we go

So, in conclusion 5770 is not worth to get at any price?

well, the 5770 is decent, but probably not for $40 of any currency
which country you in by the way lad


This was a solid card, had it from 2010 to 2016. It was really showing its age by the end though.

Indonesia, senpai
So, what is the suggested "Friends Suggested Retail Price" for this card?

4 Bananas?

get it and play farcry2

You can get a better gpu for that price. I got a 7850 for $50. Plays all the titles on high or medium.

you are going to buy a 5770 now, how much are you willing to pay for it?

At this point don't buy anything older than 7000 series, if your budget is limited look into 7850/7870 with 2gb vram. 7950/7970 with heavy oc can play modern titles at high settings, but it'll cost you a bit more.

Wouldn't fuck with it. I paid 31 dollarydoos for a 6950 for a second pc I was building. It at least has 2gb and can play games on high at 720p so like dunno a 5770 might be too old ese.

If you want to play normie games, just get an apu

buy HD7770.

I paid $120 for my 5770 brand new. SIX YEARS AGO. Even then it was almost 2 years old but still an okay buy.

If you're just doing this to satisfy a hobby then knock yourself out, just don't expect any kind of meaningful price/performance discussion with hardware this old and slow.

Yeah i'm tempted to
BUT at what price?

This will be good, something I can use against him to lwer the price!

budget? limited? I wish!
my budget barely exists, I don't want to get ripped off and need something as a base to name its price.
but thanks for the head up, anything below 7xxx is not worth it.

Thanks, I can use this against him! so I can ask much lower than 31 richbux

This is interesting, how well do modern APUs perform compared to 5770?

Yeah I don't know if i can suck that many diccs,

well.. hobby AND I do need a pc to play games on, my laptop just won't cut it.

it's just that I have no budget and all the parts I have, I got them for free
my budget is basically nonexistent

check out au.webuy.com as well as shipping from their warehouse to your place lad
they have some decent (secondhand) stuff for pretty cheap
I emphasise the shipping, because HD 6950 is only $52 AUD, but because of australia, shipping might be $110000010480943

O..kay i checked and searched 7770, 7790, 7970, 6770, even 6990

nothing is in stock :(

PROTIP: When you say you have "no budget" in English that means you can spend as much money as you want. What you are trying to say is you literally have no money.

If you can talk him down to $30 I say go for it. Otherwise save for new RX460.

yeah, downside of australia kek
well, the 6950 seems decent performer for cheap, could either get that, ask friends or anyone else if they have something better for similar price, or suck his dick for the 5770 :^)

Check 7790, 7850, 7870(Ghz) and 7950

I picked up a 7870 for $50 USD on eBay and I saw plenty going for 60-70, worth looking into. Performance is good for the price, it enables me to play many games on medium at 1080p. Good enough for the little gaming I do nowadays.

Do you plan on moving to the US eventually?

if you wanna play those games just use intel hd grafix. i play cs go and get about 70 fps on my haswell igpu at 1080p

>pic related, it's the junk parts I got

OH, my bad!

okay, so $30 upper limit is within reasonable buy and I shouldnt feel bad if I bought it from him at that price

I think I did check 7790, and 7950

oh wait, I havent checked 78xx series yet, but I found 6950 and put it in my basket, I still have to sign up before i can see how much the shipping will be

7870 for $50 eh.. I suppose $30 for 5770 is still a lil' high.

unfortunately.. not in the near future, I do want to at least visit US before I die.

aaand forgot to actually post the picture

yeah, can't help you out for shipping, as ground rates are about $6.95 AUD from their warehouse to my place, so it could vary a fair bit since air travel

I already can imagine the shipping cost will be more expensive than the item itself

and then there's custom fee


-5770 doesn't worth anything, other than sentimental values in it.
-Oldest amd graphic cards that is still relevant are 7x70 series
-Try to succ more dicc to get better card

WELL boys, that concludes our meeting,
it has been fun, I hope we can meet again someday!

>succ more dicc to get better card
any anons got proof that this works? am using a jet engine gtx 285, and will definitely do it if it actually works

Look into their rebrands (R7 260(x)/265/R9 270(x)/280(x)

It really depends on how good you are and how gay your friend is

I remember radeon used to have dual gpu in one card style of cards, do you think they'll worth it for the lols?

*I might be using old gpu but at least I have two of them in one card*

well, was talking generally, would be an easy way to get free stuff ;)

not the other user, but dual gpu's didn't seem to work out, since they're not done anymore (who knows, maybe RX490 might be dual 480 like rumors?)

I think dicc succ ing only works if you can seduce the other person with your appearance first, you can't force your way into it

I kind of want to ask the opinions of those who bought dual GPU cards

also requesting pic of jet engine gtx 285

In my opinion, it's not worth it. The only relevant AMD dual GPU's are the 6990 and 7990 but their power consumption is out the ass, crossfire scaling in games can be nice but some won't take advantage of it and only use one GPU of the two onboard. There's also the issue of heat dissipation as they run very hot and micro-stuttering can be a side effect of crossfire.

I completely forgot that gpu eats power,
yeah, i guess even just in the name of lols they're not worth to get.

only if u post ur butt

darn it, I didn't expect anyone to ask for butt

it's just the generic ASUS gtx285, back when manufacturers had pictures and stuff on the cards

>manufactureres had pictures on cards
BOY I SURE DO MISS THE TIME where i was drooling over a specific card just because the sticker looked cool

do gainward and leadtek winfast still make cards?

back when 1060 came out, I recall leadtek made one with a small picture near the displays part of the card

For quite a few years it was Sup Forums's goto card, things just worked.
Sadly mine died a year ago, and I upgraded to a RX 480 for VR anyway.
If I hadn't I'd probably have just bought another.

so leadtek still makes cards, leadtek used to all about custom heat sink and price way above other competitors.

MAN i miss the old timey brands too
pixelview, powercolor, calibre, cube3d

Powercolor still put out cards

>that calibre triple purple fan gtx 580
that's a pretty decent looking card tbqh

nice card for 15 dularoonis, not worth 40

WHAT? really? 10 series?

comes in luxurious box too!

yea.. I made a conclusion that i should only succ his dicc to get the card

nah, powercolor went red team

Look for more local deals. I was able to get a 4GB 680 for $52 USD, anything is possible.

>how well do modern APUs perform compared to 5770?
amd's apu's shit all over it. intel kinda poos on it.

sadly though current amd apu's have a horseshit of a cpu but considering you're interested in a 5770 then you most likely already have something that's worse so it be a step up. then again apu's are horseshit against modern dedicated so you be gpu bound anyways but you will get more frames on the amd apu vs intel apu.

the hayle

I checked the winfast 1060 they sure have different design and still has that old timey look with blower style fan and a little bit sticker on top

What a time to be alive!

I havent got the courage to compare 5770 to my laptop's internal gpu, tell me doctor, is GT740m any better than 5770?

>they're kinda few generations newer, right?

Save your money and pick up any rx 460.

I got mine Radeon HD 6870 with 20€ and 10 diazepam.


I bought mine for $50 used in 2011, no you're not getting a deal.

They are pretty good cards though, if it wasn't for the lack of memory. It couldn't run GTAV well for that reason. For the most part its a 30-60 fps card medium settings.

Idk what country you in but the HD5870 is like the same price.

Your "friend" should be giving you that shit for free, or maybe $20. It's basically at the same level as a GT 730.


OP mentioned earlier he's in Indonesia

>is GT740m any better than 5770?
The 5770 is better, but only by a teeny amount. They're basically still both shit. gpu.userbenchmark.com/SpeedTest/7671/NVIDIA-GeForce-GT-740M

You can get a rx 460 for that