What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this?

Where terrorists are born.

Other urls found in this thread:


suicide bombers
and muslim posters, I have yet to seen an actual Belgian posting here

Why does it exist?



Pay denbts you pseudo-grek turk

Butt of jokes

pic fucking related, you faggots ruined my opinion about my own country

there's one known Belgian-Algerian on Sup Forums actually, most immigrants with this flag are either Iberians or Italians.

Rightful clay

A buffer state between France and the Netherlands.

Wallonia should go to France, Flanders should go to the Netherlands nowadays though desu. Now that France and the Netherlands will never go to war their respective rightful clay should be given back to each other.

Shitposting, and not the funny kind.

>Flanders ever wanting to join Nederkanker
We hate the Dutchies and Frenchies more than we hate each other actually. If anything we're all Dutch clay at best

No. It would look better on a map heck off.


t. walloon al ahmed

fries, une fois, and worst European roads ever

trips to get cheap alcohol.

Chocolate, beer and non-country.

>changing political borders because it would look better
no wonder you retards draw straight lines for thousands of kilometres

a good ESC song

>Wallonia should go to France

this meme needs to die, nobody want them, and it would cause an insane amount of unfixable problems

plus I don't want to see the glorious hexagon becoming some shit-tier huntchback on my maps

>mfw I'm a French immigrant here
>mfw phlegms try speaking to me in their throat mumbles

We could deport all muslims there

>tfw even Wallonia is looking better than France atm
We don't want you either froggot

The first thing that come to mind about Belgium is this, honestly. None recent events will change it. My childhood. Thanks Belgium.

the only time a straight border has ever looked nice is with the canada-us border tbqh, but our New England border with Canada is awful, we should have annexed everything south of the St. Lawrence river it would've looked so much better. Also, that little blip that extends into Canada should be given to Canada, it looks awful and looks like a little tumor we should fix that.

Muslims, Brussels and even more muslims.

Most of the muslims are in Brussels though

bullshit i'd love to join the netherlands again

This. We'd be an economic powerhouse

Nigel Farage

>joining the heretics

Have you no shame?



Terrorism and black footballers.

>le epic revolution
>basically France stabbing the Netherlands in the back


my comfy country

>Also, that little blip that extends into Canada should be given to Canada, it looks awful and looks like a little tumor we should fix that.
Wait, you mean Maine? Please no, I don't want to live under Trudeau.

Nederdraad autists don't count desu, you faggots are what's wrong with this country

A very dirty Italian/French flag that was rubbed on some dirt and piss

>even Wallonia is looking better than France atm

Is it

Don't be rude with our bros, lad.


Also fuck the Walloons.

French territory taken over by the most boring, uninspired people with tendencies towards liberal brainwashing.

Nigga we don't even share a language
I can't even name a single walloon person that is not a politician

just to name three that directly popped into my head, you're not even trying man

angry Moroccan detected


very comfy atm

There's nothing revolutionary about that event.

Who gives a fuck

Schaerbeek isn't the worst commune at all
Never got this pic

We don't need those butthurt retards on an anime imageboard to tell us what we are lads, our country is nice and comfy af


>taking people from Sup Forums seriously on countries they've never visited or when they've just been in touristic shitholes
Never ever desu

also never forget our country basically was united through religion before all this nation state bullshit came and the Flemish got oppressed because muh French is better

Grow some thicker skin, kid. Why do you even care what some random dude on a cartoon board says or thinks? Why don't you go out and get a job and a social life then you won't have to tie your personal ego to your country's image on the internet

atm as in it might go to shit at some point but my entire childhood and teenage years in belgium were a solid 8/10

my life sucks now only because i'm a fucking piece of shit...

A lot of Belgians are tending towards believing this shit desu

Are you retarded? This was literally just a phrase I wrote to make the butthurt children go away, and as always it worked. I'm pretty sure my social life is currently much better than yours also, but whatever.

you're reading way too much into a single sentence Pablo. Go play Juarez or something

Bullshit, you're prolly a fucking manlet that let's his GF get fucked by sand niggers while they plan their next attack on a shitty Belgian bus stop.

Cry me a river, nigger.

Muh Catholicism is not an argument for unification. The Southern part of the Netherlands is also catholic, also most people in our country aren't even religious anymore.

Don't be so butthurt because your country is an actual shithole lad

Get bombed, Val Mohammed.

>you're prolly a fucking manlet that let's his GF get fucked by sand niggers while they plan their next attack on a shitty Belgian bus stop.

weirdly specific fàm

So what happened that decided you to become a cunt, lad

>calls people out for paying attention to shitty Sup Forums memes
>suddenly backs up his claims with shitty Sup Forums memes
can't make this shit up

Marc Dutroux

waffles 2bh. Don't know why

I'd rather live in a shithole than a non-existent country full of terrorist. You shitskins make me sick.

Calm the fuck down Pablo, did your mother just get killed by cartel members?
Good answer

Mexico everyone

probably because we invented them

Putting shrimps in kroketten and then pretending they have a better cuisine than us.

My mother got killed by mohammeds

strange funny land


Light skinned fashionable niggers

1. Chocolate
2. Furandāsu no Inu (Dog of Flanders)
3. Beer
4. love Japan people unlike Dutch

>probably because we invented them
Don't think that's true 2bh
We still got the best tho

So fellow Belgian mates, what are the best small cities and unknown towns to visit? Arlon looks definitely nice to me, it's a shame there's like a shitload of forests between them and me

Leave my brother alone

Pretending to have a soft G while pronouncing the R as a G.


But you do live a non-country full of shitskins terrorists lad, what the fuck are you going on?


>4. love Japan people unlike Dutch
Why do you think that? Dutch are huge weebs.

Well the oldest waffle irons are from what is now Belgium and the Nord region of France, which is basically Belgian clay.


red circle is the blip i was talking about
blue should go to the us

what's that supposed to be, some muslim hat?

also this picture was taken in Macedonia desu

>t's a shame there's like a shitload of forests between them and me

You should be glad there's still some trees tb.h unlike the Netherlands

If you're living in Iran, watch out! Anyone not wearing sunblock will have a very bad day. Sad!

Nigel farage


Also Aalst is actually pretty nice, I feel like many people don't ever go there

I'm very thankful for the Ardennes, but it's a pain in the ass to drive through them just to get to a nice 30.000 inhabitants small town


>hating on farmland
No """healthy"""" farmer air for you

Molenbeek qts

What could have been