Why is Intel so based, Sup Forums?
Intel donates 250,000 gorillion dollars to FreeBSD
It's a bribe so they can backdoor it
If it means BSD support increase, I'm all for it.
dirty linux peasants
>backdoor free software
i d i o t
>a multi billion dollar corporation donates literal pocket change
Are they even trying?
250k is a lot for freebsd
This isn't bad, but I have some doubts as to why they picked FreeBSD.
Unlike to the Linux ecosystem, $250k probably means a good bunch to FreeBSD.
>he doesn't know how bribes work
Give 250k to Linux = money wasted in programs to get gurrrrls to "learn" kernel coding
Give 250k to FreeBSD = money invested in actual work on quality software development
If freebsd improves then open, net, and dragonflybsd will improve as well.
Linux got way more shit done than FreeBSD for the last >10 years, though.
I guess Linux did it with (vastly) more resources and maybe FreeBSD's efficiency is good - but $250k sure isn't going to make FreeBSD competitive with Linux or anything else I can think about.
So what's Intel's plan here?.
Theo along with the rest of the openbsd team are a bunch of cunts, but it's also why SJWs could never possibly take over OpenBSD compared to FreeBSD.
You realize Intel is one of the main contributors to the kernel project and pays employees wages to contribute to the kernel right?
Maybe FreeBSD will finally get Hawaii GPU support.
>$250k sure isn't going to make FreeBSD competitive with Linux
Nigga, Linux can't compete with FreeBSD on storage because of ZFS.
OpenBSD is a dictatorship. Theo just bans anyone that starts shit in his project. FreeBSD is democratic, people are elected to the leadership roles.
Democracy sucks.
but Linux has ZFS
bribe is to modify freebsd to pass through the intel hardware-based backdoor
I thought Sup Forums loved dictatorships that kept undesirables out of power.
Eh, you say that, but from smartphone to big data servers basically everything is storing its data on Linux.
Apparently the equivalent filesystems and block device layer things on Linux are equally good or better...
>implying big data doesn't use proprietary database-specific filesystems that don't go through the operating system filesystem abstractions and access the disks directly
For software development a democratic structure means there's always going to be some focus put on things that aren't code. I think really the only reason anyone picks a democratic structure is that it's at least capable of peacefully changing leadership at any point. It's kinda difficult for a dictatorship to do that without some kind of infighting and likely splitting the community.
>So what's Intel's plan here?
Media coverage.
Yea, that's not the only thing they do. They still do a lot of file herding that is NOT sitting in a database, and that quite often these are actually backed on classic filesystems.
Plus, uh, even if you look at the special networked filesystems that distribute database and file / object storage to a cloud:
It's not like BSD is doing well at all with ZFS.
if dumbidia would add a cuda SASS assembler for FreeBSD I would change in a heartbeat
Good thing Theo isn't taking the bribe. CIA niggers showing that once again they compromised FreeBSD cancer
Theo is an asshole, but he's our asshole.
>using CuckBSD
>using anything non-GPL
>mentioning a license at all when you've made no significant contributions to anything
They want to backdoor BSD kernel.
FreeBSD is FLOSS even if pic related ugly faggots like to spread FUDs about Linux and GPL.
Linux won and no money or random brainlet fandom can change it.
Theo is a dumb asshole, which is unexcusable.
nintendo and sony use freebsd for their consoles, while using hardware by amd (xbox also uses amd but they use their windows shit)
i ponder why intel would grease hands
250k ha ha ha ha
Meanwhile to Anita S.
Damn when the shit is Intel going to pay me at least 500$ for spying on me for the last 5 years?
There's no such thing as free lunch when dealing with large companies with known anti-trust and anti-consumer history.
This is like me giving picket lint to a beggar
Are you auditing the code lad? Hmmm?
>giving money to open source foundations that have been taken over by sjw's
>le edgy teenager "I like social injustice" meem XDDDDDD
kill yourself nigger loving trash
Reported for hate speech.
>donates $250'000 to literally who
>still holding out on over €1 billion in antitrust fines from 2009
>what is Allwinner
>wassup bee-ess-dee, mah business niggas want to give you deez $$$
>sanks verry mush jewtel
>jusst install dis botnet and we good
>no I told u Im no hoe
>well i guess linucks ain't gonna mind givin me anotha $250,000 vault7 BJ
>luv u suga daddy
"companies taking your code" - only GPL freetards are butthurt about this
So BSD is the commie license?
This is all you have to say? BTFO
delet this
It's so they can install systemd backdoors.
Covers the yearly salary of all 25 Sup Forums BSD shills.
>Randi Harpoon
>Has anything to do with the FreeBSD project
Nice story
For 60K a year you could hire an OS Devs.
So they give that 250K for what... Let's say 3 Devs and the rest for the coffee and pizzas ?
You can hire a "coder".
Experienced dev who can handle an OS is $120k+ even if he's ideologically motivated to take this job. You can hire one for about two years.
>Has anything to do with the FreeBSD project
CoC and some bully.
Checked the pigface's shitter and seems like she gave up on abusing software developers.
If it's this easy then why would you trust any free software considering GNU/Linux is primarily developed by large corporations?
Based fish is the best meme
Why would Intel bother with software backdoors when they can easily make hardware ones?
why do retards pay over $100k people to press some keys on a keyboard? its not like thats hard work and actually worth all that money.
>The Core Infrastructure Initiative
are you offering to audit the source and report back? thanks! Could you annotate what everythings doing also so know you too arent lierin
It is, since anarchism and communism have always been two words for the same thing.
now i got curious. what are the adventages of freebsd? is it faster? i kinda hate linux but i hate bsd is still a -nix so it like done better or something?
and how?
>anarchism and communism are the same thing
>anti-government and pro-government are the same thing
You having a laugh mate?
love live theo, slayer of sjw's
>but Linux has ZFS
Linux has limited/broken ZFS
do you run a pretty secure and audited OS user? whats your excuse?
she seemed "fairly stable" until she became a linux sys admin.
Apart from an autistic dedication to adding new security mechanisms not to protect from actual potential attacks, but just for the sake of adding them, it's essentially shittier Linux that tries to leech off Linux. They're so starved for support that a couple of years ago they almost had to shut down their distribution server because they simply couldn't afford to pay for hosting anymore due to being almost completely broke.
They're so desperate for actual end user software and drivers they've long since implemented APIs so that they can run 32 bit linux software and drivers.
It's not like it works properly on FreeBSD too.
It's 250k + helping them with development
The GPL still allows Russians, Pajeets, and Chinks to steal your code