Russia was by far the best song and the publics favorite

Russia was by far the best song and the publics favorite

Retarded jury don't understand music

Why the fuck do we have a jury

Other urls found in this thread:


>Implying they weren't embassy workers spamming the votes

Kek. Thank you based Jury.

Ukraine were one of the worst songs

In fairness you had a good song but Russia were by far the best

What the fuck happened to Austria? She was the best

Almost All of the best songs were given no jury votes which was totally opposite to the public's votes

The Russian song was mostly show.

It was still a great song

Russia was not the best song, but it was at least better than that piece of shit Ukraine produced

Russia would've won if jury wasn't included

The only reason that Ukraine got so many points is because the song is about peace and the dumbass PC-elite want songs want to push forward songs of peace.

Oh and they don't want Russia to win because
>m-muh LGBT rights

It's a show by 'normies' made for 'normies'

Jury gave her no votes

We should start a fucking Twitter campaign to get rid of that fucking jury from the competition

German jury giving the gay kike 12 fucking points was the most embarassing moment of the evening.

also excuse me if my writing is bad right now, I am really drunk

The reason the jury exists is so Russia doesn't win every year

is this the official thread? could you plz link it

Best song was from Austria
Eurovision is just political memes disguised as musical contest

70 years later you guys still feel the guilt

What's the difference a thread is a thread you'll find the same kind of people in all of them

Germany is like watching someone who used to be your friend turn into a self-destructive drug addict after killing someone in a car crash.
Its starting to get too upsetting to banter you honestly

Why the fuck did they let Australia in last year

This one is pretty slow

I feel so sorry for random germans who see thru this blatant propoganda like you.

not cry, babe

How? Please explain how you think I'm flawed in intelligence

>Retarded jury don't understand music
Teletards doesn't uderstand it either.

How do you explain that Ukraine got 2nd place and Poland 3rd?

Poland were good and maybe the vote is partially fixed

List of songs that were better than BOTH Russia and Ukraine:

- Belgium (Out of all of them, this one felt the most like a true Eurovision song)
- The Netherlands (The awkward pause aside)
- Hungary
- Bulgaria
- France
- Australia
- Cyprus
- Spain
- Malta (Personal favourite)
- Austria

Also, United Kingdom (Yes, I'm bias, fuck you) and Germany didn't deserve to win, but both should have been mid table instead of the bottom. Judges got it about right on UK at least, but everybody needlessly fucked over Germany big time, and it's hard to imagine that it's just because of a weird bit of wardrobe in a show that's meant to be goofy.

All the diaspora voted for Poland. It's so blatant.

Admit it: Both the Ukrainian and the Russian song were shit.
The Ukrainian was howling about 'muh Crimea' and the Russian was some metrosexual climbing around in front of a projector singing a bland as fuck song. Boring.
Are you autists here that much into computers that this "showact" impresses you?

Spain was by far the best you all know it.

meant for

Russia scores high every year regardless of how bad/good it's song is

It's just people in Russian embassies across Europe spamming.

Winner's press conference soon!!

Agreed 100%

Also from semi-final, Norway was way better. Why the fuck did Norway not make it to final?

>the song is about peace
Kek, their song was how bad is Russia because she don't apologize for muh Crimean Tatar deportation.

so the jury can enforce political correctness

Also, pickrelated

>Didn't come last because of the judges

I'm okay with this system, as always it wouldn't matter what song we had the rest of Europe has a hate hard on for us so we'd never win the public vote, even if we had the best song in the world.

So the goys don't accidentally make it so a politically incorrect nation like Russia wins.

Sweden had a very good song but he had no stage performance except his singing

authoritarian shitholes like arab countries/russia/china etc are determined to fuck up any high profile international event

I supported Poland. It is a pity that it happened

and this

Your performance is bad and you should feel bad. If you weren't such defeatist losers and sent a real act you'd win for sure.


How will Ukraine be able to host Eurovision though? It's expensive and they're pretty much broke. It's like Greece winning.

>very good song
>if i were sorry blalblabla if i were sorry blalblabl if i were sorry blalblabla if i were sorry blalblabla if i were sorry blalblabla if i were sorry blalblabla if i were sorry blalblabla if i were sorry blalblabla if i were sorry blalblabla if i were sorry blalblabla if i were sorry

>a good looking white straight girl singing a random song not about any political issue
>getting points
c'mon it's 2016

Russia will host the next ESC.

Russia is broke too.

it will go for the second
but since Australia won't host it it will go for the third
but since Russia is le evil country it will be hosted in some random place, probably Germany or UK

Latvia got robbed tbqh
As did Belgium

Top 5 songs

As I said, we could send a "real" act and it wouldn't matter.

Words don't matter in a good song they can be anything

Not when they take over Ukraine.

>Why the fuck do we have a jury
so russia cannnot win
europe does not want bad russia to win

>A broke country annexing another broke country is going to make them rich

German """logic"""

Top 5 (random order)

They're broke because they're fighting a civil war

I don't know how but it's been proven to work.

Was the jury voting a new thing or was this the first time they separated the two votings?

t. germanboo who hates russia

it was the first time they separated the two votings but jury voting is a thing for the last few contests, they just said the combined results

PS. Swiss song deserved to be in the Final, it was one of my favorites

You're letting personal bias get the better of you if you think it was the third worst song of the night.

Who hates you? Its Russia who western Europe hate and won't let them win.
You just decide not to care enough about the competition to send a decent song.

The point of a jury is to btfo Russia who always tries to cheat. Shitholes like Belaruse always give Russia top votes.

No, fuck you

Russia would win every year thanks to the dumb fucking voting blocs in shit subhuman eastern european countries if there wasn't a jury.

Eastern Ukraine is full with Russians, so obviously

>Russia who always tries to cheat


But it really doesn't matter.



What a retarded theory.

You think we don't do the same?

western european countries dont have voting blocks?

How does one cheat in this system?

Not to the same level. People in western yuropean countries are more likely to vote for songs because they like they than because they're friends.

Not to say bias isn't there, but it's not anywhere near the same level.

haha stay mad nigel you piece shit good for nothing pig

Our song sucks, its only perfomance, just like Lordi.
Ukrainian song sounds like clogged toilet.
Australians send a fucking holocaust victim.

France had the best song but who the fuck cares about music! Its politics. Obama called to jury and said to vote for pig-lard-jamala.

Except your pathetic attempt at social theory fails because of the facts. Look


Georgia had the best song 2bh

Austria did well in televote

yeah austrian franceboo qt was one of the best

Their bass player was easily the coolest guy in the whole arena as well.

When do you leave Hong Kong, Mr. John?



>Russians are THIS butthurt

I love it

I unironically thought it would have been a battle between the Netherlands, Sweden and Russia.

But a lot of east european juries didn't give us any points. ;__;

I think Ukraine was a good song though. At least, when she sang it during the match. When she had won she did a poor performance.

Although I enjoyed this the most.

>Russia with a typical popshit music and special effects.
>deserving of win

pick one

Cry moar putler bots. Your tears are so delicious.

When do you leave USA, mr. Sergay?

Netherlands was the best by far. I voted for it so many times. But the televotes screwed you over.

East Europeans don't like the genre.

The kremlinbot butthurt will sustain me for months.
That's what you get for sucking putin cock :^)

one of the best

very good too